
Abbott's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Abbott's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

have you ever heard a white boy talk? they're all "Duuuuuuude, what is up broski? How about we get together later and do some meth? maybe after we can go on the internet and TROLL!"

1 point

Yeah because The christian religion is based on him and wasnr around when he was alive

1 point


first on behalf of the Ladies, i would like to thank you. you should delete all of your other arguments because this one is the one that makes me think hmmm maybe he's not an ass hole. but anyways.

Ladies Motherhood starts at conception, it is your job to protect that precious baby growing inside you.

What if i don't want my job? it sounds harsh but just think if im willing to have an abortion for WHATEVR reason i obvoiusly dont think it to be that precious now do it?

Be strong when society treats you different

i do belive that society will treat me like im a frigin hero since ya know i didn't get an abortion (i know that that is not the case because nobody cares if i have an abortion. they say they do but nobody would ever know it was me that got one)

be strong when the man decides to leave

Fuck him im a strong independent black woman that dont need no man! haha jk (i mean i am but yeah)

1 point

Great argument! i know i would chose death, because i can't even stand it when my mom gets mad at me for something i didn't do...her hating me everyday for something i couldn't control...that would give me suicidal thoughts...and Cymbalta wont be able to help that

1 point

In a collective political society such as what we live in as human beings your damn right it's our choice to say weather a woman can have or not have an abortion. People make decisions everyday that to them it's a personal decision but fail to realize as a society it affects everyone.

You sound like an ass do you mean it's our choice to say whether a woman can have an abortion...fuck you it's actually not you or anybody else's decision its her and her boyfriend/husband's decision if she has one. not yours. i don't even understand where you think at ALL that is your place. and how does whether or not a woman aborts her child effect you...if it weren't for the protests and what not...would you even know that that's where your less the 1% if your tax money goes? and if it weren't for the fact that your money goes toward it would you even care? NO! don't lie and answer yes just think to your self..if i didn't know that less than 1% of my taxes goes to planed parenthood...would i care

1 point

I agree with you on that point because yours makes sense. you should talk to the rest of the people on your side because their thinking of automaticly acusing the women of wrong doing is bull shit

Abbott(158) Clarified
1 point

masturbation in not illegal for any couple as it has a potential of creating a human. so, as pregnancy is also a potentiality of creating a human why we treat it in different way


Why was masturbation even brought up is has nothing to do with abortion at all?

and and pregnancy...well IDK about you but i was told that was the ONLY way of creating a human...maybe everybody else is wrong? ( doubt it though )

if somebody is raped and is not enough mature to take care of the child then what?

If you are raped it's not your maturity that makes you not want the child ass hole it's the fact that being raped is a horrible experience and having to take care you basically your rapists' child every day is, to me, as disgusting and unbearable as the rape itself because everyday your forced to remember it. (some women can do it though and BIG ups to them)

some body is not financially sufficient to take care of another baby and by any chance she is pregnant so what

THAT is the case where is think abortion is not okay. You knew damn well before getting pregnant that you weren't financially stable (Seriously unless you lost all you money while pregnant you KNEW before)

I used to live in the projects and bitches be trippin having children just to get Dem Checks. Yeah, your gonna have a hard life but aborting your kid? No...Hell No. you need to struggle maybe then you'll learn to keep your legs closed unless you can pay for what comes you when you don't...Nuff Said

1 point

OMG I WAS WATCHING THAT WITH MY MOM LAST NIGHT!!!! i was ROLLING!!! too funny. and yeah people are pretty stupid...but hey luckily we have Asians (haha jk jk)

4 points

this is close but Harry Potter was amazing all the way.

if we are talking about the books then i cant really say cuz i didn't read em don't judge i grew up on the movies so in 4th grade when i had the abilty to read the books i didn't want to cuz i knew what was gonna hapen...but i couldn't put the hunger games books down soo...

Mockingjay's ending seemed totally rushed. It seems like it took 10 minutes to write

SO IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!! i was soooo mad about it! liiiiike ugh WTF BITCH WRITE THE FUCKIN BOOK RIGHT!! (as u can tell im still a little bitter ;))

1 point

voting was created so that people didnt have to be forced to do anything they didnt want too...making it mandatory would defeat the porous

2 points

if your kid is so lame and not cool that he doesn't fit in society then he should be told that, repeatedly. FFK

If your kid is so lame and not cool that he needs to TROLL on the internet and be a dumbass the he should be told that, repeatedly. STFU

1 point

No, love your kid how they are, kids with special needs are just as human as the rest of us

idk about everyone else that is on that same side as me but i agree with you 100%

but you have to think not everyone agrees with us. and kids are mean...evil sometimes. they don't care how compassionate your kid is they just want to get a few laughs and make themselves feel better than somebody else...its disgusting.

and sometimes they are the most compassionate people out there.

