
BrontosGhost's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BrontosGhost's arguments, looking across every debate.

You are, trolling.

Nut uh....

-2 points

Lying again, eh Nom?

A woman who had accused Donald Trump of raping her when she was a 13-year-old dropped her lawsuit against the Republican nominee on Friday. donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped

The Fightin Aggie Band is still the best band on planet Earth

I'm going to stick the Aggie band up thine Aggie corn hole. Dost thou understandeth, thou Aggie swine?

Here ya go swine. Have some real eats from up North.



Look... Biden could have 100 complaining witness's

He does have many complaining witnesses...

But, I'm not a leftist, so I believe in innocent until proven guilty and don't support politically expedient, 30 year old claims well after the fact.

I think Tara Reade made her complaint years ago

Cool. When it was Brett Kavanaugh, and with less proof, you were hopping around in here like an angry jackrabbit on crack.

Yeah, right wingers aren't big on science..

Riiiight. That's why I've made thousands of scientific posts and watched the left reject them like moldy bread...

Look.. If you wanted to do a scientific study on whether Lysol kills you, you line up 100 people and inject them with some benign substance, and line up another 100 people and inject them with Lysol.. Then sit back, and see who dies.

Usually they try it on rats, then a more sophisticated creature, and now with right to try, you can use it on willing people, with consent as their time expires, assuming it has shown promise.

THIS is what the orange fuck wants to do..

Citation needed.

That sounds like forcing to me.

Seeing that parents can opt out of one or more vaccines for medical, religious, or personal reasons, it'd be the opposite of forcing.

Right wing Senator Ron Johnson had it right. He said we never should have closed down the economy in the first place.

Cool. Left wing Sweden agreed, did nothing, and has no pandemic issue. They say they've developed herd immunity.

All we’d lose is 3 or 4 million people. What’s the big deal?

You made your numbers up, but nevertheless, they said a few hundred thousand would die, and that accounted for a lockdown. The numbers are obviously far less.

And even better? They've done testing on autopsies showing America had this amongst the population well before anyone in America was talking about any virus.

My point? You were walking around for months happily, not seeing any killer phenomenon all around you. CNN convinced you to be afraid, so you are. Congrats on the fear. I'll be partaking on some Jack Daniels and hamburgers shortly.

As per usual you are misrepresenting the facts. There was no offer of an "independent/international investigation into the Chinese Disease." There was a Trump ally who continued the Republican election-saving gambit of trying to pass the blame for Trump's poor handling of the crisis onto China:-

Your Communist overlords happily infected the Libs, eh Nom?

How can I trust Christ, when Christians, are so, unlike, their Christ?

1)Christians aren't Christ, otherwise there'd be no need for Christ. It's like saying how can I trust you when your dog sometimes bites people. Well, you're not the dog...

2)People who say things like this are usually people ignoring Christ railing against the Pharisees for being hypocrites, using a bull whip to run people out of the temple, and burying the world in blood in the final book of the Bible. The point? Christ isn't some cute little puppy who doesn't take sin seriously. He's the judge, jury, and executioner, the one with the keys to the bottomless pit.

Not surprising this can happen in the age of Trump

The abominations in Biblical prophecies that bring God's final judgement and wrath upon the Earth are abominations that the left calls "good".

He has laid the land desolate but HE, one of the biggest sinners, is STILL HERE. A LOT of GOOD people aren't.

If we are going by a Biblical standard, what you call good, God calls evil.

He, Putin, Kim, Moscow Mitch, and a few others SHOULD be the first to go.

That's weird. The left was praising Putin and selling him weapons grade uranium before Trump. Not surprising seeing the American left loves to praise world left wing dictators.

It's pretty vile to keep using the same disproved allegation after going on a tirade about lying, eh Al?

So far, he's got the doctors, nurses, first responders (mostly unarmed with the weapons they need)

Via a quick scan of the verse, obviously it's describing a militaristic army.

and what is called by some …. the fake news ….

There are hundreds of debates on this site proving left wing media to be objectively lying nonstop like paychopaths. They even lie about lying. Speaking of lying, where's the #believeher media crowd that attacked Kavanaugh with hundereds of slime pieces for less than Biden is on tape doing many times? Crickets...

mustered and fighting the evils.

