
Antrim's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Antrim's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Any racially motivated innuendos made by a jungle Bunny employee of the fake news trafficking media corporation, MSNBC must be consigned to the sewers without any review .

As soon as I see an innuendo I whip it out.

-1 points

Is that what the Nazis taught you to say during your indoctrination classes?


-1 points

Hi Nom, howzitgoin in your surreal world of the Third Reich?

Does your nurse know you're using the institute's computer?

Antrim(1287) Clarified
1 point

Hi Outlaw.

If a viewpoint is insufficiently robust to withstand challenges then it isn't worth presenting.

Quashing arguments contrary to your own perspective only serves to highlight the implausible rationale of your stated standpoint.

3 points

Hey guys, Nom's annoyed that his wooden leg has been infested with woodworm again so he has unleashed his rampaging hordes of alts to down vote everyone.

The underlying weakness of this site is that dirtballs such as The Nom can decide whose posts are displayed and which ones get down voted into oblivion.

Kinda pointless even bothering trying to participate.

3 points

This is so sadly true.

The smoke from the El Paso massacre had not had time to clear before Obama was soullessly using this dreadful human disaster to advance his political ideology by stabbing his political opponent in the back with a knife which was, figuratively speaking, still dripping with the blood of the El Paso victims.

Obama's act of uncontrolled heartlessness displayed this silver tongued ex President for the ruthless ruffian he is.

1 point

God escaped from Lianfairpwllgwyngyll.

In welsh that means;- St., Mary's church in the hollow of the white hazel near to the fierce whirlpool of St, Tysilio of the red cave.

Got it?

3 points

I've heard from a reliable source that the Loony Left Progressives are lobbying for the White House to be painted Black and renamed.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
1 point

Hi Outlaw, thanks for the backup, but it's only poor old broken down Nom.

He can't help himself, so best to leave him alone.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

Those progressive purists of the Leftist Cuckoo Club would deem that white bread should only be eaten if it is toasted to a dark brown, or preferrably burnt black.

Among the list of foods the well known chain of Big L Cuckoo Restaurants will not serve include white wine, white truffles, whiting fish, white asparagus, mashed potatoes and pavlova.

Anyone ordering such gastronomic fare are evicted and given a lifetime ban from all Big L Cuckoo Restaurants.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

The loony left progressives are disinterested in such mundane issues as education, law & order, defense etc., if they do not contain racist elements.

Their lives are consumed by imaginary racism, anti-Trumpism, anti-Americanism and their slave guilt induced national self-loathing.

This growing left wing psychosis poses a significantly greater threat to the United States than the combined menace of our international adversaries.

1 point

Ban the Bum, that's what I say.

Arse bandits, or shit pushers or whatever you wish to call them should be chemically and physically castrated.

2 points

Did anyone, including C.N.N., notice the two left wing racist onlookers in their BLACK TEE SHIRTS?

It has been reported that immediately after the cameramen finished their 'phototake' these two black attired racists smashed the white robot to smouldering mess of tangled, sparking wires.

3 points

One of the elements of good management/government is being able to identify a potential problem and dealing with it before it becomes a crisis.

History clearly shows that instead of the world's decision makers acting on sound expert advice they wait until they have to react to the catastrophes which their own stubborn inertia caused.

Future generations will curse us, all of us, into hell, for the bubbling poisonous inferno we're going to bequeath to them.

2 points

Perhaps you would be kind enough to refresh my memory and spell out exactly what Russia did to the U.S.A.

Provide dates, places, the impact '' at what Russia did'' had on the 2016 election, along with the people concerned.

Please omit any unfounded allegations, innuendos, whispers from Clinton's Dirty Tricks Department or malicious fake news from the loony left media.

-1 points

The reason for this is due to poor old broken down Nom's dual-personalty schizophrenia.

The ever present demons are lodged deep in his psyche and cause him to perceive the world to be full of Nazis most of whom are Hitler lookalikes.

