
Conservanazi's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Conservanazi's arguments, looking across every debate.

There is water everywhere. The perfect scenario to die of thirst...

I'm not sure you've really thought this one through.

You don't believe in Satan...or his belly...

As per usual you grossly misunderstand. Satan is a metaphor for Rupert Murdoch.

If Putin is the puppet master, he must really love making America wealthier

America is on the verge of complete economic collapse again you delusional fucking retard. Every time the Republicans manage an economy they end up getting bailed out by socialists.

Which would mean it lost the debate by being wrong

Funny how being wrong never stops you but you think it should stop my coffee machine.

Only real men drink coffee.

This looks like a man to you, does it? You idiotic gay paedophile.

Supporting Evidence: Bronto Thinks This Is A Man (

Bronto, my coffee machine could literally beat you in a debate.

It could beat you even if its central argument was: "I'm not a coffee machine".

Your own kids, bronto.


I hope you rot in the belly of Satan.

and try to stop your pipeline into Germany

I'm making it my life's mission to stop your pipeline into kiddie porn.

You will be brought to justice you sick predator.

Impeached, and impeached and found guilty are two different things.

I said Clinton got impeached you fucking retard. I didn't say he was found guilty. Can you even communicate in English without making up fucking stupid straw man arguments?

Clinton wasn't convicted by the Senate, and finished his Presidency

Which part of "he was impeached" are you having difficulty understanding? ofBill_Clinton

faked the moon landing

They didn't do that. Shut up you fucking retard. Learn what a Jew is.

Also, date me.

Please please please please please. Um k bye.

Conservanazi(702) Clarified
1 point

There's only three dimensions

You can't describe any object only in terms of three dimensions because it occupies those three dimensions for a limited time.

Einstein was incorrect about time and so is around 98% of physicists

LOL. Of course. Only you are correct. Everybody else is wrong. Spoken like a textbook delusional narcissist.

I am with a group of Theists who believe God actually created time BACKWARDS and FORWARDS of its origin. As in time is infinite both ways and to God there's quite literally no present tense at all

But we know this to be untrue. Time is a dimension of space and therefore began with the birth of the universe. While you're at it, you might just as well claim gravity predates the universe too.

You are silly.

This is my number one (regularly read) News source that is liberal-leaning.

The Independent is better.

Personally, it makes me limp.

The only time you aren't limp is when someone shows you kiddie porn.

You probably got beaten in track by a real fast Jew

Hi moron.

Why would I care about the opinion of a person who is so stupid that he literally doesn't know what a Jew is?

Every time libs make a claim

You are the one claiming the media is Liberal. Your false claim was comprehensively disproved 30 years ago you stupid, ignorant twat.

-1 points

It is common sense that people are likely to be more creative when they are not under pressure.

Competition never kills creativity

Bullshit it doesn't. Look at what has happened to the media industry. Investigative journalism is dead because of the 24 hour rolling news cycle. There simply isn't enough time to properly investigate the angles before putting a story to print, and that is a direct result of competition.

I think you hit on an important point there , bronto. People who feel a lack of 'purpose' or 'mission(s)' in life tend to get very lost and depressed--inevitably.

You have absolutely no objective purpose to the universe and if denying reality is what you need to feel happy then I pity you. Men don't need to do that. That's what boys do. They live in fantasy universes where Admiral Ackbar gives them special missions to carry out on behalf of the Rebel Alliance.

Unfortunately, most people go about their lives without finding the "path" which most suits them, the one they would "be at home" walking down.

That's because you can't plan life, despite what anybody tries to convince you of in hindsight.


Why would Russians plot to make America's economy hit world records?

Is a gross misrepresentation of this:-

All the ingredients are in place for a catastrophic economic and financial market crisis.

So no rebuttal

Let me explain how this works, bronto.



Sure it is

Literally everybody who speaks English knows that it isn't, you fucking IDIOT!

You indorse far right militantism

ENDORSE. Are you actually retarded, bronto? Just be honest. I won't laugh.

when it is politically expedient to cultural Marxism.

That doesn't make sense either because you need to clarify that you mean the introduction of cultural Marxism into society.

Shut up bronto. You're thicker than the Jolly Green Giant's club sandwich.

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