
AveSatanas's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AveSatanas's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Close the Charleston loophole. Establish a universal background check for all gun purchases even between private owners. Mandatory wait period until background check concludes. Mandatory competency and training for a gun license. Having a license makes you part of the "militia" and eligible to own a gun. Nobody unlicensed may own a gun.

I've always been fine with the fetal pain argument. Cut it off at like 20-24 weeks.

The problem is any line you try to draw is going to be inherently arbitrary.

This site died when a troll dedicated their entire existence to spamming it to death with insincere debates and arguments. To the point where a rumor spread that they bought the site from the original owner.

Which is a shame because it actually has a pretty great format and was super lively back in early 2010s.

2 points

Can I see some data or something? I'm pretty sure we're still net down from the peak back in the 90s.

What does control even mean? I hear this word over and over and nobody actually explains what meaningful differences in my daily life occur by being "controlled".

Because it's the only ones conservatives can remember. And by that I mean one line from the speech nothing else

Spending weekends a few miles away at home in Delaware


Spending 1/4 of an entire presidency golfing at a multimillion dollar resort that he also owns

What's the con? I know he and the democrats suck.

For the vast majority of people he was always simply a lesser of two evils vote.

And mission accomplished so far.

What a dipshit comparison.

A candid comment about a dumb question is nowhere near similar to saying the press is the enemy of the people and fostering an entire conspiracy movement around that. He also said he would break out the "libel" laws to prosecute journalists. And routinely banned news outlets he didn't like from attending his events.

You're thinking of black conservatives whom the Republicans now depend on to parrot their most racist dogwhisle arguments.

You mean this incident where the assailant was immediately arrested and therefore is having justice served against them?

Why the fuck would this be a national story?

God you're so fucking retarded. It's not the killing itself that sparks outrage its the response to it on the behalf of the state

2 points

What kind of retard advertises on a site like this the way you're doing?

Fucking moron get the fuck out of here

2 points

When a dozen white kids get murdered in CT and absolutely nothing happens, you know it's never going to happen.

This same BS fearmongering gets trotted out every time a shooting happens. Alot of talk. Some proposals. And then nothing happens.

I could maybe entertain the concerns over assault weapons being banned. But ALL guns? Lmao. K. Over 300m guns in circulation are just gonna be rounded up? K.

Are you mad. ?

2 points

Refers to black people as blacks.

Is utterly incredulous with regard to the existence of racism in society.

You're a walking meme

You and the types of partisan dolts baselessly flaunting their incredulity are anything but "neutral"

2 points

It wasn't that a COMMENT was made about her child's skin tone. It was that CONCERN was expressed about his skin tone and how it reflected poorly on the image of the monarchy. And yes that is textbook racism

Harry is the one substantiating the claim. It's not just her word. It's both of them. And it's about the smallest stretch in the world for me to believe them. The ancient leaders of an entrenched British WASP imperialist monarchy are racist? GASP. No! Couldn't be! Say it ain't so! What an OUTLANDISH suggestion.

Like wtf do you base your incredulity upon aside from the fact that you're racist and stand to benefit politically by downplaying any instance of racism rearing its head in society?

Exactly. They're 90+year old WASP monarchs. Being racist comes with the territory lmao. I have no idea how conservatives are so aghast at this accusation.

Maybe if you bothered to cite evidence instead of just saying "youtube agrees with me" I'd take your claims more seriously. But citing youtube is like citing Google.

Yeah vaccines cause down syndrome in teens age 16-18.

Google agrees with me

The entire search engine. That's what I'm citing

That would be a stupid thing to say and do. You don't cite the search engine you cite the sources you pull from the search engine. Youtube is a search engine

You can find videos of literally anything on YouTube that doesn't mean it's comprehensive data showing a statistical trend. It means you can find a handful of anecdotes.

These stories come from the same half a dozen very liberal universities and half the time it's a conservative inviting themselves into campus to do their BS "on the street" propaganda videos and a crowd forms to tell them to fuck off. Sorry you don't like free speech. You're entitled to speak not entitled to have people listen or respect what you're saying. Especially on a private university campus where you have literally zero first amendment claims.

4 points

YouTube lmao. Yes very objective data collection methods we have here. .

4 points

If her story is true and she had people expressing concerns that her baby is too dark for the monarchy is it not racism?

Also it's adorable how aghast people are at the idea that a white Anglo Saxon protestant hyper traditionalist monarchy has racist people in it.

Like...thats obvious

2 points

Fascism erodes empathy and leads you to dehumanize anyone who's not in the IN group.

You mean the same Portland where violence INCREASED directly following federal troops being sent in by Trump?

Way to omit any and all context.

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