
Ahmed-ashraf's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ahmed-ashraf's arguments, looking across every debate.

Personally I think that Manhatten is the greatest city in the world. I mean, I know I haven't traveled all over the world, but I definitely love Manhatten and Boston. Those are my two favorite cities and they are amazing!

18 years old is the best age to protect our society from teenagers, if people who drives younger than 18 we would have many of accidents problems ,which affect our lives and society

everyone's too busy whining about how they were mistreated to rebuild. If they took as much time rebuilding as they did scamming the government, it'd be fixed by now. Tehy're going to be moaning about mistreatment forever.

I just don't like the idea of having to be X-rayed without being injured... I don't know if anyone else has been in a hospital for an x-ray, but I'm sure they don't cover your body with lead for no reason.

Most the time no. But it really depends on the weight. Like 250 is not enough for them to be able to do that. But 350, yeah that's two people right there lol.

But the definition is "Women with the morals of a man." So in the context, men are the epitome of what women sparsely be.

As a physics major, and as a man of self-proclaimed common sense, seat belts are definitely helpful. The force involved in car collisions is far more than our brittle bodies typically can stand. Seat belts might not be the greatest conceivable safety device, but they are the best thing we have to date.

I will probably just start carrying on as much as I can. Of course, if I'm traveling with my golf clubs I will have to check those going forward and fork up the extra $15, but I will definitely not be happy about it

Well I don't think the education we receive from the US school system is worth the name, some of the UCs around here are pretty crackin, and I highly recommend them to anyone trying to have a good time. =D

This may be an exception if the baby has to go to another country and do certain operations... (go to the operation theater) This is an emergency case...

We landed on the moon! It's way bigger than the Hoover Dam!


The Founding Documents

The various medical advancements

The Internet

Old Navy

Damn, I forgot about that. Maybe we can have trains to the Niagara Falls region, but not outbound trains.

Ridiculous! Why should the company have to suffer a fall in sales revenue and profit because the people who buy the product can't use a bin? It should be the person littering that is punished not the company who produced the good being littered

well done america for wanting to take action on protecting your citizens. what we need now is england and other countries to follow this.

Traveling is better because then you get a chance to do all these exotic chicks from all over the world ;)

Um let me think about that for a minute. Yeeesssssssss! That would be the adventure of a lifetime!

Medical tourists usually need surgon and doctor specialist. It will encourage medical student choose to be that kind of doctor rather than a primary care doctor. It's not a good for this field at all.

I believe that when you reach a certain age (18 I presume), you should choose whether or not you want to wear a seatbelt. Everyone knows the consequences, and if you decide you don't want to wear one, that's a personal choice.

I believe that when you reach a certain age (18 I presume), you should choose whether or not you want to wear a seatbelt. Everyone knows the consequences, and if you decide you don't want to wear one, that's a personal choice.

Of course yes ,,, because we need break to bake better.........

Of course ,,,,,, because it is more comfortable and funny

I think they should for economic purposes.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I will go my country ((((Egypt)))),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Of course because it safe our life and without it we will be in a dangerous situation

No because many people see this event

and it is very funny

I think we should ban this game because it is very violent game

Of course because it is very dangerous and without helmets people can die

Of course yes , because they need to get fun by playing sports

I think football is better than basketball because football is a popular game

Of course no because it help our bodies and it's very funny

players like Ronaldo can play when they arrive 45

so it is not need to make a law

Of course yes because it is so funny ..... so it a great sport

No they shouldn't play because it will be lazy because we know who will win

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
1 point

thank yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou siiiiiiiiir.....

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
1 point

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
1 point

thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
1 point

thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk youuu siiiiiiiiiiiiir ,,,,,,,

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
4 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
4 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
2 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
2 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
2 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
1 point

thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
3 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
2 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
3 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
6 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

Ahmed-ashraf(127) Clarified
11 points

I agree with you , but some people born bad because if we born good some people will be perfect and they will not have any problems

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