
Deitus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Deitus's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The mystery and magic vanish when you know what's going on.

No one knows what's going on. The truly wise know they can only be relatively wise.

I wasn't concerned with politics or pretty much anything except my own entertainment back then.

I think you are dumb. Who wants to be stuck as a clueless child all their lives. Only someone who is still one at heart would.

There is no objective answer.

There IS. The most practical and intelligent people will ALL choose my answer, because the smart thing to do is pick an age where you can be both mentally and physically in your prime and that age is 25 when the brain has fully developed and the body is mature but still young and healthy. You can say "but most people learn a lot more as they get older" but if you stopped aging at 25 it wouldn't stop you from learning etc.

I was nowhere near fully developed at 25. I didn't even stop growing until I was about 30.

"Growing" in what sense?

And a much smaller imagination.

It depends who you are talking about, many people keep their imagination as adults and learn to translate it into some form of art or something.

1 point

Why would you choose an age where you are not fully developed? The objectively scientific answer is 25 because if you are healthy you can be in your prime physically at that age and also have a fully developed brain.

Deitus(138) Clarified
0 points

They just ignore


Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

You do not support Islam then you must be breaking from the Leftist narrative and agenda.

Listen closely because I will try to speak to the actual human being in you (if there is one) and not the troll persona you have created. Firstly the left is not this one monolithic thing that follows the same narrative anymore than an average republican is an anarcho-capitalist. Second I don't give a shit about adhering to any narrative or particular side of the political spectrum, I just happen to side with the left a lot because the right wing primarily consists of money-worshiping elitists and ignorant anti-science religious nuts.

You are the type of person who thinks you are a freedom loving rebel for believing in Fox News even though it is just another MSM outlet,and it is literally corporate/state propaganda which kisses up to the head of state constantly and refuses to criticize him. If you were truly libertarian you would not believe one branch of establishment propaganda unquestioningly while rejecting the others on the mere basis that they are a little bit more left wing.

1 point

Thank you for showing your support for The Religion of Islam

I don't support Islam you halfwitted nose-picking nonce. I support slapping people like you in the face because you obsess over the exact group MSM want you to while being willfully oblivious to what America does overseas on a regular basis.

1 point

Sand Rats


1 point


Why is it the left is TWO dishonest to simply look at the deeds of christian and contrast that with the deeds of muslims? Only a brainwashed BIGOT would fail to realize that even the average, every day muslim who has never hurt anyone is a terrorist but if a christian does something bad it's because they aren't a real christian!!!!!!!


0 points

I'm implying that hateful anti Christian bigots like you are complete morons!

The God you worship has commited genocide and aborted countless babies in the process and all you have to say for yourself is " butbutbutbutbut...OLD TESTAMENT though"

0 points



You repeat the same lies and deception they feed you.


0 points













0 points


You worship the same God who supposedly made and/or condoned those laws, imbecile. Are you implying that your "perfect" God was once LESS moral than he is now?

1 point

I am going to give you a perpetual automated titty twister with robot hands that spin 360 degrees.

1 point

you're a preposterously detestable malodorous marinade/you should be put in psychiatric care, restrained/ and be dosed with a freshly prepared array/ of 20 anti-psychotic medications there per day/ cause' you're a heinous shape-shifting snake with hate in your heart for everything sacred/ and a truly appalling ignoramus, infamous for being cantankerous/ you armpit licking blob of quivering slime/ you better bow down when I'm delivering rhymes/ you primitive swine/ you truly have a limited mind/ you're a sex offender, the conspicuous kind/ who's probably been convicted of crimes infinite times/ not to mention a piteously confounded/ hideous freak who literally reeks of cow shit/

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

I totally agree with you Nom. It's too bad me agreeing with you doesn't make you any less mean, morally reprehensible, obese and ugly.

1 point

Paradoxically, by not answering the relevant questions you have answered the questions.

The answer is that you are literally so stupid you should be considered subhuman, because right in the debate description you can find the evidence you seek.

