
AlofRI's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AlofRI's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That's why I left this site, EXCON, too many forked tongues!

Hi, good buddy! I'm still here (at 87), still smarter than many Repubs! GO JOE!

3 points

There are many who don't pay taxes who then go out and INFLUENCE the vote! This is what shouldn't be allowed! Many of these are in the "Fortune 500"!

Sure, they SAY they pay taxes, but if they do it's like the government saying "Hey, mister, (or Ms), can you spare a dime?" (Or maybe, go to the SCOTUS and REALLY "invest" in some influence, hmmm?) (I mean RATHER than pay taxes ;-)

2 points

Well, my mother was baptized @ 96 .... then she died. (Just sayin').

I think it's a useless thing to an entity that doesn't exist, but I'll defend the right of anyone to practice (not demand) it.

2 points

First of all, there are NO "patriots" that would have ANYTHING to do with shutting down Mara-Lago to prevent the legal extraction of the traitor Trump! There has never been President as GUILTY as rump of SO MANY CRIMINAL OFFENCES, and I hope there never will be again! I hope this time the coup is AGAINST RUMP and his brand of FASCIST GOVERNMENT!

2 points

Not NEARLY as dangerous as the FOX-type misinformation that spews such crap!

*rump has said several times that these same crapolas WILL be made if he is elected again .... soooo ... what's more the danger????

A wise man once said, "You can't fix STUPID!"

1 point

It depends on what you call a "GUN". NOBODY should own an "ASSAULT WEAPON", and nobody should take these picky definitions OF an assault weapon seriously!

Any weapon capable of mass murder in a few moments is NOT a sporting weapon, NOT a necessary "protection weapon". You can make all the excuses you want for this message of "common sense", but, that only makes the saying "YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID" more relevant!

2 points

It's obvious that so many Republican gun owners, by their own admission, are 'mentally ill" that it is more important than ever. Still, every time the Dems try to make it more available and affordable, the mentally handicapped on the right try to "shoot it down"! It seems they especially don't want anyone messing with the "psycho" part. I could understand this from a "psycho" point of view, if I was psycho, but it makes little sense to us normal folk. But then, they do put people like MTG and Beobert in charge of important committees, that's WHY mental healthcare is more important than ever!

0 points

OR, I'll remind you, Republican. This win was colossal! (You can tell by the TWIMPOTUS'S rage!) ("chuckle")!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

Well, we certainly wouldn't want the "second coming of the lord", now, would we?

I am an atheist, proudly! I don't fear this "second coming" as you seem to. I am also proudly, a person who believes in Freedom of Religion, as long as it doesn't lead to problems. The problem is, with Christianity and some other religions, it frequently does. MOST frequently! Evangelicals trying to take over America and turn it into something it wasn't intended to be is a good example! They fear their "God" so much that they have twisted their Bible, and Jesus, every which way but loose!

You live your way, I'll live mine! I recently died and was brought back, I have no fear of dying. It's peaceful. It doesn't have people like YOU in it .... peaceful.

3 points

Big Pharma wasn't served much since they were all FREE! They made their money off of the insurance companies and Medicare. (the Medicare the Repugs want to cancel)!

I had only ONE light case of covid a couple of months ago. I had ALL my shots and boosters, thankfully! NO thanks to the idiotic suggestions of Clorox and horse medicine or blue lights suggested by the medical genius "Dr. *rump"!

2 points

I'd trust Biden alone with my WIFE OR my teenage daughter! He doesn't have the reputation of the DON or any of his siblings! I wouldn't trust ANY of THEM with my CAT!

1 point

For FOX NEWS, Newsmax, etc., "HATERS" above, You have swallowed more Kool-Aid than anyone should imbibe in a lifetime! Though you likely believe "The election was stolen" (Even though that has been shot down by every Republican/Dem Judge it has come up against) and that "Dems drink baby's blood!" and other ridiculous fantasies, you still claim sanity, you are STILL as NUTS as MTG! If you win this election it's GOODBYE DEMOCRACY and life as we know (have known) it! It's goodbye to freedom of ANY kind (except what the "leader" convinces you you HAVE)! NO authoritarian government has EVER been popular except with a few "elite" that still have to "watch their step"! How many "friends" of Putin have "mysteriously" fallen from buildings in the last year or so? Or suffered other "accidents"? If that's the life you want, so be it! As for Jews, good luck! If you behave according to the NEW rules

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