
Daegonius's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Daegonius's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points


Nom? Is that you?

half wits

Yep...That's definitely you.

1 point

@stupid excon

They can't use physical force.

Yes they can, they can force their kids to go to church or spank them if they don't praise the lord.

parents are FREE to practice any religion they choose, and practice it any way they like...

Which includes indoctrinating their children and using threats, intimidation and violence if they don't conform (i.e spanking, "you won't get any supper tonight if you don't say grace" etc.)

0 points

You should eat dicks for lunch and have your head inserted into a cows anus.

1 point


Shut up ass wipe, I wouldn't even use your face to clean my toilet.

1 point

Hey paedophile

Hey beastiality practicing necrophile.

Of course there are many absolute truths.

The only thing that is real is absolute truth, even the fact that most people believe in things that aren't true is part of the absolute truth. Therefor your original point is meaningless.

you're a plagiarist;- you search the internet to find quotes which you embarrassingly present as your own.

I've never done that, can you provide even one example?

your head has the remaining 5% of the world's shit that couldn't quite fit into Numbertwos.

My head is full of neurons, any one of which contains more truth than your entire brain.

1 point


Hey doofus, reality doesn't care what anyone believes. Just because humans don't know the truth and disagree about what they think is the truth doesn't mean there isn't a truth.

1 point


You don't get what I am saying at all. I am not denying that you are ashkenazi jewish, I believe you. What you don't get is that you are not an actual HEBREW and the actual hebrew bloodline is so diluted that calling yourself a jew because of your DNA is like calling yourself a neanderthal because you are european. So either jews don't exist anymore or judaism is a religion.

1 point

I like to suck monstroseous sasquatchian wankshafts like my tongue is an octopus tentacle.

Daegonius(329) Clarified
2 points


If jews are a race does that mean no one can convert to judaism if they aren't born jewish? Ah but that's the thing, ashkenazi jews have very little real hebrew blood, in fact the hebrew genes are so diluted that any "jew" has very little if any. So I guess jews don't exist since they where a race. It's like calling yourself black because you have 0.00001% african DNA

Daegonius(329) Clarified
1 point


The test I put up there is much more accurate.

It's not hard to believe that you got 180, as we both already said the test I had up there isn't very accurate.

1 point

The first time I drank I was 16 and I had about 10 beers and four shots of Putin's finest vodka plus I was smoking ganja the whole time. That might be the only reason I didn't die.

0 points

I am a pot head too. Don't drink as often. Alcohol gives you brain damage but marijuana can actually neuroprotect you from alcohol.

2 points

Yesterday I was eating a salad.

Then a polar bear raped me.

The end.

Daegonius(329) Clarified
1 point


1 point

Humans are neither good nor bad inherently. When a baby is born it doesn't hate anyone or love anyone, it doesn't have any malicious or benevolent thoughts, it just wants to have it's needs met. Depending on numerous factors (which can get somewhat complex) almost any baby can grow up to be a serial killing lunatic or the exact opposite. For example if you take two clone babies who are exactly identical, raise one in a crack house and subject it to multiple ass rapings, malnutrition etc. it will probably grow up to be a crack dealer and an ass rapist. If you raise the other clone in an underwater city with perfect nutrition and a wealth of scientific information at it's fingertips, it will probably grow up to be a marine biologist.

1 point

I'm going to take the Nomenclature test tonight probably. I'll post one of the Stanford-binets.

1 point

It's hard to find good ones for free. If they even exist at all.

Daegonius(329) Clarified
1 point


Some satanism is more retarded than others. There is the kind you're talking about which basically believes in the abrahamic bullshit but worships satan instead, and then there are these fuck bags and then there is Laveyan Satanism Which varies, some Laveyans are atheistic and others believe satan is a force and believe in magick.

1 point




1 point



If you trust the government you're a monkey's uncle's bitch

Government has always been the biggest threat to humanity

What is the purpose of government? To control and regulate and kill and steal.

1 point

I drink the blood of the cosmos like wine from the tits of a giant lactating grape ape as I am nourished by the dark energy forcing the blackness of space to expand tantamount to a black elephant cock in nomenclature's anusol cannister.

1 point

I ate hatred flavoured stems from the dead bush of scarcity, and fetid filthy pebbles from the shore of the sea of dead water. Covered in the sands that where ground from the grinding halt of entropy as spacetime grew still and only a virtual fluctuation of bullshit remained.

2 points

The US was never democratic socialist. Democratic socialism is a political ideology that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production with an emphasis on self- management or democratic management of economic institutions within a market socialist or decentralized socialist planned economy.

2 points

If Hitler had won the war, I would have certainly had my fingers crossed hoping that you ARE actually a jew. All those innocent souls, the least he could do is get rid of the jews that deserve it as well.

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