Thank you for being so transparently communist.

I'm not even a communist either. I just understand where they are coming from and think it is clear that America unfairly denies them the rights it supposedly affords to almost everyone else including fascists.

1 point

It would be good if you would provide verifiable instances of exactly when and where such persecutions occured along with full details of the persecutors.

If you simply applied the same standards when a right winger makes a claim maybe you wouldn't be such a brainwashed retard. Instead you have such a bad case of tunnel vision that even when a fellow conservative posts an article about the "communist control act" you refuse to see the evidence right in front of your imbecile face. You demand the highest standard of evidence with the left, which you ignore once it's provided to you, meanwhile you mindlessly believe right wing media. You are just a shill Dermot/Antrim. There is nothing more to it.

1 point

I am going to put you in a sauna with a dozen sweaty sumo wrestlers.

1 point

You are the source of all bull shit. All bulls have a Nom inside of them and that's where their shit comes from. If it wasn't for you, bulls would just digest and absorb everything they eat but you are the sole reason that bulls shit.

1 point

Cry me a river Martin. Do you think I give a shit who thinks I should be allowed to say what when I have to hear pure bullshit 24/7 coming from all directions in this putrid society. You deserve to have your ugly retarded faces stapled shut as you are dipped into a pool of anthrax ridden measels infested armpit pus.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

Please dip your penis into a vat of hot grease and suffocate under your fat cousins or whatever they are.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

Who was that fat ugly woman who spat you out of her cavernous vaginal passage?

Ceridwyn. I landed in the couldron Nom.

1 point

Well, that's unfortunate. Did she divorce me, Dave?

Who were all those fat, ugly people you went to that Island with?

1 point

Wtf is LouLou?

I believe it's your ex-spouse, Martin .

1 point

I love you so much

It pretends to have human emotions when it gets it's soft reptilian underbelly exposed.

1 point

Who did you plagiarize this one from? .

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

I find the one and only difference between genius and insanity being the ratio of how often your ideas merge smoothly with reality.

What is reality?

All of us are insane to a degree, the only question is are you insane to the degree that society will reject you.

What if it's society that's insane?

1 point

Because China is run by pedophiles who want to be raped by children.

1 point

The land of "free speech" seems to have a history of persecuting people for their political views. Oh dear.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

In spite of all our differences and fights, Nom, I genuinely wish you nothing but the best.

lol. If only you realized who you're dealing with. You are basically wishing Charles Manson's gay and even more immoral cousin "the best". Maybe the best prison cell is what he deserves, and that's about it. And by "best" I mean the most secure and isolated one.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

I bet you can't even prove that the earth is round .

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

Mingiwuwu has the power to telepathically twist your gonads into the sacred fibonacci spiral until you achieve enlightenment and dedicate your life to wandering through the wilderness and meditating instead of making fun of people's grammar all day.

1 point

I am going to butter your butt hole and call you a biscuit.

0 points

I was trying to explain this to people a full year before he got elected, back when I was being told he was going to bring the system down.

Why do you even bother. It's just so you can talk down to people and jerk yourself off. Really you know that humanity consists of a bunch of retards with the worst scum always rising to the top, but you feel superior when you find the most gullible idiots and talk down to them. When you encounter people as intelligent or more intelligent than yourself you either use them as fake allies or start lying and distorting language to protect your ego from the fact that other people are often smarter than you. You even convince yourself that your ability to be a worse scum bag is equivalent to being smarter.

1 point

The sad part is that he will probably still win. He is doing exactly what the true powers in America want him to do. Israel and the Illuminati are creaming their gay little knickers at him starting a genocide...I mean war with the one country in the middle east that doesn't have a Rothschild bank.

1 point

I am going to puncture your butt hole with a fish hook and reel you into my "pole"

1 point

I am going to puncture your butt hole with a fish hook and reel you into my "pole"

1 point

Oh my god I'm going to twist your penis hole like a bucket of sandwich meats on a sunny day in chicago.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

.ti etaicerppa I .niaga tey thgir em gnivorp rof sknahT


Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point


Yes .

