
Cambriel's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cambriel's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Is it seriously necessary for you to say all those insults to him?

1 point

This debate is about you, asking something, which cannot be answered by a certain answer because there is not much topic on what we should be debating.

1 point

I disagree because in the first place, without atheists beliefs, then debating with someone about religion would be nonsense. Besides, there is nothing wrong for believing that there is no God. I believe that they should also be able to spread what they believe, and let other people just judge on who would they choose to believe.

1 point

I think it's because you really want to show yourself or make yourself realize which kinds of person you like.

1 point

I would say that being chased by a hungry lion is worse because I have asthma. And I think i would have a hard time running very fast in order for him to not reach me. Also, I would easily get tired and my energy would be drained because of that. Unlike paper cut, which I have experienced for lots of times, doesnt really drain my energy, although it still makes me cry a little cause it's too painful

1 point

I think Im going to go with the theist side here. Of course I wont make it a very serious debate, because im sure Joe here is going to troll me off again :)

But here's my point, You're saying that religion was invented to troll atheists. So im assuming that you believe that there is a thing called religion(God). For atheists, who dont believe in God, i was just wondering, how could you say that something doesnt exist. First and foremost, for you to say that something doesnt exist, then there must be a thing that exists primary to that. You cannot justify that something isnt there without the approval that there is really that something.

1 point

Yes, I guess it is possible since I am both a theist and an evolutionist. I believe that there is nothing wrong in believing in God, and also believing in the facts of science. I study in a religious school, and yet they teach us science very well. They just let us discover or choose which between the two would we pick when it comes to beliefs.

1 point

Of course my first intuition was for me to get angry, but once you've really realized that this person had given up so much(pride) and took a risk in order for him or her to tell the truth, then I think I would just forgive him for that. Besides, who am I to judge him o her that what they did is not right. Im sure that at one point in my life, I have done the same thing too. So it's a matter of fairness.

1 point

I guess my answer would be a no. What would be our basis as to what truth really is? What Im saying is that there maybe certain things as to what we call as the "truth" but where do we know that 'that' thing is really the truth. It is also subjective, and people just make up what truth really is based on their perception about a thing.

1 point

Id rather be unique than just to conform because by being unique you tend to exercise your will, and your opinion about something. If you just conform, then nothing would be of new ideas because all you have to do is follow these certain norms or rules that are given. You cant innovate because in order to conform, you must follow what other people do, thus it hinders you from being if a better chance than others.

1 point

I like Italian, but I have no idea how to speak of it :)

1 point

And where did you get this information? I would greatly appreciate if you provide the source of it. One thing is for sure.. Insulin doesnt have to be tested with animals because people have insulin in their body, its either they lack insulin or they have an excess insulin level in their blood. So why'd you have to test it to animals if you already know that insulin is already on the body of a person?

AIDS Cocktail.. never heard of it. Kindly inform me about these things because I would like to learn.

1 point

If you mean birth control as using the contraceptives, then it is fine with me. It doesnt hurt anyone at all. But, using of pills is very detrimental to the body because it kills certain cells in our body which is really needed, and it could even lead to cancer.

2 points

I fear oblivion. And that no one would remember me one day. But I guess that would be inevitable because all people die anyway. But mostly, I fear being left behind. Which means that im the only person who lives even if all my friends and loved ones are already gone. I think that would hurt the most.

1 point

In my school, yes it is very costly. I still dont understand why it should be prized so high because it doesnt really taste that good.

2 points

Im a devoted Catholic myself, but I wouldnt say that my religion is better than Islam religion. We both have different aspects when it comes to our traditional religion. Both of our religions also have flaws.

1 point

I think the best national anthem that I can think of is my country's national anthem which is entitled "Lupang Hinirang" or if translated in english, it is The Land of the Morning. I cant really put a video here cause the internet takes too long to process, but I guess our song says a lot about my country. Which means that we have been conquered so many times, and yet we still face every single challenge in our life. I like the song because it says a lot about our country's unsung heroes, and revolutions which changed the development of our country. If you have the time, please try to listen to the song. Oh by the way, it's better of you hear it in Filipino language, rather than the English translated one. But I guess you wouldnt understand it if you hear the Filipino version of it.

1 point

Well I guess being ignorant is refusing to know something or accept something. Maybe other use it as insult, but for me, it simply means that you dont accept other's thinking.

1 point

No. I guess if you have gotten over them pretty fast, then you are not serious at all. I have experienced puppy love and I thought that it was the same as first love, but I gues it isnt. Till now, Im still together with my first love, and up until this day, I dont know why I still havent fallen out. :)

1 point

Oh yes. I experience it all the time. Especially the sadness. No matter how happy you are, if all people around you is sad, then you are going to be sad as well. Even if you intended not to feel that, it would still be felt cause no one would talk so jolly with you.,

1 point

Oscar the grouch is way to cute. :)

1 point

I have guy friends, and I mean a lot. But, I dont go out or hangout with them, they are well, just bestfriends. As this site knows, Im quite taken and I dont really hang out with anyone even if I have guy friends. They are just good company, but in the end. I stay loyal.

1 point

Wow. Srom... I didnt expect that from you. Girls are also crazy when men break up with them, take it from my experience and experiences of my friends. Maybe you just dont see that girls also feel very bad when men break up with them. Girls also cry, and they want their men back, but they dont just tell them, cause they would look so low to men if they do that. Especially if the man rejects them. Not all girls do what you think, cause I dont. Most girls I know of, cant even move on with their life and keep thinking about their exes. And not all girls find other guys just for comfort, because I dont. We just find other people to cry on, like other girls too.

1 point

In our school, we always give instant respect on our teachers because that's how we are taught as kids. But after they did some things, I think they should also have to earn our respect. It is not fair if teachers just have these respect for them, but they should also do something in order for people to respect them. It just goes both ways.

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