
Dante756's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dante756's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, but not everybody did it. Mohammad did. Are you saying that's ok? Just like owning slaves?

2 points

The union would have been thrown into civil war right after a revolution.

They did consider it though.

1 point

He also beat his 9 year old

1 point

He didn't go after socialists you idiot. He went after communists.

1 point

"He was NATIONAL socialist and aligned himself with fascist and totalitarian leaders

, Far Right Mussolini and the empirical Hirohito and Tojo."

Aren't you forgetting Socialist/Communist Josef Stalin?

1 point

Please explain one barrier she will have being a female president that male presidents don't have?

1 point

Only 1/4 of the "refugees" in the EU are Syrian. The vast majority are economic refugees.

1 point

Surprised I agree with Cartman.

According to Breitbart, the two names most likely to donate to Hillary are

JUAN and MOHAMMED. Real American type names.

Trump is a strategic genius.

Look at the cult of personality.

He is Machiavellian, and Hillary is a mess.

Trump actually does give details. He has tons of incredibly complex and specific plans written up on his website on various topics. You just haven't looked:

Trump isn't Hitler. He has pulled the ultimate Marius. A BILLIONAIRE is as much a people's man as Caesar, Gracchus, or Sanders. He is a smart man, and whether he's good in your view or not, he WILL be president. He will destroy the Hildog.

1 point


C'mon, mate. We 'Muricans like the British, but we can make an exception for you.

Aus was your prison colony!

1 point

The US has the highest GDP. Seems like the best measure.

We also have to most political freedoms.

China's stock market collapsed and it isn't free at all.

1 point

Social science surveys inflate results. Not all of those people are "oppressed".

Also, the climate about LGBTQ students has dramatically changed in the last 5 years.

And historically, lesbians, asexuals, and trans-genders have not existed.

1 point

Saudi Arabia is RELIGIOUSLY conservative. American conservatism does not equate to Saudi Arabia. We are also talking about people in America. If you don't understand what I'm saying, don't respond.

1 point

You don't think she planned anything out???

And I'm not just saying she did this. This is what Bill Clinton told one of his mistresses.

Lots of people don't totally shell out for more votes, by the way. Chris Christie and Rand Paul both had some very unpopular positions that they didn't play down at all.

Fiorina is a tool, and Palin is an idiot.

Hillary is diabolical, but also not a very bright lady.

1 point

If a man walked into a bathroom ten years ago, a woman would have screamed at beat him with her purse.

Now, she has to act normal, and that puts her in danger.

1 point

The media and the left DO NOT treat Muslims like Christians. One is the victim and one is the perpetrator.

"Can you name one thing that progressives allow Muslims to do that they don't allow Christians to do?"

Rape people. Keep their wives as SLAVES. Cover up their women to the point of suppression. Prevent women from learning and driving. Operate barbaric sharia courts.

1 point

Women don't earn lower pay for equal work. What's your evidence?

Seriously? Do you just not listen, watch or read the news at all?

An American woman with a college degree will make about $1.2 million less than a man with the same education.

Women work less on average, retard. Dad earns more than Mom because he works 9-5 every day.

Name a field of study that restricts women

STEM. Women often won't get grants or funding unless they put men's names on papers.

Where's your proof? Some studies even show women have a leg up in STEM.

Name a glass ceiling.

Business. There are VERY FEW women CEOs.

Do you not know what a glass ceiling is? If there is ONE female CEO, there's no ceiling. And the reason for this isn't sexism. It's Mom wanting to raise her kids, and Dad wanting to provide.

Men are also shamed for things

Not as mercilessly. About 3-9 times as many women suffer from eating disorders as men.

And men commit suicide 5 times as often. They die at work 20 times as often as women as well. Do we have to even out the "death gap"?

Conservatives don't view them as second class citizens, you bigot. 204994

WOW. There is no context for these things. They're just sound-bytes, and not even convincing ones.

You are clearly contributing to the wage gap with your idiocy. I am sorry for you. You were born with a disadvantage. And it wasn't that you were a woman.

1 point

"Democratic socialism is like Canada, Finland, Norway, Denmark. Which are thriving."

Three of these countries are importing thousands upon thousands of barbarian "refugees" against their people's wills, and Canada is a mess, okay.

And can you name one great scientific breakthrough or great company from one of these countries? Honestly, you can easily subsist, but what has been accomplished by their nations?

1 point

He dodged the question. He gave a very bad answer, when he SHOULD have said, "Well, I don't plan to run the country like Venezuela was run."

1 point

Male prisoners have been reported to attempt to hack off their genitals because they felt like women. So... does that interfere with their ability to function?

1 point

Is it because they like in a patriarchy or whatever, or because it's a mental issue?

Because that number seems very comparable to schizophrenics.

...And that statistic doesn't get lower for people who had a sex change.

The fact is, you can't change your sex.

1 point

Good progressive nitpicking.

That wasn't the main piece of the argument.

2 points

You are totally full of shit. If you think you're a slave here, you can move to another country. Slaves aren't allowed to switch masters.

1 point

Sheryl Sandberg is a bitch. An unsuccessful bitch is better than a successful bitch. So for her, yes.

1 point

Then how has gov't spending under Obama nearly doubled while under Reagan it nearly halved?

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