
ChickenBeer's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ChickenBeer's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Being a Christian or Muslim is not about bettering yourself. It is about serving god. You are a servant. That is all.

0 points

I never said you did say anything about black and white. You actually said you are pissed of about both parties. For fuck sake why do you think everything is an attack.

Seriously? Do you even know what his avatar image means? Try WWII as a head start. Maybe lookup some Anne Frank. You probably don't even know who she is. I am an atheist but I do pay the fuck attention to the world.

ChickenBeer(250) Clarified
1 point

I asked my asked a former friend what is was like being a Jew. He said I was racists for calling him a Jew.

You just said Jews love the music. Is it kinda like the "n" word, you can't say it unless you're in the club?

You're pro-choice and you are Christian. Just a fact that not everything is black and white. It's actually a compliment really.

I never said you did anything wrong

Go take some meds. and calm it down.

2 points

Why the fuck is everything one or the other.

Why would you force a card carrier to have to abide by everything in their group

That's the problem with American politics. So binary.

Look at you Dana, your pro-Choice and Christian. That does not reconcile well with red states.

And the Canadian media cant even spell check. they said Columbian not Colombian. No class or quality.

He has great advisors. But talk his cheap. He has the reading comprehension of a 7yo. He did not understand a word said, or he would not have commented like he did right after that.

If they combine the currency with a chip or QRcode on your left hand, then I will be dusting off that book of revelations.

and wiping my ass with it.

I am curious how this is even a defendable topic. Really?

2 points

It's like you talking about your erectile disfunction at dinner. It is real. It exists. It is just not the time and place.

2 points

Read the article

Money’s not the problem, Managing Director Sanna Alamaki said in letters to members sent through April 1. It’s “that the benefit applications can’t be processed and, consequently, money can’t be paid out quickly enough,” she said.

Yeah it I so unreasonable to expect a backlog. Dam comunists.

Watch the video. It is a clip taken out of context.

Talk about giving a win? Its McConnell holding everything up in the senate.

Pumpkin. Its the biggest and heaviest. Slightly rotting for the infantry, and nice and under ripe for siege.

Sure Trump could have done things way better. Sure there are idiot Governors like in Texas and Georgia. But this is a global pandemic. over 1million cases. 200 countries. Trying to blame republicans is misleading and pointless.

I think there should be a commission setup with equal dems and republicans, and it have a budget of $200M to look at the history of what was said, by who, to what, and what the results were on a state by state basis.


And it should include all committee discussions.

Any politician, regardless of party, using a bill like this for secondary gain should be held to account.

Just infuriating some ass clown goes to some photo stock and think, lets run with that.

The Toronto Star yesterday had a picture of a highway, but if you look close, it was an American highway.

Where the fuck are the editors and editor standards.

This is a great dress rehearsal for when shit gets real. Like a big solar storm, are a big rock in the Leonid meteorite field which we see in November.

Yep, I just don't tolerate people who say I am not tolerant.

If you are Muslim or Christian, you are expected to support evil.

Interesting that the lawyer's name Art Tubolls is an anagram for Busta Troll

Here is a cool albeit old (6 years+) about viruses escaping from labs. This is a right wing leaning paper out of Canada, but appears to be pretty neutral. was-a-lab-mistake

2 points

Only the good looking ones. .... Just wants a little große Wurst

I am going to smoke a big bowl and repeat that one. Thank you.

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