
Buckwild's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Buckwild's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Honestly, I don't ever use it. I would prefer to check out reddit or read a blog. The Research tab doesn't have pictures, that is a drag. Also, maybe every user should be able to save their own RSS feeds.

1 point

I smoke marijuana. Check out the Granny Storm Crow's List of marijuana health benefits (linked below). The list is amazingly comprehensive and completely based on scientific studies.

Supporting Evidence: Granny Storm Crow's Master List (
4 points

I think John McCain will surprise you and win Florida. Virginia will go to Obama but McCain will pick of Nevada and several smaller states, including New Hampshire and Michigan. He'll eek it out with 271.

4 points

This type of buffoonery doesn't really ad anything valuable to the national dialogue. Is it slightly humorous, yes, is it going to help our country, no.

3 points

The granny is wearing a skimpier bikini!

0 points

Mc, Fail, McFail!

-2 points
0 points

Think about this question from the perspective of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Socialism would undoubtably do a better job addressing the basic physiological and safety needs.

There would be no safety in a nation or world governed by anarchy.

Supporting Evidence: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (
3 points

I think the cover is trying to be sarcastic. In particular, it seems to be mocking the Terrorist Fist Jab comment from Fox News. My guess is the article does its best to debunk the Obama smear campaign that the cover depicts.

5 points

I think the real-world experiment that I like to call The Internet has largely answered this question. Goole commands over 60% of the US search market and its share is still growing:

comScore April 2008 U.S. Search Engine Rankings:

Google 61.6%

Yahoo! 20.4%

Microsoft 9.1%

AOL 4.6%

Ask 4.3%

Supporting Evidence: comScore Press Release (
7 points

Very sound argument, indeed. The US financial system is stuck in a negative feedback loop whereby the US government is being forced to borrow increasing amounts of money from the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve is printing more paper to meet the demand. The result is the huge problem outline by above:

Risk is being socialized, yet profits are privatized.

To fix this problem, we need to let insolvent banks fail. All banks, including Fannie & Freddie. If we just let small banks fail, it doesn't really solve the problem because the profits will still be privatized, among a smaller group of elites. The only problem is that the correction will be very painful.

2 points

Democrats care about the welfare of the people the most while Republicans care about their money, power and God the most.

4 points

There is video evidence that he exists! How can you deny that?

FSM Spotted in Germany!!!
5 points

I'd like to hear more about the CreateDebate roadmap. How do you envision the site growing? How do you decide which features to implement? Will there be an emphasis on one niche over another? Will you white-label or open-source the CD platform?

7 points

Please, please, please everybody download Firefox! Do you have any idea how annoying it is to continue to support IE6? Ah, it sucks!

1 point

No, the site is perfect. Sike!

2 points

According to the Office of Surface Mining, Congress considered the issue in 1977 and expressed the nation's policy then by enacting the Surface Mining Act.

The Office of Surface Mining is charged by Congress through Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act section 102 with overseeing state regulation of surface mining and reclamation to balance environmental protection with providing coal for the nation's energy needs.

Don't forget, mountaintop mining provides invaluable jobs to many rural parts of this nation!

3 points

Absolutely, this is the biggest challenge of of our generation. Muaguana's argument pretty much nailed down the fact that the Peak Oil Crisis is real. When you combine that fact with the Global Warming crisis, the answer becomes a resounding YES.

Let's talk about how:

- Remove all tax breaks and incentives for Big Oil

- Increase the taxes on Big Oil

- Use tax revenue to subsidize energy alternatives

Most importantly, rally the country. I really hope that Al Gore & Barack Obama team up to save the world.

-4 points
3 points

Sorry, one more video because Peter Tosh also puts it very, very well:

Legalise It
3 points

Same here. I like smoking pot sometimes just like I like to have a glass one wine on occasion. It makes me feel high and I dig it but it doesn't make me want to do any other drug. Its not like I need to keep getter a more and more intense high or something.

I think Ben Harper puts it best:

Burn One Down
5 points

I believe that "technology" such as CreateDebate could help a political party become successful. This website is a tool for people to pick apart issues and opinions. Political parties (and most large groups of people for that matter) would benefit from an improved way to communicate internally.

If political party used a Rules Committee to govern use of the tool, corruption could be mitigated. I think its a great idea. I actually think its something that Ron Paul folks would really love.

2 points

I'll just let this 3 minute video speak for itself:

Global Warming 101
2 points

4. You can have friends. There are rare exceptions where a man in a long term relationship will still hang out with his single friends. However, usually when you go into serious status friends go out the window. If a man in a long-term relationship somehow convince his 'loved one' to let him go to poker night, there's always a curfew or clause, "No drinking, and be home by one!" Good luck having fun with the guys now. Get ready to hear the whipped sound every fifteen minutes.

Being single, anyone and everyone is your best friend. If you meet a homeless man on the street that strikes your interest, you can spend the day riding roller coasters at Six Flags with him. You can go to Adams house and play video games for three days. Without bathing. When you come home it's no big deal. There's no fight waiting for you.

5. You are perfect. There is nobody pointing out your flaws. In your own mind you are an Adonis. A gleaming pillar of perfection. Everything that you do is done right. Any thought you have is completely natural, and not the least bit creepy or inappropriate.

When in a relationship, there is nagging. There is whining. There are 'conversations'. Coming home and hearing 'we need to talk' either means you're running errands or you need to change something about yourself.

6. You don't have to listen to anyone. Women talk. A lot. Being in a relationships means you need to learn how to listen. Sure, people talk to you when you're single too. The main difference is the lack of obligation to the conversation. If a single guy gets trapped in a long conversation with anyone, they can easily escape. 'Hey I need to get going; I have to meet Carl at the shooting range'. Easy as that. Try saying that in a relationship...

In a relationship, you have to care about everything the other person thinks is wrong. Any complaints that they have you better promptly acknowledge and agree. She will talk all night long about what bugs her and pisses her off. God help you if you forget one of them and accidentally do something that she already said bugged her. You'll never hear the end of it, you insensitive prick.

7. You're on time. The average man takes five minutes to get ready for any situation. Friend's house? Done. Fancy restaurant? Done. Wedding? Done. The average woman takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours to get ready. If she knows you have to be at said location at 7:00, you'll be there at 8:32.

Supporting Evidence: Shamelessly borrowed from here (

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