
Alima's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Alima's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Absolutely. Dependence or independence of woman depends only on herself, neither on marriage, nor on a husband.

1 point

Can I just check I have understood - did you say that computers steal our personal time? Yes, some of you said. So, why do you spend your spare time in front of computers' monitor typing your arguments?

In addition, computers make our life easier because they give us such a wonderful opportunity to discuss this interesting question.

2 points

Yes, you are right computers may steal our personal time. But if they steal, it means that we allow them to steal. If we used computers only for work or education, we would not be able to say that they steal. By the way, this "stolen time" is spent mostly in social networks and watching films online, isn't it?

1 point

It means that Internet (see computers) made it possible for you to meet. Hence, computers bring happiness to your life. So, how can we say that computers steal our personal time? Or, our personal time is stolen by marriage?! Of course, no! Consequently, computers make our life easier. At least they brought love in somebody's life. That's great.

By the way, there are a lot of people who met thanks to computers. For instance, according to statistics, in the USA 15% of marriages are binded by couples who met in social networks. Moreover, their number is increasing.

1 point

Could you expand a bit on what you were saying about own territory? So you mean that this territory should be controlled only by ourselves?

1 point

Gigalink, what did you mean when you said about full scope of any issue?

1 point

Yes, I agree. For example, Greengard alleges that the Uzbekistani government blocks sites that contain the information about corruption or the authoritarian regime in the country.

1 point

I would like to add that Faris and Villeneuve (2008) in their book "Measuring Global Internet Filtering" indicate that Myanmar, United Arab Emirates, Syria and Vietnam block Skype and other inexpensive international Internet-based telephone service providers, because they are rivals of governmental telecommunications companies. Additionally, Tong (2009) in his article "3 main reasons why the Chinese government blocks popular social Websites" points out that the Chinese government blocks Google for the success of Baidu, Wikipedia for success of Hoodong, Blogger for success of Blogcn, YouTube for success of Youku.

1 point

Yes, that is right. I am certain that the government may ban certain Web sites to help government-controlled businesses. For example, Greengard (2010) in his article "Censored!" published in Communications of the ACM states that the Chinese government blocks YouTube and Twitter to create auspicious conditions for their Chinese knockoffs, which are controlled by the Chinese authorities.

1 point

Barack Obama said: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” This quote illustrates that a person may change himself or herself.

1 point

Yes, that's true. As it was said by John Lilly: "Our only security is our ability to change".

1 point

I see what you mean that to build career we need to be strong and work hard. But I do not say that if a person follows fashion, he or she will particularly "build career, become famous, become a star". By saying that fashion "gives people a chance to build career", I do not mean that fashion is the only requirement of becoming successful. Because that is not true.

I say that people may become successful, famous or rich "because of their belonging to fashion industry". I am sure that it is possible. Moreover, there are a lot of such examples. For instance, Libby Banks in her article "Watch: A girl called Bip" published in The Huffington Post on the 31st of October in the year 2011 tells the story of Bip Ling who became a star, started to work with Vogue and other respectable fashion magazines, because of her "belonging to fashion industry". Of course, she did not work hard, she would not achieve it, but she would achieve it without fashion industry too.

1 point

Yes, you are absolutely right. Your attitude to fashion trends is health, because you can distinguish what you really like, hence, you will wear it and what you do not like. However, there are people who are dependent from fashion. I am interested in what you can say about it.

2 points

Yes, I agree with you. Marriage is a kind of tribute to a person we love, it is a symbol of deep devotion and trust.

1 point

I take the view that students should have homework after school, university etc. The explanation for it is that homework gives students practice, practice improves their skills. Without homework students will come home and do nothing useful for and connected with their education, they will just watch TV or play computer games. Then they will return to school and waste their time, because without experience gained through homework they will not be able to obtain knowledge.

1 point

Yes, that is true. I think that time is the greatest cause of changes in people's lives. The reason for it is that as time goes, we become older, we graduate from schools, enter universities, get jobs, build careers... People around us change, our experience grows, subsequently, we change. As we are getting older, we become more or less confident, rich or poorer, stronger or weaker.

1 point

I would like to add that fashion is important, because it is a source of great opportunities. It gives people a chance to build career and wake up famous because of their belonging to fashion industry. A lot of talented and creative fashion bloggers became Internet stars by expressing their attitudes to fashion trends in their electronic diaries. For example, fashion blog called Dream Girls. I would like to highlight that thanks to fashion industry ordinary people without any pull and protection have chances to become successful.

Moreover, fashion may have a positive impact on people's lives. Nowadays it became fashionable to maintain healthy life style, to give up smoking, to stop using drugs and drinking alcohol. For instance, fashion inspires teenagers to go in for sports by examples of fashion icons who play football, tennis or golf.

0 points

Yes, you are quite right. Fashion is an essential instrument for showing the world who we really are, how beautiful we are both outside and inside, how we can choose smart and stylish clothes from a heap of rags, how we can deliver ourselves. Thereby I agree with your point of view that fashion is important.