Deitus(138) Clarified
0 points

I base my decisions on whether I believe somebody is right or wrong.

No, that's what I do. I hate Republicans and pro-Americans because they believe stupid things. What YOU do is choose semi-tolerable allies (which is exactly what you used to see me as) and ignore most of the things you dislike about them so you don't look like a total dick who just bullies everyone, even though you truly don't like anyone.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

It's too bad you have decayed to the level of dishonesty and stupidity where you side with a guy who thinks "real" Republicans are a good thing and believes in all the typical pro-American platitudes yet thinks he is a leftist.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

I don't think government should be controlling unhealthy food.

The government FDA is like "yeah, as long as it doesn't kill them in an obvious way and you pay us off sufficiently just put whatever you want in the food"

And then the shareholders of Monsantos, Mcdonalds, Pepsi etc. meet up in bohemian grove and sacrifice babies to Moloch.

1 point

Is that you Dana?

I believe it was Jesus returning from heaven to let everyone know he was a socialist.

1 point

Democrats aren't leftists unless they are social democrats or democratic socialists. A standard issue member of the Democratic party is a corporate shill just like a Republican is, and even the ones that make an effort to appear as actual leftists are often dishonest scum weasels. It is vastly irrelevant to list various rich democrats not only because most democrats aren't leftists but also because being rich doesn't mean you have to support capitalism.

2 points

You are lying by pretending not to understand that I said Capitalism runs on both the individual choices of consumers and on the rich controlling resources. You disagreed with the first part, and you're pretending that I didn't already mention the second so you can jerk off your own ego and pretend to correct someone about something they already know. The fact of that matter is that both are true, unless you want to pretend that Bill Gates is forcing you to use a PC instead of a mac with a gun to your head.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, but that's exactly the problem with communism.

Communism is more friendly to methodology than capitalism. That's what "central planning" is.

At least in a free market you can break up a monoploy

But then it wouldn't be a free market anymore, because in a pure free market the whole thing would eventually become a monopoly. Freedom leads to the opposite of freedom because you are more free to take other people's freedom.

1 point

No, it really isn't. Perhaps it started out that way (but even then I sincerely doubt it), but capitalism is a hierarchy. That means the people at the top of it DICTATE to consumers what they want through a variety of means, including advertising, media marketing, public relations propaganda, reverse psychology and occasionally blackmail and/or extortion.

You are ignoring what comes after what you are responding to and telling me something I already know. I appreciate you expanding upon it though.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

Who said I was anything but a capitalist?

Capitalism is extremely difficult to reconcile with any form of methodology in truth. It's almost inherently irrational and based on subjectivity.

1 point

Your claim was that "science is true".

That's clearly not the same thing as saying that every theory scientists say is true is true. You are everything you just called me.

1 point

the fact of the matter is that science has been disproved on hundreds of different occasions.

What did they use to disprove it? Science? You're an absolutely mindless douche bag conflating science itself with theories which were arrived at through science, and then falsified by science.

1 point

Scientists spent hundreds of years assuming

That wasn't very scientific of them. It's more to do with humans and their incessant need to believe things than scientific methodology itself.

Science is not a full body of work which idiots like you can mimic zealots by pretending is the word of God.

I clearly disagree with mainstream science on a lot of things, as you would have known if you payed any attention over the last three years. Your statements are all stupid because you pretend that believing in science itself is the same thing as believing in every theory which is currently leading in mainstream science. You are actually the retard who mindlessly believes in whatever mainstream science tells you. You believe that the universe is made of ethereal quantum units made of virtual numbers.

1 point

bump .

1 point

You two are like mirror images of each other.

You don't know the difference between science and religion.

the thing you claim is "true" has been falsified hundreds of times about various things over the years.

Science hasn't been falsified though, science is the thing that falsified the things of which you speak. When I say "science is true" I mean it's a valid methodology for finding out the truth about things and falsifying things that aren't true. Being valid is the only way a methodology can be "true".

