
FUMarxists's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FUMarxists's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

My assertion is not an absolutist definitive in opposition to him allegedly havving secrets of some kind, however, everyone not working for the Biden run FBI, was banned from evening veiwing the search according to reports. I want nothing to do with this political partisan polical side of the aisle butt fuck fest, we have veiwed in the media, if they tell the truth. I do not trust CNN, or Fox Noise, as far as you can swing them, and no free thinker, does. I am a centrist, and I hate the Party system for what it does to people. I favor aboloishing political Parties in America, and voting based on ideas, policy, and people. Those who disagree, bought this hateful divide.

2 points

John 14:6 Sayeth Jesus unto them: I AM the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE, no man cometh to the Father, but by me. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, and believe in thine heart that Jesus is LORD, and God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 5:10 says we are saved by Jesus' Life, not by oiurs.

2 points

If leftists cared about saving children's lives, they would be prolife. Be prolife, or be prohypocrite.

1 point

Yes if you can provide a detailed explaination, with logical evidence. 2+2=5 is stupid, because it is not true.

1 point

I agree. It depends on the issue who agree with, and I consider myself a prolif vegan, so both camps hate me. I believe in following and sharing, evidence, right or left.

1 point

PEOPLE HAVING THE RIGHT TO SPEAK FREEly, does not equal, a hostage situation. Stop inserting th victim card, to mt right to liberty. I am willing to fight, for what I believe, in.

1 point

Looking in the mirror, you wench? .

1 point

A can of whoop ass, party of two? Tarterus yeah!...................................................................................

1 point

Thanks, hun,. Shalom. I wish God's Good Health, to you..........................................................................

1 point

Hey Babe, can you go in the kitchen, make mea vegan sandwhich, and grab me, a Diet Coke? Thanks Meanwhile, I will explain centrism, to you. I am a centrist, and centrists can hole right wing and left wing veiws at the same time, depending on the issue

1 point

Antifa and Black Lives Matter killed HOW many people? Get your own house in order, hypocrite. I will not aopologize, for how God made, me.

1 point

Bandwagon fallacy. Not all Christians are like that. .

1 point

Should a 3rd Party Candidate win, the Presidency? Ues. Will they? Not likely, with the globalists, controlling all of the political Parties. I favor the complete abolition, of the political Party system, and to vote instead on Ideaology, and Issues.

1 point

I am a centrist, but that is fucked up. Ideological persecution on religious, philosophical, or poitical grounds, is a form of human rights violation, and slavery.

1 point

Yes they do, they just work for the position. Not everyone is a spoiled, self entitled, tyrannical, little bitch, like traditional rulers. One Traditional King has walked thhis earth posesing the Divine Nature, and the Infinite Nature, and His Name is Yeshua. No other exists, and I am tired of all these plastic rulers, and tyrannical polical parties, violating, human or animal rights.

1 point

Leftists: Mother Truckers! Truckers: Pricks! .

1 point

I don't check papers, judge DNA, or care about skin color or ethnicity. All skin colors, are equal members of one human race, all ethnicities are equal, and all ethnicities, are equal. Liars, haters, bigots, and terrorists, are the issue, and are creating problems for the rainbow human race.

1 point

The leftists are hypocritical liars. They claim to support bodily choice, while opposing it, to force masks and vaccins, on people.

1 point

Them's fightin' words, Sonny! .

1 point

I want to affirm your position, but no one has, absolutely. Both Democrats and Reppublicans are racist. Republicans were hateful tods Arabs after 9/11, to Chinese even now, to Mexicans, even now. Democrats are racist again Russians, white people, and Jewish. Stop playing, the bandwagon Fallacy.

1 point

Where can I way multiple points of veiw on this? That is the best way, to research.

1 point

It's not my fault, it's this guy's fault that I drunk drove over. Equally retarded.

1 point

Biblical Christianity is red, like the Blood of Jesus Christ, Who is God in Jewish Human Flesh, Born of a Virgin, and people want to whine about skin color, ethnicity, and nationality.

1 point

#MartianLivesMatter .

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