
BaconHole's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BaconHole's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

meaning isn't the same thing as having meaning

You are now implying that believing something is the same as it being real by ignoring the fact that there is a difference between objective and subjective. My God, are you an idiot or what?

1 point

Literally nobody gives a shit what you believe because you're an idiot.

You're not just an idiot, you are a retard who is so unintelligent that you have dedicated your life to trying to look smart to a handful of people, most of which hate you, on a broken down, dead internet forum.

BaconHole(53) Clarified
1 point

I was tested at 15 and was told I was in the top two percent

I would need some serious evidence to believe this.

2 points

The meaning of these words is not objective but it is of course completely wrong to say my words have no meaning

They objectively have subjective meaning, which is not the same thing as having meaning. There is a difference between something having inherent meaning, thus truly "having" meaning, and being perceived to have meaning which you are conflating.

or that their localised meaning is not part of objective reality.

Yes, much in the same way that God doesn't exist but the notion that he exists exists in the minds of people who believe in God.

You're a fucking retard Nom, nothing you say is even worth reading when you really break it down.

BaconHole(53) Clarified
1 point

I don't know WTF you'd call me, and I don't really care.

All I'm asking you is if you believe there is objective meaning, purpose or morality. You don't need to get your penis all in a knot over it.

2 points

Interesting. What you are saying is that you are a cross-dresser.

Are you saying that being a cross dresser would invalidate my points? That is very cross-dresserist of you.

BaconHole(53) Clarified
2 points

You don't need to find a meaning for the universe, only for yourself.

If that meaning is not objective, then in reality there is no meaning, therefore Nihilism is true. Gosh, you are quite dense aren't you?

BaconHole(53) Clarified
2 points

Nihilism is for silly retards who assume that religion is the only way life can have meaning and that the only person who can manufacture a sustainable moral framework is God.

There is no objective meaning, purpose or morality no matter what you want to make up for yourself. Without God and arguably even with God nihilism is an objective fact. Even if there is a God who says it's morality, meaning and purpose are more valid than anyone else's? What you are saying is that reality is for silly retards.

BaconHole(53) Clarified
1 point

I don't have to "cope". I am confident in MY belief that religions are mythical.

Are you a nihilist?

1 point

Give it up, Dana. It's done nothing but hurt you. :-(

How do you cope with the nihilism that all true atheists (such as myself) must inevitably experience?

1 point

I love you no matter what you believe.

What if I believe that Christians need to be ethnically cleansed off the face of the earth so that the Muslim master race can take over with the help of the Judenistic Blackinitus faction of the Mongolian Jewish Illuminati?

BaconHole(53) Clarified
1 point

I was just trying to say that the religion of Judaism and Islam cannot cowexist

You are a cow that exists. You are also a Walrus.

BaconHole(53) Clarified
1 point

Dana tests are the most accurate scientific tests known to man.

Dana is the queen of Walruses. She uses Walrus Magick to determine someone's race, not science. She only wants you to believe it is science so that Jesus doesn't find out she does witchcraft.

BaconHole(53) Clarified
1 point


Dana tests are even less accurate than commercial DNA tests.

1 point

According to Islam, the Jews were Muslims. Modern Jews are no longer Muslims according to Islam, for they have broken their covenant with God/Allah/Yaweh and their beliefs have been corrupted. Muslims claim that Islam was actually the first religion and that Judaism and Christianity are the result of God's pre-quran revelations being corrupted.

1 point

do you, boo!

In my experience, everyone who uses this phrase is stupid and gay.

1 point

Your an ass crack gobbling potato goblin fish tickler with a serious case of internal blackinitus.

1 point

Wrong. Sort of. Yeshua was born Jewish, brown skinned, deal with it. Have a nice day.

See below where Excon proves scientifically that Jews are white and Polish.

If you want a deeper dive, the white race is descended from white Jews who killed the black Jews after having sex with monkeys until they turned white. All modern Europeans are actually descended from white Jews who mated with neanderthals. Google it.

BaconHole(53) Clarified
1 point

Fuck you right in the ass hole Nom. I am not gay, you are gay. I am going to cut you into bacon strips, fashion you into a hijab and offer you to a Muslim woman in exchange for sex.

BaconHole(53) Clarified
1 point

Jesus still loves you

Harry Potter and Gandalf love you as well.

BaconHole(53) Clarified
1 point

Do you hate all skin colors equally?

Yes but that is quite beside the point. You are trying to find out if I am racist, and although I don't specifically hate any race of humans for than others, I do in fact hate the entire human race. Since humans are a race, that makes me racist. I am a big fat stinking racist. Sue me.

1 point

how do you feel about black people?

Hate em'. They are a type of human after all.

1 point

He never said he hates Jewish people.

Why would he admit that in this day and age? He would have to be pretty stup....wait, you do have a point.

1 point

There is no God. There is no meaning, purpose or morality. There is only emptiness

Elegy of Emptiness

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