
EldonG's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of EldonG's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Just a thought - the majority of those that end up doing all of those things profess to be christians. Just saying.

In fact, according to the census, the US prison population is reported as 28% Protestant, 24% Catholic, 8.4% Muslim, 3.1% Native American, 2% Pagan, 1.7% Jewish, 1.5% Churches of Christ, 1% Buddhist, and less than 1% in all other categories - atheist accounting for .1%.

What's up with all the religious criminals? 99.9% of the criminals in the USA are not atheist!

1 point

Perhaps you could show me where someone is? I don't see it.

1 point

Yes, that's exactly his mindless plan. It's stunning - I answered him too, with nuance...and that's one thing he has zero comprehension of.

2 points

Definitely pro-choice, though not pro-abortion. It's a bad choice, a last-ditch choice, and I doubt many women make that choice easily - but there are times when it's the best choice. Most women, from my understanding, that have had an abortion, have emotional troubles on and off throughout their lives over it.

That can be pretty terrible, but finding oneself with an unwanted child, often in a bad situation, can be worse.

1 point

"Intelligent response", it claims!

Gee, can't you parrot the writings of dead religious zealots in other debates?

1 point

Hey, halfwit, when he failed with Strange, he was all over Moore, even saying that he probably had the wrong guy to begin with - but that's just facts, and you don't like them.

1 point

Seriously? He thinks Obama is smarter than Palin, and that makes him a democratic puppet? Holy crap, the world is controlled by the democrats, and I never noticed.

Seriously, love him or hate him, Obama is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard and Constitutional lawyer, while Palin might actually be smarter than a box of rocks.

1 point

You still laughing now? Moore...the Trump surrogate...was rejected.

In Alabama.

In your face.

1 point

Oh, I get it. Now you're going to tell me that democrats are liberals, right?

EldonG(530) Clarified
1 point

Obstructing justice for firing the investigator investigating you...what planet do you come from?

Oh, and Clinton.

1 point

And this has what to do with Trump's unreleased tax documents?

EldonG(530) Clarified
1 point

That's not butthurt. That's the truth he knows, and it's pretty objective.

Truth may be an outdated concept where you come from, but I like it.

1 point

Ummm, no. Charges have definitely been brought up on sitting presidents...for less.

1 point

Well then, I'm not your guy to discuss that, as I don't want him in any government position, unless he's good at catching stray dogs.

1 point

He said he would, just like every other recent president. It's about being honest, and showing that no foreign government has you by the balls, financially...

1 point


I never would have voted for Hillary. We could talk all night about how bad a candidate Hillary was, and how shitty a human being she is.

My only question is...who's buying the beer?

1 point

The concept that anarchy is a viable (lack of) system for humans is just utterly laughable to me. Any country that fell into anarchy would be so utterly vulnerable to anyone wanting to take advantage of the people (there wouldn't be much else left) that they could simply walk in and take it, with a little organization.

Anarchy is just a great way to find the next dictator.

1 point

It does, and that's not what it's there for. There's a seriously bad policy here.

1 point

Watch this, from a conservative journalist.

It's a bit long,but there's a lot to cover.

Trump's Secrets
1 point

WTF? Who cares about Cuban? He's not liberal, and I've never particularly liked him. We're debating Trump, here.

2 points

No, it's not normal.

Trump has - according to USA Today - 3500 lawsuits against him. He's a con artist, at best.

Find me anybody close.

2 points

I haven't told you that Bill Clinton was much of anything. All I've mentioned here is that he isn't the subject. I don't like him, and have plenty of complaints about him, but we were discussing Trump.

Women did not magically come out,there have been allegations against Trump for decades, but this is a significant time in history - Time magazine has noted it - women that have been threatened by powerful men have found a voice. Good for them. Several men on both sides have been exposed - the culture has been toxic, and I've been saying that since I was a child.

You're basically saying, "Well, so, others did it too", and I already knew that, and have had issues with it all my life. So the fuck what. It needs to end.

1 point

The why is why hasn't he released his tax returns. Like you said, that much was leaked. Nope, we haven't seen shit. He hasn't released it.

1 point

The proof that there was collusion?

Like you pointed out, collusion isn't illegal. There were business dealings - that falls under collusion. There were actual crimes we know of, like interfering in foreign diplomacy (the Logan act), but what Mueller finally decides is prosecutable remains to be seen.

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