They are the most compassionate people out there. they give the best hugs in the world too ;) i swear i pass by a kid with D.S. and i have even a hint of a frown on my face...haha i get a hug that will brighten the darkest of days :D

1 point


My friend Matt has Down Syndrome and i love that kid to death!

but honestly if my kid was going to be Special i would abort it because

i actually got into a fight (well it was a two hit altercation that COULD have been an all out brawl...yeah i was that pissed) because some little baby back bitch thought he could push Matt around. he pushed him into a locker and called him mean shit like Re-Re and Radio, he said things like Why do you talk like that! WTF you can't speak right dumb ass? I could have killed that kid! no one should have to go through that being a kid is hard enough, and being made fun of for something u cant control...its sickening to see. idk what i'd do if my kid had to go through that. so yes i would abort my kid if i KNEW s/he was going to be special sorry but it's true.

1 point

I agree with all except one of your three points....the last one

acronyms started being used when people had those phones with the "Old Skool" keyboard you know the ones with the numbers and then each number had like 3 or 4 letters and you had to hit the key pad like four times to get a "s" but if you hit it 5 times then you had to start over phone with the full key board broke and i had to go back to my old phone with the old skool key board...I thank GOD for acronyms! :)

but point "A" that you mad is sooooo true. thats why i hate LOL

1 point

You are so...i can't even...your just an ignorant idiot.

No woman has a right to end another life to avoid responsibility... They should be shot if they do!

never in my life have i read something so...

I almost want to cry...because it is disappointing that you think thats all an abortion is about... If a woman was raped...she doesn't want to be reminded of it every day... and some men actuly decide that they don't want their wife to give birth to a child that was concieved out of rape. it's not always that she doesm't want the responsiblity but you wouldnt know because your a man...leave it to the women to decide because men get plesure out of creating a child...thats it. woman get pleusre for that short peiriod of time and then the next 9 months of her life are hell. so shut up about shit you dont know

2 points

from wikipedia not the best source but whatever: a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests in regulating abortions: protecting prenatal life and protecting women's health. Arguing that these state interests became stronger over the course of a pregnancy

Thats the right decision! Obviously when the fetus becomes an actual baby and it's like 3 weeks b4 the due date the mother shouldnt be able to kill it off then...but in the beging before it is a baby when it is just a fetus HELL YEAH if i don't want it i give it back to its prevous owner Da LAWD hahaha naw but really

Abbott(158) Clarified
1 point

OKAY GUYS BREAK IT UP this argument is about abortion take the Religon talk to the debate down the hall ;)

0 points


Doctors can not FORCE someone to give up their organs're right Doctors can not FORCE someone to give up their organs, police can not FORCE someone to give up their organs, the law can not FORCE someone to give up their organs.

SO given ALL THAT! lets say im prego...but i don't want to be prego...because i was raped(some thing that is illegal and should be reported.) but i don't want to have this kid but in this world abortion is illegal (thats what u want right for it to be seen as murder) so i will be forced to share my organs with somebody i don't even WANT around!

2 points

WOA! okay for a while the fetus has gills. No mammal can exist without lungs sooooo... i guess now they arnt even considered HUMAN! but no im not going to go that far because im not that ignorant

1 point

A fetus could not live out side of the womb not in its current state of fetus...ness (haha dont judge) im just saying, for a while that fetus has gills...making it a fish

1 point

So what about when doctors take patients off life support...they were at the end of their life...and the doctors ended it...murder is murder right...WRONG

1 point

Thats a good point. very good im actluy surprised at the argument thumbs up for that...but my counter is that that family was expecting a baby( even if they were thinking about abortion the law doesnt go that deep into you life so it doesnt matter) so in that situation Yes, it is double murder One life and one potential life.

1 point

I get tired of hearing women say it's my body, my choice.

okay so you're a man

Well after you become pregnant it's NO longer just your body, your choice. What about your baby's body and choice

I'm sorry but uhh..."my baby"'s body is INSIDE my body. Remember, my house my rules. in this case MEN don't have a house so they should shut up sit down and let the WOMEN figure this out.

To those women that say it's my body, my choice, why is it fair you had a chance at life, but you refuse to afford your baby the same chance at life.

To the men that want to give their input on my life...STFU. this baby was conceived out of RAPE, INCEST, or will KILL ME if i have it... just think if that baby is born. i will hate it. because it will be a constant reminder of the wrongs that were done to me. then abuse will start. and that baby would wish s/he were dead! is that anyway for a child to live?

but honestly all that shit you said is IMMEDIATELY shut down by the simple fact that you are a man and should not get to chose what happens with a woman's body Bottom line!

2 points

YEAH! plus it's time for a little stabilty in this country! we cant keep changing every thing! Thats why we didnt change our president. haha

1 point

Hmmm...Idk joe thoes blue eyed folk seem to be poping up every where nowa days. Hey SlashinatorX! since ur an expert on contamination by you think thats where all the blue eyes are coming from too? Plz STFU And stop being a homophobe!

And homosexality is most DEFINTLY NOT A CHOICE! 90%(rough numbers) of gay people say they didnt choes it. and the other 10% are more than likely bi sexual ;)

3 points

THERE YOU GO UNCLE JOE! ;) (ur signature winky...i can borrow that right?)

