
BananaHole's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BananaHole's arguments, looking across every debate.
BananaHole(40) Clarified
1 point

And we're still worth more than you to the site and IRL

No you're not, excon is a mainline liberal robot and his views will not improve humanity in any significant way and you're just an insane narcissist

1 point

This is my favorite DMX rap. .

it's good.
1 point

Yes, I totally agree with you. Maybe there is hope for you yet. If you can at least see that Dermot is a dirty little blue waffle cunt cheese hole then perhaps you can see that that is what America is as well.

1 point

For once you are correct, Quantumhead.

He suspects the universe is a simulation because he sees evidence of it, whereas you merely have adopted the belief to help you cope with how bad I am beating your ass in the rap battle. You keep tellng yourself "It's ok Mingi, it's just an illusion, reality can't hurt's only subjective that FactMachine raps way better...yeah, subjective... yeah..." While you rock back and forth, sucking your thumb.

2 points


Stop giggling like that you gay little schoolgirl.

I don’t have to lie

Yes you do, it's called being a pathological liar. Don't be a pathological idiot.

It’s an existential debate (like religion)

Religion doesn't deal with the existential, it deals with the conceptual and imaginary you halfwitted doofus.

1 point

Computers aren't humans. Computers are programmed, humans are not. Humans make choices, computers don't.

Were you not programmed to type and speak through repetition?

1 point

This is a tough one, because I agree that they're pussies, but I still don't think they would let him do that.

0 points

Modern science has confirmed that there a nonmaterial component to the choices we make.

No it hasn't. Prove me wrong.

-2 points
1 point

Humans value human life more because they are humans, need I elaborate?

In reality no one and nothing matters, the universe doesn't care if you live or die whether you're a precious little human snowflake or not.

1 point

I am an introvert who hates people, hates hearing people, hates interacting with people, hates hating people, and hates everything that people do.

1 point

I will have a lot more money

I will be famous

Hot girls will have sex with me

I will finally move out of my moms basement

I will take a shower for the first time in five years

1 point

Capitalist philosophy: Nothing matters except making profit for myself.

1 point

Islam: kill gays and atheists and cover women in burkas.

Christianity is actually the same as Islam morally, the reason you don't do those things is because christianity has been toned down ever since the renaissance and the rise of secularism. Before then the church used to kill people for disagreeing with christianity or being gay.

But all of this is quite beside the point, because this is about theology not morality. In Islam, there is only one God, and in christianity Jesus is God yet he is also God's son and God is both God, his own son, and a ghost thing that gets mentioned sometimes.

1 point

But, meaningful in a scientific sense???

Nothing is meaningful in a scientific sense, because meaning in this context is subjective. Science doesn't care if you reproduced or not because science doesn't care about anything and it's just a methodology we use to arrive at conclusions about how physical reality works.

How does it feel to be pwned by a science denier and Jew hater on the subject of science?

1 point

NOM did you just say you have a love of GOVERNMENT ????????????

If that's what you think I was saying, you really need to remember to take your DHA supplements.

1 point

What the absolute Jesus Christ are you on about, mate?


1 point

What form of autism have you been smoking? .

1 point

But what if you're killing nazis? .

0 points

FOOL! Your anti Christian bigotry just came to light.

If you aren't anti-christian, you're a fool. Because christianity is a fairy tale.

you throw out ludicrous scare tactics trying to paint Christians as moralists who will force others to live moral lives. HOGWASH!

Says the guy who wants to force his morality on everyone by making abortion illegal.

When a society lifts up the values of strong families, and speaks to the irresponsibility of abandoning your children, or living promiscuous lifestyles, or taking illegal drugs, etc. etc., it is NOT beating people over the head with Jesus.

I agree, when you have a society that adheres strictly to christian values, it doesn't beat people over the head with christian values because...wait, it probably does nevermind.

Those simple common sense values should be lifted up by all American

Everyone should adhere to my sense of morality that comes from my religion but I'm not forcing my religion on you.

It is the Left who is beating people over the head with this anything goes Political Correctness

I'm not, and I'm further left wing than any democrat you have ever seen, for I am a Marxist.

You are the hypocrites trying to force your will on the people. You are trying to beat people over the head with a PC stick, and force legalization of drugs onto every State.

You are the hypocrites trying to force your will on the people. You are trying to beat people over the head with a Christian morality stick, and force criminalization of a drug that is less harmful to human mental and physical health than alcohol and has legitimate medical uses onto every State.

1 point

Myths are stories which often have philosophical implications, philosophy is when you try to use reason to figure stuff out and stuff.

1 point

Fun fact, commercial cosmetics are often made with toxic chemicals that can be absorbed into your skin and slowly damage your health.

2 points

There is no such thing as good. Think of it this way, if a police dog bites a criminals ass, the police say "good boy" while the criminal thinks "that was bad". It's entirely subjective you see, my little weasel breathed mongoose tickler. What is good in your eyes may be bad in anothers, and what is gay in your balls may be ejaculated straight into someones ass.

0 points

There is no such thing as normal, there is only what you think is normal based on your experience. For you, it may be normal to hate niggers and jews, for someone else, it may be normal to eat nothing but corn flakes and asparagus and wear a rectangular hat. Just imagine how many alien civilizations there are in the multiverse, all with their own varying ideas of what is normal. How can you say there is anything that is normal at all? How many universes out of the infinite multiverse have our same "normal" physics? If you think normal exists you are a black butt hole sucking pot head pot hole faced baboon.

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