
Berrystar's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Berrystar's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You fail to see the big picture. Everything that is possible is in another dimension. This means that things that aren't organisms in our world could be organisms in another dimension. Any possible combination exists.

1 point

Mental retardation at its finest, my friend. Of course, Fox is a complete joke anyway.

1 point

Everything that is possible is in another dimension.

A world made of apples? Yes.

A world where toilets fight each other in gladiator coliseums while giant toothpicks with eyes watch? Yes.

A world where nothing exists? Yes.

Dimensions are infinite.

1 point

With how massive our universe is, there could very well be septillions of other universes out there. Everything is infinite.

1 point

But that would be akin to saying ;

Oh my god! That 30 year old guy named Joe down the street just died of natural causes! He was in such good health!

Oh, the president died too? Poor Joe! So unexpected! Such a tragedy!

1 point

The U.S is the Firestar of the world, getting into situations we fail to belong in just to come out a hero. The U.S needs to learn that it does not rule the entire planet, and it should thereon focus on domestic issues such as debt, low education, and unemployment.

2 points

I just noticed something.....

They died around the same time, Walker's car was going 95 mph, and Mandela was 95 years old.


1 point

The review system exists so the public can give their thoughts on the product/service/idea, positive or negative.

1 point

Media has caused all of this disaster known as society - if the eight year olds wouldn't play with Prostitutez dolls, I mean Bratz, they would not wear the high heels and skirts meant for the twenty-eight year olds walking the streets.

1 point

That line, sir, got you taken off hostiles.

And this does seem a bit harsh.

1 point

Before it closed, this was much better. Freerealms was just... dumb.

1 point

I thought the Bible was just a fairytale. Oh wait! It is!

2 points

My two male cats fuck each other, so your argument is invalid.

1 point

They're just people, some good some bad.

The minimum argument length is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

They don't. It's a stereotype. But the ones that do likely do it from, as some of the people above/below me may have stated, through cultural difference, low income, or sheer greed.

1 point

I'm going to assume false on this, but it's a rumour, nobody knows.

1 point

Eating at home isn't as restricted as the whole of you possibly think, as you aren't just enclosed to the recipes you know if, say, you, I don't know, purchase a cookbook?

It offers more time to interact with family and can sometimes withdraw as being cheaper overall, a typical restaurant meal for three costs about thirty-five dollars. If you cooked at home, it could end up costing about five to ten dollars each, depending on what you're serving. Obviously, if your family eats cold-water lobsters with a watercress dinner salad each night, it's going to recede as much more than my estimate.

Just a thought.

1 point

Society can acquire just as much knowledge from an e-reader book as one printed. If you are acknowledging the false belief that old books must remain printed, you're wrong. If an aged book can be read, it is capable of being copied into a modernized equivalent of the former printed book.

1 point

Books have been eliminated due to further technology contradicting them -

think of all the trees used each year to print books!

If we simply loaded them onto a tablet or smartphone, which is something we can easily do, that would stand for a technological development, such as the nearly overnight fall of the telegraph to the telephone.

There is no place for books in modern society any longer, as it would be identical to using carriages and record players as opposed to automobiles and CD players in modern times. Printed books being used widely is just residing back to older technology when the world has more resource-efficient, convenient, cheaper, and simpler inventions.

1 point

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Commits suicide -

he purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, s

1 point

I bet Dr. Seuss couldn't put a band-aid on a scraped knee.........

1 point


0 points

You really don't get it. It's a point spam. I'm a point whore.........

1 point

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of/A-moral but only under certain circumstances

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