
Ctrlaltdel's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ctrlaltdel's arguments, looking across every debate.
Ctrlaltdel(87) Clarified
2 points

You can sell your brain. Give me ten dollars for it.

Come now Nom, we all know that Bronto doesn't have a brain to sell.

1 point

Why is it LEFTIST have BATHROOM issues ?????? What is the CONFUSION ??????????????

Why is it you are in a drunken stupor and have the IQ of a pidgeon that flew head first into a glass window at full speed yet you still come here attempting to start debates you know you can't win?

1 point

Did the LEFTIST troll just say it was into MURDER ??????? LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!

Are you not as COMPASSIONATE as you PANTY GURLS make yourself out to be?????????

I am like nothing you have ever seen, your retarded stereotypes of what a leftist is don't even come close.

1 point

Troll want might you put your LITTLEFINGER on being you LEFTIST are the GENDER CONFUSED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND bathroom issues cause you some CONFUSION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, you really need to lay off the moonshine there partner.

1 point

I think you should try it for six months or a year and see how it works out for you.

I'm going to get my Littlefinger on in this bitch.

Ctrlaltdel(87) Clarified
1 point

You're a simple minded waste of life and I hope you die too mother fucker.

Ctrlaltdel(87) Clarified
1 point

But, haters like you MURDERED 6,000,000 of my ancestors, so yeah, I'd like to see you dead..

Shut the fuck up you retarded twit. You are literally equating me to the Nazis just for saying you're not jewish, do you have any idea how retarded that is?

The religion of judaism is primitive, stupid and evil just like most other religions

Israel is a shitty, far-right terrorist state suckling at the teat of westerm imperialism

You are not a jew

Which of the above claims makes me a "jew hater" in a racial sense? The fact that you would wish death upon someone just for pointing out basic reality makes you look like a sensitive little bitch-titted cunt boy who is overreacting like a fucking lunatic.

1 point

But this is a Marxist pizza.

A pizza cannot have an ideology. Pizza is merely pizza. Do you talk to your pizza and discuss politics?

1 point

You see libs and cons as polar opposites whereas I see them as two almost equally retarded sects of the same ideology. When you attack these "progressives" with any degree of validity you are not attacking the left, but a specific type of leftist which is characterized by being a pussy but not actually wanting to change the system. They are moderates who have your same fundamental ideology except they are bigger pussies about certain issues like transgender bullshit and whatnot. This has nothing to do with me and conflating the SJW capitalists as "cultural marxists" is just sickeningly stupid, because as a marxist I can tell you right now I am nothing like them.

1 point

Netflix truly does do it's share of virtue signaling without anything of substance behind it. Same goes for many other capitalist corporations as well.

0 points

You beat your kids when they don't praise Jesus enough. You have repressed homosexual desires as well.

1 point

You don't deserve a deluxe pizza because you want to brainwash everyone to believe what Hitler and Mussolini said.

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