1 point

You have no friends

Being right about things isn't a popularity contest.

The TRUTH Why Smart People Have Fewer Friends
1 point

You use random youtube channels as a source. You are spewing fake news.

1 point

I am showing you what the left sounds like

That's what you sound like though.

1 point

I agree, he reminds me of you in many ways. It's too bad you have to be so fat and stupid, huh?

1 point

Prove me wrong

The burden of proof is on the one expecting me to believe in a magical man who supposedly lived 2000 years ago.

1 point

That was too easy, thanks for playing. Now you know what the snowflake left sounds like.

You literally screech "hate speech" like a retarded monkey whenever someone disagrees with you. You are what the snowflake right sounds like.

1 point



1 point

A book says Jesus exists, but there is no proof he existed. Therefor I am not compelled to believe in him, especially when he has wacky powers like a fantasy character.

1 point

You are too selfish to accept any evidence for Jesus.

I am too intelligent to believe in Jesus without evidence. Even if you can somehow prove he existed, you cannot prove he was divine.

1 point

I don't have to prove what is common knowledge.

In that case, it is "common knowledge" that science is true and Christianity is false.

0 points

Jesus loves you

What proof do you have that Jesus exists? And please tell me without using a Christian source. All Christians do is produce fake news.

1 point

I will not be swayed by a fat, scientifically illiterate redneck on YT.

1 point

I don't have to pay you for anything

You have to pay for everything in a fully privatized economy you retarded capitalist swine.

1 point

That song sucks. It made my ears bleed. You're going to have to pay for me to get them checked out now.

0 points

bump .

1 point

Kill all the police .

0 points

You don't have the right to make laws that affect how Christians worship

Why do 90% of your posts either start with "you don't have the right" or "I have the right" you mad authoritarian cunt?

1 point

You live inside a world of delusions. We were getting along fine, even despite you accusing me of cheating in chess like the douche bag you are. Then I pointed out how stupid it was to say ideology and even worse, science are the same thing as religion. After that you started being a huge dick, and I simply returned the favor.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

I accept reality for what it is; a show for the demigods and the Goddess above them all. I put on a show, I love my life.

If Fiora is entertained by my cruelty, how can you object to it then?

1 point

You are disproportionate in how cruel you are to her

She literally thinks I shouldn't have the right to criticize her religion when she sits here all day criticizing a hundred other groups in ways that aren't even based in reality. She literally uses Steven Crowder as a source. She is literally wrong about everything she says. She is literally a piece of shit in every tangible way but all you care about is how "cruel" I am being despite me being better than her in every real way and only being "cruel" in response to her willful ignorance and belligerent hypocrisy. You literally just got done saying you exist solely to entertain a sociopathic diety who is largely responsible for every cruel thing that has ever happened if she were to actually exist.

1 point

He's a spiteful, infantile, vindictive, cruel, attention-seeking little brat.

You were the one who initially decided to start calling me all these names when I simply questioned what you said with no hostility. I disagreed with you about one thing and you exposed yourself as all the things you're calling me right now. Shut your retarded hypocritical face and die.

1 point

Excon truly is fat and stupid .

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

Did you think we serve anything other than an agenda of entertaining and stimulating her highness?

And by your admission she is a sociopath, there goes any moral high ground you have. You are the fool (as in jester and the other meaning) of a sociopathic tyrant that doesn't even exist.

1 point

AI overlords

That's not part of the system I'm advocating. How will the alien demigods decide which humans to sacrifice to Fiora in your Social Democracy?

1 point

Why don't you come in your true persona Antrim .

1 point

So you would be happy with zero movies, zero music, zero anything theoretical, passion-based or fun?

Did I say they wouldn't exist?

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

You also have failed to ascertain how your system of value would even be objectively obtained

There is no system of value as you understand it.

1 point

Look at the way you are speaking.

