
FUNMUN's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FUNMUN's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

i dont know what the beast is, but when it come i believe that God will reveal it to Christians and there wont have to be any debate about it

1 point

If someone is looking for sympathy they can pick up a dictionary and look between shit and syphilis

3 points

Donald Trump is not an idiot. Despite what most media sources say about him he is a political genius.

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

Someone may not want to have there shot to echo through the woods, which would scare away any other game within the area making it harder to hunt.

2 points

I would strongly argue no, but that is because i am a Christian. I am not going to force my morals over someone because that is tyrannical and not what God wants, but i would strongly encourage people to wait for marriage, because pre martial sex can pervert what true intimacy is.

1 point

America is a global super power, and if it were to take all troops into America the world would erupt into chaos. Isis would run rampant in the middle east, while Saudi Arabia and Israel would both fall without the support of American military. Furthermore, outside of the middle east, Boko haram would run rampant in Nigeria and west Africa more than it already has, and south Korea and Japan would surely be invaded or attacked by North Korea. Also, the United States military is bigger than the next four countries militaries on the list, and our brining all of American troops into the United states would be unreasonable. The USA is not under any threat of an invasion, and you cannot attack individual terrorist groups with an army.

A useful link for military size: I've checked it with other sources and they all give the same results

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

does anyone in politics or media ever keep their word? thats what is was supposed to be sorry

1 point

i have a beterr question... does anyone ever keep their word?

2 points

i have accepted God the father son and holy spirit into my heart and i was baptized this september im am going to heaven and i am going to try to spread Gods words to all those i can so they can have a relationship with God...but i m not going to do it on this website

2 points

hold up there buddy.... keep religion and state separate... or did you learn nothing about the reformation. a leader who holds Christian values would be nice, but i will practice Christianity no matter who is in charge

1 point

i guess i would have to agree with you on that... but it depends on who the dictator or monarchy is...

1 point

any situation where a women hits a man with malicious intent then a man should be able to hit back.

1 point

i dont really have a problem if a girl plays on a boys sports team, but if it came to my daughter i would rather her play on a girls team because it encourages a good female community where she can go to if she is in trouble or needs emotional help im not saying girls are fragile im just saying that boys do not understand girls what so ever. A girl is most certainly tough enough to play in Boys sports... i think my sister has a harder left hook than my friends haha

1 point

a man cannot give birth to a child... Men and women will never be equal, because in order to be equal you must have the same thing and that is impossible. Instead of pushing for equal rights push for fairness and justice. I am not saying that woman do not have equal worth as citizens. im just saying that when it comes to issues do not push for equality push for fairness and justice.

1 point

if we are talking a about efficiency then the absolute monarchy is the most efficient... 1 man or woman says what they want and it gets done, but an absolute monarchy is tyrannical and causes the nation to violate many human rights violations, and the minority or majority is never heard. just because a government is efficient does not mean it is good. I think that the governments role in society should be to uphold the voices of all people and serve the people. A government should not regulate everything its citizens do, i think the role of the government is to make laws that protect the citizens and not laws that benefit the government officials... i know that is not really possible, but that i would be the best type of government. Also, i agree that a democratic republic is the best from of government that we have right now.

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

absolute democracy, and you can add other forms of government i was just putting a list of examples together

1 point

The Declaration of Independence paints clear vision of what America should be: equal, fair, just and free, but it is soaked in hypocrisy and tyranny.

The Draft of the declaration of independence (DOI) paints a picture of America where all men are created equal with inalienable rights given to them by God. “We hold these truth to be self evident: that all men are created equal: that they are endowed by their creator with a certain inalienable rights; that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness”(140). The draft of the DOI states that the ruling government can not take away these God given rights. Moreover, All men are created equal and free in and have the ability to make themselves happy. The American dream is written and intertwined throughout the whole draft of the DOI.

The inalienable rights of the people are kept by the government. Therefore, the people of America must give up some of their liberties to the government in order for these rights to be kept. “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government”(140). The draft of the DOI would be the the best form of a republic, because the people would be in control and have to ability to overthrow the central government, but the DOI is highly hypocritical and tyrannical.

Inalienable rights, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and all men are created equal, are not all kept by the government. Women, slaves, and indians were all valued as less than human by the white men writing this draft of the declaration. “ he waged a war on human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty on the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incurable misery and death in their transportation”(142). How can colonist condemn such a thing when they in fact are the ones buying the slaves and driving the slave trade, and putting such harsh punishments of the slaves, or even killing them? The American colonists took this out of the DOI because they knew this would end slavery, which for many of them was their form of income. How are the white male colonists any better than the english tyrants if the value income over human life? Black slaves could not learn to read or write, could not vote, and are possessions to their masters, and they are certainly not equal to the white men, and most certainly are not free.