Pretty sure God isn't using people with traits He calls evil to fight things He calls good.

Unfortunately we have a large part of the population so dumbed down that they're unable to differentiate between liars and truth tellers.

One could literally make a career out of debunking left wing outlets daily.

If you're getting your news from FOX "NEWS" it's no wonder you're confused. Fox is a mind stealing lie machine.

Fox News Bests CNN As "Most Trusted Name In News"

"...only the Fox News Channel enjoys a plurality of respondents 49% saying they "trust" the network. For CNN, only 39% trust the network's news product.

Big surprise there...

Sorry, until I see some "in person" help on THIS side

You have seen in person help on this side. The left attacks the organizations providing it, and that attitude, is why many of the world's issues are never resolved. He lets those who vomit up this crap reep what they have sown.

Unhinged liberals attack New York City Christian coronavirus field hospital for not being woke enough amp


Seeing that for SOOO many times, one might say too many promises broken

I'd ask for examples, but I'd rather point out that this isn't an argument from logic but from emotion. People who give up never see miracles, answered prayers, etc. They are willfully blind and easily swayed to darkness, so they are left where they demand to be.

Everyone else should BUTT OUT.

Sounds like my argument on all of the things the left wants its nose in, eh Al?

Overtaxation? Butt out.

My gun collection? Butt out.

Whether I can have a straw? Butt out.

Whether I burn fossil fuels in my vehicle? Butt out.

What I can post on youtube or social media? Butt out.

Peoples' Independent healthcare? Butt out.

What other nations think? Butt out.

Massive regulations on businesses? Butt out.

Illegals trying to tell us how to run our country? Butt out.

White leftists telling minorities how to think and/or feel? Butt out.

Do you agree with a rent strike during the pandemic?

Go for it. Maybe they'll do a maintenance strike.

Bronto Certified Stupid.

I was playing the piano by ear at age 3. You live with your mother.

Blames Liberal IQ Tests.

There are no liberal IQ tests. There are left wing woke and fake outrage tests. You've passed. Congrats on the pass. Invite me to your gender pronoun encyclopedia graduation and hope I bring you a gift.

No it can't you idiot. You don't have to kill anybody to shut the economy down.

Oh? Let's take a peek, shall we?

A crisis mental-health hotline has seen an 891% spike in calls

By Amanda Jackson, CNN

Updated 7:51 AM EDT, Fri April 10, 2020 trnd/index.html

Are you on drugs?

He probably is, but let's continue anyway.

Food stores are still open you idiot. That proves that NOT shutting down food stores doesn't cause starvation. Who could possibly have predicted that little informational nugget?

Well, you've left out alot of nuggets.

A report estimates that the number suffering from hunger could go from 135 million to more than 250 million.

Oh well. Britain first, eh Nom? Throwing the "if we can save just one life" nonsense out the window, eh Nom?

You cannot save the world. Welcome to your first taste of Conservatism.

and libs loudly proclaim they do

Awesome. Probably why I laughed at the left's fake outrage when they pretended Trump's crude comments offended them. And? Probably why I laugh now that hair sniffing doesn't bother these same fakely outraged windbags.

You don't think people catch the virus and die immediately, do you?? You DO??? Dude.

Cool. So I can go to the grocery store because the virus takes a time out as long as you are getting groceries. That's nice of the virus.

Step away from the FOX News.. It's rotting your brain, and putting my grandma at risk.

Stop it Con. Your grandma would be 500 years old if alive by some kind of magic. What? My snarky comment wasn't enough? Dude!

Okay, I'll do some basic math to resolve your pretend grandma at risk.

●You fought in Vietnam, putting you at 70 years old, minimum.

●If your mother was 18 when you were born, that would make her 88 years old at minimum.

●If your mother's mother had her at 18, your grandma is 106 years old. Nah, not buying it. Mainly because I seem to recall you being actually more around 77 years old, making your grandma, at minimum, 113 years old.

By doing so, he could drastically IMPROVE his favor-ability and virtually GUARANTEE his re-election..