0 points

Absolutely! I'd say that people should follow fashion and in the same time choose only that trends that suit and adorn them, that express their individuality and highlight their sense of taste.

1 point

I take your point. There are a lot of fashionable but uncomfortable clothes, shoes, haircuts, bags etc. For example, famous Lady Gaga's shoes designed by Alexander McQueen. There are pictures of these shoes on the following link. I believe that they are very uncomfortable.

On the other hand, both fashionable and comfortable clothes exist too! For instance, leather jackets or ugg boots.

Supporting Evidence: Lady Gaga's shoes designed by Alexander McQueen (
0 points

That's what I think. Fashion and mind cannot be compared to each other, because they are values of various kinds.

1 point

Yes, you are absolutely right. There is no doubt that these examples of famous people who changed themselves may inspire other people to change too. In addition, sometimes it is enough just to change our minds.

1 point

I am persuaded that a person may change himself or herself. Moreover, I would say that a person must change himself or herself.

All of us are not perfect. But we should not just admit this fact and do nothing about it. We should try to improve our lives, fight with our bad habits, make something good and eradicate shortcomings.

1 point

Absolutely. Moreover spring gives us an opportunity to feel that something new is coming. So we feel inspiration to change our lives in a better way!

2 points

That's what I think. Furthermore, people may relax after a long working day watching their favorite soap operas in the evening. Additionally, these soap operas may teach viewers something good. For example, serial "Desperate Housewives" teaches how to find a way out of the impasse. Moreover, serial "Lie to me House" teaches how to identify lie and cope with it.

1 point

Yes, I agree. Of course, fashion is important, but some people go too far. They become dependent from trends and become addicted to fashion.

1 point

I don't see how you can say that fashion is not important. OK, I agree fashion is less important than mind but it is still important.

0 points

It seems obvious to me that fashion is important.

First of all, fashion is art. For example, when designers are developing their collections of clothing, they work hard and seek inspiration as real painters. So, designers become artists.

Secondly, fashion is profitable business. A lot of people buy clothes for double or even triple price just because it was made by popular brand like Prada or Dior.

Finally, fashion is a whole industry. Fashion provides models, designers, photographers, fashion magazines editors and journalists with workplaces and income.

1 point

It seems to me that school lunches are to high. For example, in my school the cost of juice was more expensive than in ordinary grocery stores for approximately 15%. However, it was only for high school pupils, And in Almaty (Kazakhstan) all primary schools pupils have lunches for free.

1 point

To me, spring is better, because spring anticipates summer!

3 points

Television programming has both good and bad sides. Of course, it may have a bad influence on children. On the other hand, TV became a part of our daily lives and we can do nothing to stop watching it. Moreover, TV can teach people how to cook or how to make a repair. In addition, we can enjoy watching football matches or Oscar awarding ceremony when we have no opportunity to watch it live. To conclude, I believe that television programming is good.

1 point

Of course, education is a good way to stop corruption, but it is not the only. Corruption should stopped by a number of factors, for example, by the toughening of punishments for both who give bribe and who take it.

1 point

Yes, you are absolutely right. Using Microsoft Word really simplifies our lives. For instance, we can edit only a certain part of the text instead of typing the hole text again. Moreover, using spreadsheets, like Microsoft Excel, allows us to easily count money or raw products needed for some business. Furthermore, Microsoft Power Point is very good for creating presentations with all its visual aids to persuade audience or to demonstrate something.

1 point

Yes, that's true, but I am not sure that knowing the full scope of any issue is always good.

1 point

This video describes Internet censorship around the world.

GOOD: Internet Censorship
1 point

I see what you mean, but parents cannot protect their children from the array of indecent or violent Internet content. Parents can sometimes control the information their children face, but they cannot control 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. This is physically unreal. Hence, government should get Internet rid of indecent content to help parents to bring up children, to protect citizens.

1 point

Of course, it is up to each Internet user whether to believe any kind of information or not. But there are some users who cannot separate the wheat from the chaff. For example, children. We cannot say that it is their own fault. It would be our fault that we did not protected them from "bad" information, that we did not censored the Internet's content.

1 point

The Internet's content viewed by children should be censored. There are a lot of things like murder, violence, torture that are not good for them to see. If they see it, they will consider it being normal. If they consider it being normal, they will repeat it in the real life. For example, there were some cases, when brothers or sisters started to beat their siblings after watching fights in the cartoons.

1 point

I think that 21.12.2012 is not the end and it is not the beginning. It is just a myth, supported and spread by a number of movies, Internet videos, articles and other not reliable sources. It is just a new way to make money, for example, by purchasing these movies. If there is the end of the world, people will know its date only when it comes.

1 point

To my mind, driving age should be increased up to 18 for a number of reasons.

Firstly, increasing driving age will reduce a number of drivers who are from 16 to 18. Hence, possible air pollution from their cars will be eliminated.

Secondly, teenagers at 16 are much less reliable and mature than at 18. Of course, it depends on a personality, but in most cases this statement is true.

Thirdly, increasing driving age will reduce a number of drivers, and subsequently, a number of car accidents.

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