
Coronavirus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Coronavirus's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

The air is clean. We like it that way.. So, we're gonna MAKE it that way.. The folly of for profit health care has been exposed. We're gonna FIX that.. Slaughter houses are no better than wet markets.. We're gonna FIX that too. Pumping our meat supply with antibiotics is putting us in danger of a pandemic.

Right out of the Communist handbook for how to spread Communism globally. The left are the useful idiots the Communists are always referring to. inlineoh6eqvTYdK1u8pdul_500.png

1 point

From the git go, I HEAR what Trump says. Then his minions tell me I HEARD something else

You heard what he said. You and the media are just too ignorant to understand it or willfully are so. Nothing he said was incorrect.

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