Cool. His approval is higher now than before the pandemic. Probably why lying leftist media made sure to stop showing his press conferences. People seeing him not being the evil orange man they had depicted him as being, cannot be allowed. You should let them falsely "interpret" what he said for you. Big brother knows what he said better than you, eh Con?

Putin KNEW that. Trump is putty in his hands! In another year or so Putin will have what he wants …. compliments of his puppet!!

No one believes you Al, because you are objectively lying, and no one believes he found his cash and uranium cow, then suddenly, as a rabid Socialist, decided he wanted a right winger in control of the most powerful nation in the world, who decimated him with sanctions and went after his two biggest allies, Iran and China.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal company.amp.html

Shit, comrade, we are Trump Toast, I think it's too late.

Well, you were claiming to be "96 years old" when I joined the site, making you 100 years old now. You didn't have long left anyways. It was a good run, eh Al?

-1 points

Laughable …. if it was funny! What IS funny is Trump said (again) that if Hillary was elected we'd be at war with N. Korea. So, will HIS war with Iran be any less devastating to the economy OR the American military, OR the American ………..?

True because Hillary never said she would "obliterate Iran". Wait, what's this?

Clinton says U.S. could "totally obliterate" Iran

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned Tehran on Tuesday that if she were president, the United States could "totally obliterate" Iran.

No sane government wants the United States Navy anywhere near their country.

Fair enough, but the next 4 questions are:

●(1)Would a sane government go head to head with the US military with one aircraft carrier when the US has a large fleet?

●(2)Would a Taiwan government like the Chinese Navy cruising through their waters and doing military drills for when they attack and take over Taiwan?

●(3)If a country kills 50,000 American libs who passed germs to each other like children, can you hurl a few projectiles into Beijing and be justified? Do tell.

●(4)Can the US military march into China as a part of a mass migration and diversity program to prove the Chinese aren't racists?

Peacekeepers don't throw their weight around thousands of miles from home. Aggressors do that.

You stole my argument against allowing a Middle Eastern death cult commanded to kill Atheists, Christians and Jews in the Quran, from thousands of miles away, to mass migrate to the West.

If not, can you be mandated to give birth??

No, but you can be mandated to allow trained doctors to cut the other person out of you.

The 5th Amendment requires due process of law. They can't take a life without due process.

Probably a lot of dead fetuses that wish you had been defending them, eh Con?

That's not me saying that.. It's the Constitution. I thought right wingers loved the Constitution

Sure do. Could you please direct me to any asteriks in the Constitution that allow a governor to stop people from going to church with or without a virus going around? I ask because if there are no asteriks, and there aren't, I saw you supporting a whole lot of Unconstitutional totalitarianism this week.

Perhaps that asterik next to freedom of assembly is there, but it's so small that I can't see it, eh Con?

Perhaps your supposed love for the Constitution would have kicked in if it were a black church, a mosque or a gay pride event? Do tell. I must know.

In this great land of ours, as long as you don't hurt anybody, you're FREE to be who you want to be..

Sure, but that doesn't make you psychologically or cognitively sound. And it doesn't make an ideology promoting it, including an encyclopedia of gender identies psychologically or cognitively sound.

I can claim to be the spirit of a dead cockroach. I'd still be insane, regardless of what I can or cannot do in America. And promoting my being a cockroach spirit or any ideology promoting me being a cockroach spirit, wouldn't make you virtuous. It would make you just as insane as the one claiming to be a cockroach.

"The Base" will again discount the FACT that Putin HELPED Trump into the White House, and the Conservative run "investigation" PROVES IT …. again. The Mueller report was NOT wrong, "Fake News" was not wrong

Blatantly and demonstrably false.

The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with had-russia

"The Base" will again discount the FACT that Putin HELPED Trump into the White House, and the Conservative run "investigation" PROVES IT …. again.

Demonstrably false.

Hillary Is a Russian Asset

Democrats trying to revive ‘collusion’ must want Trump back in the White House.

And Russia may try to take the U.S, now that they've got a friend in the Shite House.

Still lying, eh Al?


That time CNN admitted Collusion story was fake that libs pretend didn't happen That timeCNNadmittedCollusionstorywasfakethatlibspretenddidnthappen

Fusion GPS used a Glenn Simpson story from 2007 to invent the Trump Russia collusion story for the Clinton campain.