1 point

YES WE DO! OMG its annoying! i can't wait until we realize that if we keep using that care it will eventuly loes its meaning

2 points

HELL NO! just think about it with me for a second...21 is the legal DRINKING AGE! and idk about you but i've already been told that most 21 year olds drink ALOT just because they u really want DRUNK you ;)

Drunk voters for drunk a America does NOT approve this message but thats fine because no one should approve of them!

2 points

Yes it does come naturally to us...but that doesn't make it right.

1 point

Yeah i do. sometimes i even argue with myself...NOT OUT LOUD! you know what i when i reaaaaally want to do something but i know i shouldn't

1 point

Love is love, yeah it might be difficult but if you really love that person you'll make it work. Love conquers all!

1 point

I LOVE TO FOLD I MEAN IM BLACK SO I GET THE CHEAPEST SHIZ MY MA CAN FIND so if i crumple that ill have shiz all over the place plus when i take a dump I TAKE A DUMP dont get me wrong i dont all ways blow up the place but if i do u should stay out for about 35 - 45 minuts or more so imaging crupling that TP up then having to rewipe WTF i hav to et some mo tp and cruple that up then repeat untill my butt aint sticky then i gotta do like an EXTREAM HAND WASH FOR ABOUT 30 MINS HAVING TO SMELL WHAT I CREATED NOT btw this is my sissys acount not mines shell be bck lata

1 point

U are talking about a moral reason which in america doesn't have any rule in the law. LEGALY there is nothing wrong with same sex marriage. and realy it shouldn't be illegal!

Now moraly i still disagree im 13 so im part of the be who u r and flip off any one that says different (jk). But realy i think man (humans) have reached their quota for babys black ppl and asians (mostly chinese) hav made sure of that (the black part isn't racist because im black and i KNOW we have way to many babys! and the chinese thing is true) so if a woman wants to screw around with another let it be so long as they BOTH want to do it and the same for 2 men. :D

1 point

what the hell are u talking about that doesnt even make sense! how could a hole bunch of gay ppl make a whole contry go in debt like realy that one didnt make since and why are u against agys so much like this debate had nothing to do with gays at all

1 point

"HEY DONT CALL ME STUPID!" ha ha jk i know what is going to happen in 2012 every one that paid thousands (some times millions) of bucks on a bunker are gonna feel dumb and get mad and sue peopl thus wasting more money and the the economy will get better:D but realy i agree 99.999999999% with u. and mabey some one should play a joke on somebody and set fireworks around there house or something that would be funny:D

1 point

Yepit is well i think it is the group is call one million moms or something like that so idk

1 point

It is but i think they (the oreo ppl) just ment it as a joke not realy ment to be taken siriusly because i mean realy who would hav thought that some moms would hav thought that hard about why they should like the phrase "shut the front door" like for rizels my shizels :D

1 point

ikr but i think that the oreo thing is even less of something to get pissed about because i mean i love to play assassin but moms are against anything that has voilince (so they end up missing out on a alot of cool stuff)

1 point

haha i already do i mean when u gotta go ya gotta go and id rather not go in my pants just saying

1 point

wtfudge is a sham is it like an old ppls word (no offense if u ar indeed old) for scam or rip off or mabey U JUST GOT FUDGED (im using fudge as a substitute for the f word if u havnt noticed)

1 point

I would diffinitely be out there on wall street being like GOD BLESS AMERICA AND DEVIL BLESS CHINA jk i love asians but no world war would star we cant blame sombody else cuz we dont kno when to stop trusting the chinese (once again jk)

1 point

damn joe u took the words right of my keybord i was just about to type that like i was hoping one day i would wake up and be able to grow wings or at least pass my spanish class like if i could evolve to a portirican that would be awsome

1 point

go ahead share the road with them it there fault if my big monster truck chews theyr ass up tho ha ha

1 point

I think calling in gay is funnier but like u said u dont want to associate being gay with being sick but a day with out a gay sounds like something so stupid ass homophobe would say like christ jesus:D but fo realz it should be called HAHA BITCHES TRY GOING A DAY WITH BEING "FABOLUS!!" (im gonna use ur famous wink for that one) ;)

1 point

OK so im 13 and i think i get what the question means but again im 13 so dont laugh if im way off.



a 2008 poll of 17 countries, 15% of those surveyed believed the US government was responsible for the attacks, 7% believed Israel was and another 7% believed some other perpetrator, other than al Qaeda, was responsible. The poll found that Arabs were more likely to believe 9/11 conspiracy theories

THOES 15% are fudging stupid like fo realz but idk


1 point

i disagree i dont kno u or ur friend but she was weak while she was doing it but having the will to stop made her strong not she she is a pussy tho but ur weak if u even think u can beat (or cut) ur self but i do understand that it would help u (well kinda) see i saw this comercial that had this girl on there and she was like i cut myself to make sure i can still feel and i was at a low point in my life before and when u hurt that bad u go numb (i never cut myself tho becuase ... i mean ow!!) but anyways ur friend was weak good news SHES NOT ANYMORE YAY THRO A PARTY

1 point

what the fuck is ur problem and why wernt u banned! realy u need help

1 point

WHT THE HELL IM GLAD UR BANNED BITCH UR A FAGGOT AS RETARD (i dont mean faggot in the ways every one else does)

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