
BlackSheep's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BlackSheep's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Evolution has two meanings. First is means life changes and that is a fact. Second it is a theory and as a Scientific theory it has massive support, but it can not be proven. Science does not work that way.

1 point

What about the right of the Palestinians to do so? They were simply displaced and unsupported by the UK and the UN even though it went against UN laws.

1 point

I put human rights higher than the legality of how it was formed.

1 point

What about Palestine, including the land Israel was built on.

1 point

The Zionists formed Israel with the blessing of the UN and the UK, but no one seemed to take the Palestinian point of view into consideration. Their land was taken and then people call them terrorists for fighting to take it back.

Even many Jews are against Israel.

1 point

Yes, women can be sexist to men. Men can be sexist to men. There is really no question here.

1 point

Look on the yes side. I am pretty sure all the progressives are over there.

BlackSheep(203) Clarified
1 point

Every democracy is a republic the definitions are very similar. It is basically a government run by elected official within the rule of law.

1 point

Dictatorships invariably go bad. Democracies move slower and are not perfect, but it is really hard for them to mess things up as bad and even when they do it is largely because they have become ... a dictatorship.

1 point

It is pointless to debate this only with numbers, that misses the main point of the problem. That being said, people always find ways around things. There is no way to predict how many it would stop.

1 point

If you legalize something it would no longer be the providence of crime. When legal sex workers could report criminal conditions without fear of going to jail themselves.

1 point

It is because sex workers would not be reluctant to report rapes against them as they are now,

1 point

Make up is ot even part of the cause. The cause is in the rapist not the victim.

1 point

War is horrific and it changes people and not in a good way. Rare is the circumstance that war is a good idea.

1 point

We know very little about that. I agree common sense would indicate that there must be a cause. No reason to assume it must be a god. On the other hand, we are talking about the origin of time and space as we know it. Cause and effect works within time. What is cause without time? I don't know. Do you?

2 points

Most skeptics take pride in their intellectual ability and like to think that they have no "beliefs."

This is a twisting of words. Skeptics have beliefs and they will admit to it. What they will claim is they have no belief in god(s).

Most skeptics who are atheists believe that all phenomena have naturalistic causes.

I thin it is simpler to say they have no concrete reason to believe otherwise.

So, we have come to realize that the universe first began to exist 13.7 billion years ago. Atheists are left with a dilemma, since their worldview requires that all things that begin to exist must have a cause.

OK. The universe had a cause. And? I am not going to jump to the conclusion it was a god which would then be harder to explain than the universe.

The physical laws of the universe fall within very narrow ranges in order for life (or even matter) to exist, suggesting some level of design

This is like saying the odds of a puddle being the exact right shape for the water in it to fit requires a designer. It is silly. The vast majority of the universe it incredibly inhospitable to life. It took the right conditions for life to come about. It seems to me this in no way shows a designer.

I agree the strong atheist position is not fully rational. More rational than the theist position, but still not fully rational.

1 point

Unless Vader has a helmet like Magneto I don't think there would be much challenge.

1 point

While animal products are used in many things it does not mean all those things are made from animal products.

1 point

The problem is not so much the choice as how does one know what is right. You will claim one knows because the bible says so, but how do you know that? How do you know the bible is right?

1 point

I don;t support the works of Satan, but nice of you to keep me in your thoughts.

1 point

I agree with you. That is what I was saying. Saying someone should not wear makeup as it will cause rape is wrong on a number of counts. It doesn't cause it and while it has the potential to attract a rapist, so does not wearing make-up. You never know, so it is a bad argument.

1 point

It is like being a sports enthusiast. Some care what other believe and some do not. It has no relation.

I don't condone filth, you just judge it that from your book guided morality.

1 point

It is not about pretending. If it is correct then it can withstand the questioning.

But claiming me wrong because I support homosexuals is simply blind faith in your book-with no foundation for your faith in the Bible other than your blind unquestioning faith.

1 point

Your only other post in this thread, not debate, is the following:

1. That's a no brainer, figure it out.

2. It requires intelligence to continue this species. It takes unintelligence to go against your own anatomy.

3. Because you are just an immoral person.

4. Yes, if the parent takes the child to church, and the child learns God's word, he will grow up in the admonition of the Lord.


No question. Maybe you don;t understand what thread means?

You can use a pronoun where ever you like, but it is then far from clear.

If I have o real answers why would I need a little text book? I think. I give answers, you do not other than because it is in the Bible.

I believe you are wrong, I did not say you were right. I said based on your assumption you were. The problem is your assumption is not supported by an significant evidence.

We would not want the mind to question your blind faith, that could make you realize how baseless it is.

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