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1 point

Come on, really? I know for a fact that if Bernie was running against Trump he would've won. But really? Smarter? You shouldn't have a nice president, I've had enough with these cuck presidents. And our founding fathers made it very easy to become president so politicians and lawyers wouldn't dominate it. Also what does calmer matter? And look at the Soviet Union. Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba, even East Germany. Socialism doesn't work, it ruins countries and lives. It sounds good on paper but when countries try it, it always ends up bad. If you want socialism then get out of the United States, we the people will never let socialism reign over our country.

1 point

This is great, you don't have to like the man, but at least accept him as your president, elected fairly through the electoral college

1 point

Sorry, I was stupid and ignorant back then. But yes liberals are dems, and the Russians haven't done anything wrong. And most people aren't racist in this country

1 point

It's obviously the Liberals. They couldn't stop calling everyone racist and sexist, with a country with mostly white males, calling all white males sexist and racist, you're gonna lose. Also Hillary stupidly only went for California, New York, and Florida, but Trump won nearly every other state, while most of them don't have more than 15 votes, it adds up, and that's how he won. Also, the Democratic party cherry picked Hillary from the dems, instead of going with what the people wanted, Biden and Sanders. Now if Bernie Sanders had won the Democratic general election, Donald Trump would have lost. But ya liberals were stupid and supported a crime ridden, cheat canadit, who never had a chance in the beginning. It is 100% the Liberals fault. The Reason Trump was elected is because of Hillary, is because of BLM, is because of Feminism, is because of real racists, because Hillary blamed everyone but herself, because people are tired of liberals, because whites want to feel like they matter again, because of AntiFa, and because of Me and 162 million others Americans. We won because you fucked up. So stop calling all Trump supports, or in general everything, racist, and fix up your political party, then maybe, just maybe, you'll win the 2024 election (cause we all know if Trump runs again there is no chance anyone else will win).

1 point

As long as it is pg and on public property. I think it should be legal. I mean come on, imagine a dragon (get it? you know, the pun?. uh, nevermind) Imagine a dragon on a train car. They look so cool. Also it doesn't hurt anyone if it isn't inappropriate and it's on public property.

1 point

In reality, Yellow Stone geyser (which is technically a volcano) can completely destroy half to three quarters of the continental United States. Parts of Canada and Mexico. While and earthquake has yet to destroy a whole city yet.

1 point

How could you possible learn that in school. I mean I believe in evolution but it was the church that said that was wrong. Not school

1 point

He may have some Kenya in him but he was born in Hawaii. You don't even need to take pictures look at birth certificates or anything. If he was born in Kenya he wouldn't be our president

1 point

The US is in extreme debt. But we have enough money to pay it off and still build that stupid wall and golden statues of every president (after that we'd still have an extreme surplus) The US just knows that eventually countries will stop caring about there debt, or they hope they will.

2 points

I wanted Cruz as well, he was extremely trust worthy and was a leader in multiple protests and revolts. He was the person the people chose to lead them. But the government thinks not. Sadly. Cruz wanted the best for the country, the actual best. Not banning some immigrants, not raising minimum wage (increasing taxes and hurting small companies). He wanted only good. R.I.P the United States Of America.

1 point

She may not be as honest as you think. Remember the email crisis? Or how about the person she could've saved, but didn't? She is very dishonest. Trump on the other hand is very honest, about the wrong things. And do not tell me to prove these things because just watch the news.

2 points

First off, damn get roasted IAmSparticus, second off. People believe in different things. If your a christian then yes there is only one god. But if your ancient Greek then there are so many that a calculator broke while counting them. It just depends on your religion (which everyone is entitled to their own religion) So I shall assume you mean the Christian god because of you also saying Satan in which I state. Yes people will definitely still worship Satan, maybe not because they hate god but is something that always will make you internet famous.

1 point

Never assume someone means something unless it is there. And in fact people develop social anxiety from face to face communication more that behind a screen or phone, so no technology did not limit our communication.

1 point

How could it possible limit our communication. We have phone calls, emails, chats, texts, video chat and more! So in no way does technology limit our communication.

2 points

You so very much can. Humans have been riding people of methods for many years. In the Middle Ages, kings would torture people of certain religions. And even today people do not follow those religions. And religion is a method of worship and pares, whether it be sacrifice or tilt your head and close your eyes, its just a method of worship ( Not in anyway am I saying that killing people for a religion is right however people have done it)

2 points

If you attack the source enough they will back down. But we need to stop waiting for them to attack. If we attacked them before they attacked us. It would show them. We also need countries to work together to do this instead of each country trying at different times.

2 points

Mom because my dad left me when I was two and didn't want to help or see me ever.

Debatest(49) Clarified
1 point

I'm not disagreeing however I don't think a student should be given homework if they have an A in the class. They don't need the practice however if someone has a C- or lower they could use a little more practice.

1 point

Yes it is a perfect reason. Say a student never interacts with family or friends because they are too busy doing every nights 5 hours worth of homework. They will have little social life, even with their own family. That's just depressing.

1 point

Understandably yes. But the way the Japanese education system works is a lot like the US, but not the same to clarify. People aren't lazy in Japan, they are smart. And if students don't work on their homework it usually means they don't care, not because they're not smart.

1 point

Hillary Bribery and anti 2 amendment. Trump Racist and banning certain races from entering this country.

1 point

Trump is a businessman not a politician. And not saying he was a good one either.

Debatest(49) Clarified
1 point

Hillary supposedly bribed people to keep her from going to jail because of "murder" and exposing government files. Trump wishes to stop certain ethnicity and races from entering this country, which is completely against what this country is for.

1 point

I believe we should not have any homework unless a student is failing because homework can cause stress, take away from family and friend time. Cause students to have a lack of sleep, even hurt test scores. Japan hands out little t no homework and there average IQ is much higher than the US's!

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