
Anomally's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Anomally's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I wouldn't get too concerned about a man who will be 80 years old at the end of 2 terms. What's he going to steal one, maybe two terms in liberal make believe world? You libs are nutjobs.

1 point

It wasn't Trump that made the comments. Are the democrats so desperate that they need to attack the subordinates?

2 points

It wasn't Trump that made the comments. Are the democrats so desperate that they need to attack the subordinates?

1 point

The right doesn't like liberals because they act like Nazis. No one is seriously afraid of the average conservative because conservatives by nature tend to not be vindictive, rebellious, control freaks like leftists.

0 points

The Bible said you'd say that.

4 points

Pretty sad Excon when a guy who acts demon possessed and goes on giant F bomb rants is your hero. So far your list of heroes are noted Jew killers and haters, Communists, and an F bomb child. At least you can now die in peace. I couldn't live with myself personally.

1 point

Foreign whites are still white. America has 50 million blacks that think the police force are Nazis. Tell me how you plan on disarming them, much less the Mexican and Muslim gangs.

1 point

But I don't agree public school is simply government indoctrination


1 point

Most school shooters are public schooled atheists. You ready to do some outlawing?

2 points

Most school shooters and mass shooters weren't and were atheists. Just sayin.

2 points

Obama was dumb and really really oh so dumb at the same time so anything is possible.

1 point

False. There are no rednecks in Kansas. Only girls in blue dresses with red slippers with little black dogs. Can't fool me.

1 point

I think the Urantians think he was born in Urantia. Seriously.

Supporting Evidence: The Urantia Book cover (
1 point

It depends what it is. If the hazing is you have to drink 5 shots of Crown, I'm in. If it's wearing no clothes, trapping the dean in her office and covering her body in jello.. Shit I'm still in.

4 points

I'd prefer to keep Trump so we aren't taken over by drug dealing Mexicans.

1 point

How is building a wall between you & another country, the takeover of that country?

1 point

Name anyone that Trump has nuked, genocided, killed, shot, or almost killed.

1 point

Fake equivalency. Saying capitalism worked under the Nazis destroys your anti capitalism theme regardless of an ad hominem attempt by attaching it to Nazism.

0 points

Just think about how stupid what you are saying is. How did people advertise before the mediums even existed with which to reach an audience?

1. They reached an audience on a smaller scale through word of mouth, signs, and by yelling at crowded markets.

2. You say that Fascism couldn't have existed before the word was "coined" by Mussolini. Same logic applies here. There was a time when the word and concept "capitalism" had not been coined.

1 point

Then wouldn't they just go back in time & keep changing it until it turned how they wanted?

1 point

They are all faked. Anyone with eyes and a brain could see that Sandy Hook was fake.

With the Florida school shooting, the shooter vanished into the crowd of kids and "was found somewhere away from the school". The FBI "knew about him", but didn't nail him? The victims' bodies were "still in the school" well after the fact. Yeah right.

1 point

There's a little bit of wank going on, a little bit of wank going on.

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