
Another-Alt's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Another-Alt's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Batman, you are flat out insane. You are literally dangerously mad. Please don't ever have children.

No proven mistakes of Jesus shown here, just conjecture but conjecture is not proof. No logical arguments presented just opinions. Opinion statements are not facts. But hey, it got you 6 points‼️

The pure irony. Prove Jesus even existed.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

He abandoned the site once he'd destroyed it for everyone else.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Hmmm, Bronto's alt army could you clarify? You only joined 166 days again and I don't remember any Bronto nor army.

I'm not sure how anybody could read my username and fail to conclude that perhaps this isn't my first account, but then again you are a shockingly unintelligent clown.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

In my opinion, based on the site's recent activity, or lack of it, CD needs to fine tune its format or become extinct.

It absolutely does, but I fear Andy has simply abandoned the site. It has been an exceptionally long time since he's written anything, and he's stopped even turning up to ban people.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

Was site's achilles heel the ease with which members could acquire alts enabling them to ''down-vote'' opposing opinions into oblivion?

It was definitely a major factor I think, because it dissuaded most new members from even bothering to participate. The problem was ultimately Bronto, because he was the one dominating the site with hundreds of alts. When I first arrived here the only two choices were: don't argue with his insane neo-fascist point of view or create your own army of alts. Most people would have chosen the former, but being half-mad myself, I stuck around and lowered myself to the same behaviour. I've wasted many a night in pointless voting wars with the guy.

Loathing was definitely a factor, as it is in most places where politics is discussed. The report feature was also abused a lot, because after a while online political discussions tend to devolve into trying to have the people who disagree with you banned.

Unfortunately buddy, I think forever lost are the early days of the internet, where tolerance was high and censorship was an unforgivable crime.

2 points

Would it be constructive if we tried to analyse why the forum has reached nadir?

I think you've mostly covered it buddy. When I first got here the biggest problem was Bronto's alt army, which he was using to hijack anything opposed to his far right politics, but then random advertisers began to creep onto the platform and they've completely taken over. I don't believe in censorship, but there has to be limits to what people are allowed to do otherwise this is the result.

5 points

It's 90 percent advertising. Back when I first joined it was already on its last legs as a platform, but even the diehard trolls have left. If you scroll through the debate list it's genuinely hard to find anything which could be construed as a debate.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
2 points

Excon is about as Jewish as the Dalai Lama. He literally just lies for clout.

2 points

It must be difficult having the brainpower of an avocado.

Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

Eats pork.

Pretends to be Jewish.

Good one retard. Tell us another.

Zimmerman is not guilty, period. Deal with it, you reality-challenged retard.

You don't decide reality you stupid fucking pedo. You seem to be very confused about that.

Juror says Zimmerman 'got away with murder'

The woman, who is part Hispanic and was identified in court as juror B29, said she would have liked to convict Zimmerman of murdering Martin but her hands were tied by a lack of evidence.

Oh, look at that. I was right. Maybe you should fuck off back to the KKK with the rest of your buddies you worthless fucking nonce.

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