Also, the average human doesn't hate gays, blacks and Mexicans and sleep with a signed copy of Mein Kampf under their pillow.

Cool. So, I just saw a debate on here where a gay couple was saying how great and accepting Trump was when they met him. couplemeetsDonaldTrump

Seeing you're lying on this, I assume all of your words are just that. Congrats on that buddy. I'll tell your mom after I get off of her and she has a chance to towel off.

There there. Maybe you can take their names and report them to the fuhrer.

Why would I use Deblasio's snitch rule? I'm a right winger.

Awww, is poor little diddums upset? Are the big bad libwuls bullying him?

I wouldn't know. I have no feelings. As for libs, the virus is taking them out, so I can sit here and eat meat and drink beer.

Maybe you have the IQ of a mildly dyslexic goat.

Why are you trying to debate people who you believe to be goats?

Bugs love people

Not ordinary people.

Typically true. Libs aren't ordinary. The average human understands what penises and vaginas are.

Just Nazis

Correct. It likes leftists and their dirty cities. Who can blame nasty bugs for prefering nasty people?

Lol. So no but yes? Understood Captain Retard. Putting the tin foil on right now sir. No but yes! No but yes! No but yes!

Acting stupid is fine by me. Go for it buddy. Yes, viruses like stupid people. People who hug others with viruses are especially delicious to the bugs. They just love you guys.

Wait. Now I'm confused. Then why do you keep using dozens of puppet accounts to make that exact claim?

Maybe your puppets are debating each other.

I Have Verified Bronto's Science And It Is Accurate

Brought to you by Bronto and Bronto Associates.

Have you every considered telling the TRUTH?? That might make Twitter stop, doncha think?

Social media and youtube have blocked people simply for using words on their ban list.

Word one?

Coronavirus. Yes, just saying the word. You can say it now, but in March? No.

Word two?

Eric Ciaramella

I would know that they do that. But sadly for them, I have so many devices, accounts, and avatars that no media on Earth ould possibly fully block me from saying words.

I Have Verified Bronto's Science And It Is Accurate.


Covid-19 Only Spreads Among The Left.

No. It prefers libs because libs hear about Covid and decide to do protests, mass gatherings and virtue signaling via hugs of thousands of people. Bugs love people who crawl ontop of each other like insects.

So, no answer??

Oh. I wasn't clear? F--- you. That was the answer.

If healthcare workers are saying they are still overwhelmed, why would be actively trying to make it worse for them?

Well, ya see, in most parts of the country, we didn't have virtue signaling marches and large gatherings or hug a Chinese Day, so we don't have the problems like the liberal parts of the country. If the liberal parts of the country are overwhelmed, one, it's their own fault for their pure fakeness and stupidity, and two, they can stay shut down. F--- em.

It's not our job to clean up every mess the left makes. It's your job. You clean it up. You need a mop? Too bad. It's my mop. Get your own. You need a broom? Well we're out of those too.

Perhaps you can manifest one from the magic utopia fairy the left pretends exists, that it is, unless you dare to disagree. Well I disgree 10,000 times, so that's 20,000 double barrel middle fingers to the psychopathic left. If I can find some more middle fingers, I'll flip those too.

Oh, one more thing. Come back here. If you wanna be flipped off by deez nuts, come and try to get em.

Because he cares more about trying to turn it into something he can use for the election, than actually doing what experts told him would be the right thing to do.

Not gonna work. The fake outrage of the left has been instilled into an entire generation of Conservatives born giving the double barrel middle finger to the left when it tries cancel culture, virtue signaling, and fake outrage. The point? Sit and spin. Toodles.

Let's read further, shall we?

Giovanni Gentile was born in Castelvetrano, Sicily. He was inspired by Italian intellectuals such as Mazzini, Rosmini, Gioberti, and Spaventa from whom he borrowed the idea of autoctisi, "self-construction", but also was strongly influenced by the German idealist and materialist schools of thought – namely Karl Marx, Hegel, and Fichte

Oh look. What's this?