Look at the way you are full of shit. I am slightly meaner than Dana and she "listens" (which she obviously doesn't). So what? She is worse than me in far more ways than your few and insignificant reasons for saying she's better.

1 point

Can you prove that without using fringe conservative youtube channels as a source?

1 point

Liberals engage in disinformation.

Conservatives engage in disinformation. Also, you are spewing hate speech about liberals. You don't have a right to hurt liberal's feelings by calling them fake if I'm not allowed to call God fake because it hurts your feelings.

1 point

I will take that as a no

You are also taking your own statements as a no then, since you use conservative biased sources of information.

1 point

Can you prove your alleged facts, without liberal sources?

Shut up you worthless sack of shit. You use Steven Crowder as a source. Let this also be a lesson to Mingiwuwu on how well you "listen" when you won't listen to something simply because it comes from a leftist by your own admission. Mingiwuwu is literally just as stupid as you if he thinks you "listen" when you ban anyone who disagrees with you and ignores them.

1 point

Provve it without a liberal source. Liberals only produce fake news.

You source conservative sources, and all conservatives produce is fake news.

Deitus(138) Clarified
1 point

How does it weigh physical needs against each other and then weigh the ways of attaining them against each other?

That really depends heavily on the specific nature of each decision that has to be made. I will try to answer in the most generalized way I can though. The survival of civilization is always the first priority, followed by the needs of individuals, followed by the wants of individuals. We wouldn't place the individuals needs above the whole, but we would try to provide for each part of the whole. Nobodies wants would come before anyone's needs and nobodies needs would come before the survival of civilization itself.

How do the entire entertainment and pleasure-service sectors get allocated value and compete with science and math industries?

They don't, that is absurd outside of a market economy. Leisure and entertainment is inherently less important than science in most cases but it's existence shouldn't depend on it's ability to "compete" with it when it can simply be done for it's own sake as long as it doesn't interfere with something more important.

How do pure mathematicians and scientists who work for Formula 1 etc. get placed value in relation to those for applied mathematics, technology and medicine?

They don't.

Your system already has alienated and wiped out any capacity for a rapper to have any value in it

No it hasn't. A rapper could be "valued" simply because people like their rapping, or they could rap for their own sake regardless of others.

1 point

Christians have the same rights as secularists.

Then does that mean you don't have the right to criticize atheism or are you just being a hypocrite again?

you DON't have the right to a secular government.

Yes I do. I want smart people in government, and nobody who believes in bronze age mythology in the 21st century should be making any big decisions.

0 points

Answer the question

I think Trump is a piece of privileged, self-centered, clueless garbage and that his administration is pro-plutocracy and trying to hybridize plutocracy and kleptocracy.

1 point


There is no ideology called liberal socialism. Explain this strange term to me.

0 points

Let me guess, if I say no you will label it as hate speech and ban me?

1 point

Ignored for hate speech

Which part of that was hate speech? The part where I said God was imaginary or the part where I said Christians are SJWs? I guess you should be arrested then if you claim liberals are SJWs or if you don't believe in Allah or Brahmin.

1 point

God has not given you the right to slander Him

I don't give a fuck what an imaginary character thinks I have the right to do. You don't have the right to force your religion on others by expecting them to adhere to the rights ordained by it. You are a fat, stupid hypocrite who whines like a little bitch when someone criticizes your religion but thinks leftists are the ones trying to label free speech as hate speech. Christians were SJWs before the term even existed.

1 point

I never said that

You said hate speech against christians is not a right, as in saying things like "god is racist" or pointing out the flaws in your religion.

You are the one who is trying to make Christianity illegal.

I never said that, you said "hate speech" against christians is not a right even though the "hate speech" you were referring to is anything that is negative about christianity as evidenced by the nature of what you said it in response to. You think christianity should be protected from criticism.

1 point

Hate speech against Christians is not a right

Hate speech against gays and leftists and atheists is not a right. You should be arrested.

1 point

It is a fact that you are lying

Are Hebrews gods special people or does god love everyone equally? Which is it?

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