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This personal waterfall shows you all of August's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree whole heartedly, racisum was supposed to end years ago with Lincoln. Ah well, I guess no race is perfect.

2 points

Thanks so much for showing how low the human race can fall. Perhaps you should consder how you would feel if someone called you an animal. If you don't care then at least think of all the words that have hurt you over the years and how that felt.

1 point

That makes me laugh. Thanks for saying that, you just completely made my day, even if I dont agree that humans are animals.

2 points

That makes me laugh. You just totaly made my day, thank you. Keep at it dude.

1 point

You go. I agree whole heartedly. People need to learn that looks are only what covers the most important thing, your soul. Thank you for speaking your mind.

3 points

Alright, not only blacks do that. There are whites and all sorts of people that hurt others, just look at English and American history. And just because someone does something wrong it does not mean that they are an animal. Blacks are just the same as us, the only difference is the skin color.

1 point

Thats not what I read, perhaps you should be more clear in your argument.

1 point

What?Your argument makes no sense, first you say that he is the Son of God and then you turn around and say he can't be because he was to feeble. That in and of its self contradicts eachother. Where did you get this information about Christ being feble?

2 points

Sorry for not saying anything until now, but that means a lot to me. It is about how we see a child before it is born and it seems that so many people do not think of who will be.

1 point

I love that. sure there are some birth controls do not work every time, but it is there choice to sleep with a man. Even if one does not want the child there are other options than killing it. Saying that you dont want to put your body through carrying a child then your just being selfish and think twice before you have sex.

1 point

What about the story of Samson? He was told never to cut his hair.

1 point

Interesting...Why do you say that? Just because you can say something does not mean you should.

1 point

So say someone looked at me wrong or hurt me and they were a different race from me, does that mean its okay to hate that entire race?

1 point

okay, and other people haven't done that? Look at the bible a bit more. Enslavement has never just been a white thing

1 point

I like some of what you were saying. You tried to back your thoughs up but what of the people who have no choice in what they are? Its not their fault, does that mean that you should dislike them for something they have no contorl over?

2 points

That is not even the argument. We are debating abortion not the war in iraq.

1 point case you did not figure it out... I am a girl, and a girl who knows the developement of a child. If you do not want the child give it up for adoption, there is no reason to kill it.

3 points

Who says the kid will turn into a gangster? Just saying. I think that when a parent considers abortion they should take into acount the voice that is being silanced.

0 points

For one thing people are forced to do things all the time and i suggest you watch an abortion. Did you know that they just vacume it out like a dust bunny as it is screaming and its limbs are being torn off? Take that into acount next time you think about that.

1 point

But who is going to choose for the unborn child? Like I said was premature, if my parents had chosen to abort me then I would never had the chance to call out my ideas, have you ever thought of that?

2 points

Hey girl you have just lost the argument, there is not evidence, no perswation in your "article". all you did was attack another person's ethos. I feel sorry that you have had so many abortions. Perhaps its time to switch your birth control.

3 points

Hi, I am a eighteen year old senior who was born two and a half months premature, a time when abortion's have been done. My mother and I were both in extream danger of dieing, my parents could have said, take it out and get my wife/myself out of danger then I would not be here today and plenty of children will never have a voice.

If a mother or a couple does not want a child there is always the option of putting the child up for adoption, at least it will have a chance at life and a loveing family.

1 point

I feel really bad for how terrible life was for the Japanese because of what we did;however my dad went on a mission for our church to Japan and a women thanked him for the bomb, for stopping her ancesters from continueing to do what they were doing.

1 point

I think that is a very good way to put it. a homosexual cannot be a christain without sin, but they can be religious.

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