Giovanni Gentile (Italian: [dʒoˈvanni dʒenˈtiːle]; 30 May 1875 – 15 April 1944) was an Italian[3][4] neo-Hegelian idealist philosopher, educator, and fascist politician. The self-styled "philosopher of Fascism", he was influential in providing an intellectual foundation for Italian Fascism, and ghostwrote part of The Doctrine of Fascism (1932) with Benito Mussolini. He was involved in the resurgence of Hegelian idealism in Italian philosophy and also devised his own system of thought, which he called "actual idealism" or "actualism", and which has been described as "the subjective extreme of the idealist tradition".

Mussolini was a former socialist

He was practicing Socialist measures in Italy while calling himself a Fascist and teaming up with Giovanni Gentile, an overt Communist, to write what? "The Doctrine of Fascism".

Shut your fat stupid mouth.

Benito, is that you?

Marxists murdered Mussolini

Mao the Marxist and Stalin the Marxist murdered their Marxist people. And? We get that Marxists kill indiscriminantly.

Sigh. Mussolini was a fascist you boring little troll.

Yes, and Fascists are state worshipping Socialists who go berserk if you disagree with them, then try to censor you. AKA the modern left.

Shut your stupid mouth you insane little Mussolini clone.

Since you brought the short, little, ex Journalist, Marxist up, I did a quick study on him and after seeing what he had to say, I now imagine his face when you speak.

Isn't it weird how Italy has always been Socialist?

Communism because you get to be a dictator and decide who eats or whether they eat at all.

Please shut up you pointlessly stupid, mentally ill retard.

I quite enjoy when you hurl insults like a toddler then never disprove the claim. Probably why the left is getting head slammed by the right in the West. You have no ammo, only nerf balls. Pew, pew pew. Keep having these little outburts, see if I care. The Independents are watching the Socialists act like NAZIs and just don't seem to be interested in your gulags, insults, scream at the sky sessions, and attempts at violence and shoutdowns. Toodles.

Why can I go to Walmart but not to a vacant beach?

Because the libs in power over these states only half think like Stalin. He had a plan and a god complex. They have a god complex minus the plan.

If only they'd had time to plan out their draconian response. Shame on China for not giving them a heads up.

When he's in Mara Lago (when he WAS ;-) he drew people there that wanted to make deals with him. VERY BIG deals.

Cool. Pelosi got the JFK Center $35 million in aid from the "emergency bill". Then they laid everybody off. What do you think they did with that money Al? Do tell.

:-( Interesting tidbit.. He pays for his burgers himself.. Oh, the government pays for state dinners, but Trump pays for the rest, including his guests meals.. And, they pay their own household expenses as well, all the way down to their toothpaste..

No mention of Pelosi blocking the bill to save small businesses and going on vacation I see. I guess she's just not orange enough to have left wing standards applied to her. Oh well, at least she has two fridges full of food, eh Con?

While businesses go out of business daily, Trump is in the White House

Giving press conferences that the media refuses to cover because they need to control what you see and hear?

Your boss has single-handedly wrecked the economy and caused close to 50,000 deaths

Your red China has a million Muslims in gulags and a death count that no calculator can measure. It'll take several calculators to count the Communist death count.

Nevertheless, I'm sitting here in conservative country watching people moving about like insects, doing as they wish, and with a low infection count. What's it to me that the libs can't get the viruses to stop targeting their insides? You'll have to take it up with your Commie god to your East. Maybe China just doesn't like libs or Corbyn supporters. Why don't you give them a call and ask them buddy. I'm sure they'll pick right up once they watch you through your device to see who you are. And perhaps they'll send a drone your way to check up on you.

Lol. Honestly Bronto.

Shooting blindly in the dark, eh Nom? I like it when you guess which ones are me and are wrong. Excellent.

I must say, I do have a mild curiosity as to who all are trolling you on here. Not enough curiosity to move, but curiosity nevertheless.

OMG!!! Ice cream????

My favorite was when she said she would come back if there were an emergency. Apparently a pandemic and mass bankruptcies by the hundreds of thousands doesn't qualify. So what does qualify Con? Do tell.

I LOVE doing business. I LOVE life better. You?

I already was doing business on the Internet, so you guys are all welcome to hide or gather. I'll still be here in the bunker after you guys fight it all out.

Is Kim Jon Un dead

Hello Crotch:

Proly. Let's invade.

