
CubeGlider's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of CubeGlider's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It's annoying and rude but I see no moral wrong in doing so. Maybe they disagree but simply have no time to post an argument?

1 point

I support it. I'm not in the place to say if it's morally wrong or not, and i think it's fairer to let the woman make that choice.

1 point

All that we'd get by raising the driving age is slightly older inexperienced drivers. No matter what age driving is legal, new drivers will always be inexperienced.

2 points

If you think the government should ban nudity since it could harm you, then by the same argument they should outlaw refrigerators because they have a CHANCE of falling on you. People should be free to make their own decisions.

2 points

True but is that the women's fault? I mean it makes perfect sense for them to be payed less due to this but it's kind of out of their control.

1 point

I've always believed that relationships with smaller age gaps were better.

1 point

By saying they have a moral duty to stop them you are saying that any super power able to start a war and stop it is in the wrong by not doing so.

1 point

Rain does seem to be good at putting people to sleep. It's like crickets chirping except soothing and neat.

1 point

I think rain's benefits outweigh its drawbacks. It can be romantic and nice and it's great at cooling you off on a hot day. I mean, sure mud sucks, but i think rain is good enough to make up for it.

1 point

If you are really devoted and in love with someone, you should know EVERYTHING about them, that included.

2 points

They don't have a duty to do it per say, but if a tyrannical government is pissing off a super power I certainly wouldn't want to be that country. Even so, super powers are not the law enforcement agencies of the world. If it makes them feel good to stop tyrannies then they can but morally they are not in the wrong by not stopping them.

1 point

Although stealing does deprive the government of its money, if everyone stole from each other there would be chaos. It's more to protect us from each other than it is to save their precious cash, although they DO love their precious cash.

1 point

The United States have been around for 200 years, and are still the richest and most powerful nation in the world. I'm pretty sure they've got a good thing going for them.

3 points

I think we eat so much because in the past, before we became sentient and all that, we needed to store as much food as we could because we didn't necessarily know how long it would be until we were able to get food again. I guess that instinct just never wore off.

1 point

If you go to the right state school then it can be way better than any private school you could go to. Having gone to private and state schools in my life, I've gotta say I prefer the atmosphere in public schools. The only issue with public schools is that they can be pretty bad in some states.

1 point

Certainly it's unfair, but it's not really worth worrying about since there's nothing we can do about it anyway. :P

2 points

Whether he CAN choose is not the issue. This person apparently just thinks it would be wise for him to go on less; he's not forcing him to do anything.

2 points

Occam's Razor. ('s_razor)

Occam's razor states that the simplest theory is usually the most likely. I think a universe creating itself from nothing is much simpler than a higher power creating itself from nothing and then creating an entire universe for some reason we don't even know.

2 points

Yes but who says that the Quran is the user's manual? Some dude who thought he'd make a nice new religion and write a book? Why shouldnt the bible or any other religious text be my user's manual?

1 point

I think that our minds are so complex that we've actually kind of handicapped ourselves since now we can't stay entertained by simpler things. We have to put out a good amount of energy just to stay entertained, which is unfortunate.

1 point

Gotta go with Amazon here. It's much more user friendly and it's easier to get ripped off on eBay.

1 point

Gotta lean towards 30Rock with this one. I'm not saying 30Rock is perfect, but The Office can be pretty hit-and-miss sometimes.

1 point

exactly. is being misguided or mistaken then truly the only way to be selfless?

2 points

I think that morals and ethics are based on what we as a society believe, since we define what is right and wrong. People should be given the choice to abort their babies, and whether that is morally right or wrong is then their choice, which it should be; we determine what right and wrong is anyway so everyone should be able to make their own choice.

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