His troubled soul bubbles with hatred and resentment at the solace and inner contentment people enjoy from their faith in Christianity.

Nom's legions of puppet accounts, contradictory statements and his Tourette syndrome all bear witness to his diseased mind.

2 points

I'm sure if you delved deep enough into their psyche you'd find that they know they're abnormal.

They feel if they shout loudly, hold gay rights marches, gay pride parades and demand gay marriage their deviant sexual orientation will miraculously somehow become normal.

In fact all their razz-a-ma-tazz does is to highlight their *backassways and cause resentment in people who otherwise would tolerate their perversion.

1 point

Well, okay then, ha.

Nom's on here as his own country is a soggy little island huffing and puffing to keep up with the rest of the developed world.

3 points

You're very hard on the limey.

''You know England's not a bad country...It's just a mean, cold, ugly, divided,tired,clapped-out,post imperial, post-industrial slag heap covered in discarded polystyrene ham-burger cartons and noms.''

3 points

This standard loony leftist habitual liar who is representative of her party must have been who Walter Scott had in mind when he wrote;- '' what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive''

The Democrat, Deceitful, Double-dealing party of Duplicity, pretty accurately sums up these communist colaborators.

3 points

Let's not engage in the juvenile practice of trying to rewrite history.

The events leading up to and during WW2 were, very loosely as follows.

1) In violation of the Treaty of Versailles Germany began rearming around 1935.

2) Churchill pleaded with the Conservative government to prepare for the inevitable war.

3) Brits sat on arse and did nothing in fear of upsetting Adolf.

4) WW2 starts for real in 1939.

5) Brits panic and try to form and equip an army overnight.

6) Britain's poorly trained and ill-equipped army goes to France to confront the invading, superbly trained and well equipped German troops.

7) The Germans make mincemeat of the Brits and boot them out of Europe.

8) Hitler permitted the evacuation of Dunkirk to proceed with minimal harassment as; what to the hell was he going to do with some 330,000 starving Brits?

9)Churchill united the British people with his many brilliant moral boosting speeches of defiance.

10) Hitler looses interest in little inconsequential Britain and prepares to invade Russia.

11)German submarines are slowly but successfully cutting Britain's lifeline with the U.S.

12)1941 Japan bombs Pearl harbor and America enters the war.

13) America faces two formidable enemies on two fronts, both of which are 1000s of miles from their homeland.

14) America's wherewithal,knowhow, brilliant political and military leadership and, most importantly, the bravery of their fighting men and women decisively defeat their adversaries.

15) America then lends France, Britain and Germany money with which to rebuilt the industry and infrastructure of their war-torn countries.

Conclusion The United States of America saved most of Europe, including Britain, from becoming oppressed German satellite states.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
3 points

It seems that the U.K., government were not satisfied with humiliating their nation with their botched Brexit negotiations they now have added further shame on their citizens through their inability to acknowledge the reality and severity of Iran's threat and the dire consequences of their standard indecisiveness.

3 points

No need to go to their rescue on this occasion as they've sent two of their newest pedalos armed to the teeth with quadraphonic recordings of ''Rule Britannia''.

They should amend this outdated and arrogant song to read;-Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves, providing the American 6th fleet is with us. .

In addition to this the Broken down Brits are holding a C.O.B.R.A., meeting tomorrow providing it's not raining.

I''ll bet this news will give the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a severe dose of the shits.

1 point

You're exactly the sort of Whinging Minnie I thought you were.

Phonies such as you only know how to moan and complain about the status-quo but are devoid of the ability to formulate any strategy which could improve things for everyone. Clearly you are a taker and have never contributed to the advancement of the society in which you live.

You, and the likes of you do however, expect others to create a perfect world in which you can get a free ride and wallow in the- land-of plenty provided by the risk taking, hard working industrious entrepreneurs whom you all envy and criticize.

I've done with you, you loser.

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