China's probably already on it, eh Con?

Everyone should eat less meat

I just ate another piece of chicken after reading through the debate.

Where are the protests against the nation which gave us typhoid?

The left protests America nonstop all of the time. You in cognitive decline Nom?

Where are the protests against the intellectually challenged racist dimwits who blame Asians for zoological diseases?

You're confused Nom. Many Asians are Republicans. That Hitlerian regime running the Gulags in Shanghai aren't Asians. They're Fascist Communist psychopaths.

If it were just the loony right wing killing themselves, I'd be cool with it.. But, they wanna kill my grandma..

ANTIFA wants to kill your son and anyone who thinks like him, eh Con?

Are we done here? Good. I've got better things to do. Like re-arrange my sock drawer.

Are you sure Nom? I see you on here all day. You ever going to really get around to those socks?

I guarantee you that no leftist thinks it is "cool" that a million Americans are infected with a killer disease

That's weird. The way they were climing ontop of each other like sea crabs during a pandemic, you'd think they did think that.

COOL means "Awesome, great"

Your picture probably isn't anywhere near that word in the dictionary, eh Nom?

But you think it's "cool" that a million Americans have coronavirus?

I think it's cool that a group that whines incessantly about every little thing in the world has finally been presented something worth whining about, and they are scared to leave their houses, praying an orange man will become more like a dictator and lock them in their homes and ban seeds because well...Leftism. Duh.

before you make yourself look even more retarded. Every time your mouth moves stupid happens.

The Nazis are Socialists because Socialist is literally in the name, eh Einstein?

Now it's just surreal.

Imagine growing up in a world where boys weren't claiming to be girls, where the media had higher approval than Congress, and where sniffing people was weird and then... having to stare at the leftist utopia we see today.

And then you call other people "anti American"???

Well yeah. When a group hates America, that is the proper terminology according to the dictionary.

You laughably insane Nazi imbecile. Just fucking kill yourself. Please. Save us the war.

Why, when I can live and watch the plagues take you out because you can't keep your hands off each other, all while you bitch about the orange man who didn't make you hug an Asian?

They were your words, imbecile. Not mine. You said coronavirus was like cooties and that it only infects "anti American leftists".

Well yeah. It likes huggers during a pandemic. It's biology and shit.

It isn't my fault.

It is fully your fault that you are a part of an ideology that thinks Title 9 is good while giving girls' sports medals to people born with penises. No one made you join this twisted sex cult.

Lol. Thanks for showing everybody how insane you are. Not only do you think this killer virus is as trivial as getting a cold sore, but you also seem to believe it only attacks "anti American leftists".

No. It tends to enjoy leftists because leftists like to join into giant mobs during a pandemic and claim precautions are racist. So it latched onto libs. Do you really blame it? The left was spreading it to each other like AIDS in a bath house. Viruses probably love mass gatherings of libs. We both know viruses can't resist herds of huggy wuggly leftists touching each other like Joe Biden in a preschool on sniff a child's hair day.

Almost a million Americans have been infected with coronavirus because of Donald Trump's repeated lies

Cool. So Trump should have listened to the WHO and the left and let Chinese people travel to the US in mass. Probably best we didn't implement the leftist plan which was that we should all go to Chinatown and Mardi Gras and hug an Asian.

Almost a million Americans have been infected with coronavirus

You mean 600,000 anti American leftists got a batch of cooties because they think hug a Chinese person day is wisdom incarnate because viruses care about our feelings and fake virtue signaling.....

Your country has not simply legitimised extremism. It has brought it into the mainstream.

Your ideology created its own language and lexicon of 10 trillion genders, then dressed in black with masks and knocked out windows of left wing stores to protest Donald Trump. 🤣🤣🤣😂

The world is facing the most dire threat since Hitler and its name is Donald Trump

Interesting. Communist dictators kill millions, you pose that Donald Trump isn't dictator enough during a pandemic, but Trump is worse than Communist mass murderers. Makes sense...

In reality Nazism is/was an authoritarian far right state capitalist ideology

Yet they practiced the government controlling the means of production as you pointed out for us, and called themselves Socialists. Keep in mind that your claim for why ANTIFA is "antifascist" is because "antifascist" is in their name.

