
DKCairns's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DKCairns's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

We have been heading to this point in time ever since the industrial revolution and the ever increasing abuse of our planet in order to produce ever more profit from an ever increasing population.

So whilst yes population explosion is in the mix it is also the means that we have used to service that population that we need to consider.

The tools we have used were inert (coal, oil, timber, etc) until we invented the industry to use them and so laying blame upon them is like a murderer blaming the knife that they used to kill someone.

1 point

Science and technology can do harm in the hands of the wrong people but look at the benefits - health science for one - without the immunization programs we would still be experiencing worldwide effects of smallpox, diptheria, polio, etc etc

Science and technology drive the quality of our lives, who would want to be without electricity, clean water, sewerage facilities, etc etc

Without science and technology we would still be living in the Dark Ages

1 point

Whilst the mother may have possible medical contraindications (not treatable psychiatric conditions) we also need to consider there are significant conditions that some unborn will suffer and endure a very poor quality of life if carried to term so their needs should be considered just as much as the mother.

1 point

Countries will always pivot especially when dealing with other countries within their own regional trade and defense network

1 point

Of course people who want a family plan for it otherwise they use contraception and those who do not have to face the consequences if it is just unprotected sex.

The oxymoron is in the question

1 point

Take at good look at Finland the first country in Europe to promote the idea of a universal basic income to everyone irrespective of whether they are working or not.

Will be interesting to see how it works out .... and how those not working manage to fill the hours of their days ?

1 point

The reality is that we have been here many times before as science and technology have dragged us kicking and screaming into the future.

Look back when the horse and cart were replaced by mechanized vehicles and then the industrial revolution that put thousands of factory workers out of work replaced by machines, agricultural practices made the farm labourer and the horse extinct with the evolution of the tractor and mechanized food production.

There are so many examples of huge changes in the workforce over time, and we are about to go through yet another one, this time with a much larger global population.

2 points

All religions intrinsically have good intentions at the time of their creation, however, it is the way they are interpreted and implemented over time where they consistently go astray.

1 point

At the top of this page is an "About" in the menu bar - open it and it states :-

"CreateDebate is a new social networking community built around ideas, discussion and democracy. We’ve done our best to provide our community with a framework that makes compelling and meaningful debates easy to create and fun to use.

Our goal is to build CreateDebate into an incredibly useful learning tool that will help groups of people to sort through issues, viewpoints and opinions so that consensus and understanding can be reached and better decisions can be made".

Unfortunately human intervention is predictable, if we used Create Debate for the purpose it was established then there would be no need to debate this topic.

1 point

We accumulate our opinions from a variety of sources, sometimes without questioning the validity of the information and thereby assume we have gained knowledge which may be true or false.

It takes critical intelligence to differentiate between the two and the necessity to change our minds.

1 point

Would you give birth to a child of a vicious rape, or a child that has such significant medical issues that it has no possibility of a quality of life and so many more.

The argument against that it is "killing" is just to simple and is ignorant of the understanding of the many complex reasons why there are circumstances why it should be a human right.

1 point

Would you give birth to a child of a vicious rape, or a child that has such significant medical issues that it has no possibility of a quality of life and so many more.

The argument against that it is "killing" is just to simple and is ignorant of the understanding of the many complex reasons why there are circumstances why it should be a human right.

1 point

Would you give birth to a child of a vicious rape, or a child that has such significant medical issues that it has no possibility of a quality of life and so many more.

The argument against that it is "killing" is just to simple and is ignorant of the understanding of the many complex reasons why there are circumstances why it should be a human right.

1 point

And here we are back full circle to people being discriminated

In that case perhaps there should be a cure for bigotry

1 point

Wrong again

Sexual attraction is not a mental decision or a matter of choice

1 point

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with genetics, a person's sexual identity is completely related to who they are attracted to no matter what gender

To say there is a need for cure is discrimination.

1 point

Firstly murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another so abortion in the first trimester is not murder because a collection of cells has not yet become a human being which by definition is a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.

Secondly should any female have to bear a baby that was conceived of the violence of rape or of incest, or failure of contraception or whose quality of life will be minimal due to severe birth defects or malformation

Ask yourself if you were that female what would you do

3 points

Science has the answer to this.

In 2002 it was reported in the Telegraph News that Stanford University had discovered that all humans are 99.9 per cent identical because they all have the same DNA.

The 0.1 per cent is simply due to other factors, e.g. geographical, environmental etc etc

So yes we are all one human race

2 points

You are mixing your metaphor

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with contagion

1 point

Science and technology can help us improve, however, in so saying we have to be careful that we can control what we create.

2 points

It is reasonable to accept that as more people come out that other people will feel more confident to do so.

Its not a matter of contagion more a matter of the increasing level acceptance

1 point

It is not unreasonable that now we have "24/7 news" stories have to be created so as to fill the time and space available.

In so saying and therefore fulfilling the maxim " If there isn't a story then make one up"

1 point

The world of politics is a dynamic place and even when a politician makes promises and says they are going to do something it doesn't necessarily always mean that it will happen.

1 point

Yes of course we have free will, however, there are consequences as does freedom of speech etc etc.

It takes a very strong will to stand, often alone, and fight for ones beliefs, in the face of opposition, against the tide of oppression, injustice, regulation, etc etc etc etc

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