The economy boomed under Hitler, but at the same time businesses were only permitted to trade with his blessing.

You literally described Socialism. Government controlling the means of production. It literally could not be any more Socialism.

An oxymoron invented by Hitler to capture votes from both the right and the left

Obviously an open admittance that you believe Hitler received support from the left.

Socialists are class activists

That's odd. Leftists are the first people to use terms like "uneducated hillbilly, poor white trash, stupid country folk, etc", while praising millionaire actors and billionaire leftists like Bill Gates, George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.

There is no such thing as National Socialism

Objectively false.

The era of National Socialism

Farewell to the German question – Looking back at the long journey West: 1933–1945 The era of National Socialism.

Reality? Ahahahahaha!

Here's reality, you delusional Nazi stool pigeon:-

Trump touts great success as US becomes world's worst virus epicenter

Awesome. I make a claim, and you don't oppose it. That means I'm right, or you would have challenged my claim.

You pointing out that the leftist parts of America are getting Corona bombed is fine with me. Point it out some more buddy. Hell, make commercials showing the new leftist god, Cuomo, getting tag teamed by the virus like a porn star.

All the American right has to do is point to where the hot spots of the virus and lockdowns were in America on voting day. Hint. It's not in Conservative America. Read em and weep Nom. Your backwoods ideology is getting crushed.

CNN host Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta cringed as Biden checked his notes and struggled to finish a sentence.

Either those running the party are complete bafoons, or they have a player in the wings ready to go once we get closer to the official nomination. They may also be hoping to win via a minority VP of some sort who will be a de facto President.

Any financial reward should be for a jump in performance (i.e. hard work), not having a naturally higher IQ.

In all fairness, you are dumber than rubber.

By your logic, your target must have a high IQ. Otherwise he wouldn't be defending something only high IQ people can obtain. And if he has a high IQ, your calling him "dumb" is itself a helmet wearing, monkey level thing to say. Congrats on the monkey intelligence and the saying of monkey level things.

Only the highest performing kids get scholarships, dopey. That gives naturally smart kids an unfair advantage

Kind of completes the point of the debate and getting good grades, eh Nom? Not to mention that intelligence is no guarantee of getting high grades as compared to ambition, and that not being a genius is no guarantee of getting poor grades if you work hard.

Online Bookmakers Are Offering Some Good Deals On Who Trump Will Try To Scapegoat Next

There's no one to scapegoat to. The Democrats haven't done anything in the last 4 years to bitch about.

Why Would China give us covid

Let's face reality. They try to keep up with the United States on everything while failing miserably at everything other than cheating and stealing.

They obviously tried to do research in a lab on the virus, and due to some mishap, it got loose. And since it got loose in Wuhan, they shut down travel from Wuhan to anywhere but other parts of China, and that part was intentional.

Once they realized it was going to decimate them economically, they hid it for a time, long enough to let everyone else get decimated by it too. Commies don't think about the moral or right thing to do. They think about victory and power and nothing else.

Are you ready to get red pilled again guys?


Sure, they might look dopey and harmless.


Joe Biden, is that you? I didn't understand the gibberish fomenting out of your extraordinarily large, goblin snout. Will you be sniffing anyone again soon, or does that come at the Democratic Convention? Do tell.

I picture you prancing around on all fours happily as children scramble to evacuate from your presence, and CNN cuts to some fake news about Trump being orange and bad due to the orangeness and the badness. Breaking news, eh Nom?

You are a troll I think. You're nothing but a troll

I only troll that which needeth trolling. Why did you need trolled? Well, because of that piece of trash you call a band you made us sit through watching as we attempted not to vomit in our mouths. Toodles.

I have no idea what you even mean. I take math courses anyways.

You'll get roped into thinking your penis is a tool of Satan soon enough. Might as well chop that baby off now Aggie. Would you like to borrow a knife? Do tell.

Lol, what? I live in a dorm with my roommate in College Station, Texas.

Ah. I see. Mommy kicked you out of the basement, and now you need a roommate to guide you along in life, lest ye forget to pay the bills. Oh wait. You have no bills. You are busy being indoctrinated to believe you are one of 5,000 genders and that orange men are bad, eh Aggie?

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