Indians, the native people of America, were being abused attacked, and robbed, and while the DIO calls all men equal and that men cannot forcefully take the property from another man they are doing the opposite to the indians. “for depriving us in many cases of the benefits of trial by jury: for transporting seas to be tried for pretended offences: for abolishing the system of free english laws in its neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once”(141). The colonists condemn this action, but they themselves are actively doing the same thing to the Indians. The settlers expanded and trampled over Indian lands while shouting for freedom from a tyrannical government. The Indians were not represented in any form of government yet, the government would still pass laws to take there land. The DOI only calls for equal rights among white males, and everyone else must follow the rules set by them or penalties will be enacted.

The DOI is a reflection of England's rule over the colonies except, the American white males who wrote the DOI are the tyrants while the slaves, Indians and women are the victims. The DOI must not become law because it would cause much more harm than good and would only divide the country even more than it already is. Our republic would be living in inequality, drenched in tyranny, and soaked in hypocrisy ( not that it already is) nothing of the vision that the DOI wants to paint over our eyes.

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

we all make mistakes:) what do you think about this debate?

1 point

im not familiar with this topic, but im going to argue that they are not. A society cannot be both fair and equal. fair means everyone gets what they deserve, and equal means everyone gets the same thing. but for the purpose of the this debate i would argue that individuals who are aware of there surroundings and use there voice to influence those around them. often time a government views people as bodies used for gears in a machine instead of as a mind that thinks for its self.

2 points

thanks for the definition a constitutional monarchy doesn't sound all that bad, but not really necessary and i am strongly opposed to any monarchy what so ever. also, i agree that Saudi Arabia is just a glorified dictator ship.

1 point

as someone who is taking Arabic in school that is accurate

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

im not trying to play stupid, i just am stupid and was wondering that the definition of a constitutional l monarchy is?

1 point

Kids nowadays are the first kids to ever grow up in a digital age and the first kids to grow up in an age when communication was so easy. I would argue that it is not all the Kids fault, its the parents and the community around them. Our community today is pessimistic and our news broadcasts dont constantly full of terrorist attacks and riots and spreading divisons in the community. That is why parents try to pamper there kids when they are young to protect them from the world, but that backfires and causes the kid to grow up a brat who thinks everyone should care for him. Also, im strongly against the everybody wins mindset that is in some sports today, because that lets kids know that they dont have to work for a reward when they are older. The children and youth are the worlds future and instead of focusing on selfish desires people should focus on teaching and raising the youth because they are the ones who are going to solve the problems and make a difference in the world. Dont not teach the youth sensitivity or violence or to hide there emotions teach the youth common sense and give them the tools needed to find the truth and creativity in the world

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

preference .......sorry dyslexia isn't fun ............;;;;;;;;

2 points

What does being a socialist have to do with this? Her argument made sense and contributed to debate. Having a prefrene of race when it comes to who you are going to have a relationship is not racist, but if you insult someone who is white a dates a black person that is racist.

1 point

just follow them back back and like every post they have and comment five times on every post... stalk the stalker fight fire with fire

1 point

I disagree, having an opinion from someone coming from a different back round will strengthen your argument will often provide more insight into the issue. And America is a global super power who gets put in trumps cabinet doesn't only affect American citizens. instead of attacking someone for there views and where they come from why do you actually listen and defend your own argument. not trying to be mean just trying to make debate better

duplicate my bad sorry

1 point

I disagree, having an opinion from someone coming from a different back round will strengthen your argument will often provide more insight into the issue. And America is a global super power who gets put in trumps cabinet doesn't only affect American citizens. instead of attacking someone for there views and where they come from why do you actually listen and defend your own argument. not trying to be mean just trying to make debate better

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

i was going to make a debate on wether you would rather be free to make you own choices or wether you would rather be secure and sacrifice some of your freedom to a government to be secure

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

im sorry out of context and for another debate my bad. i go off on tangents a lot thanks for correcting me

1 point

Im sorry if that description sounded like i was trying to elevate my self above all... im guilty of attacking aswell

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

i agree safety is worth investing in 100% im jus thinking from the perspective of a government official thats all.

personally speaking i would rather be free than secure but that is just me

1 point

Designed in America, but created in China, so it was created in China but thought of in America

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

I am not saying i support either pro death penalty or pro rehabilitation, but rehabilitation may cost a government more money in dealing with someone who already broke the law. the death penalty would be more efficient i guess, but debatable on wether that is right. i am not saying that is right or wrong just giving food for the thought

2 points

First off i agree with that have said i am all for politically incorrect people and i am all for removing sin from ones life and not compromising with what you believe in. I am not trying to elevate my self above you by saying i am a good Christian, because thats a tad bit prideful. However, i do not like how when you "preach to the people on this website that you do it out of arrogance and elevate yourself above everything and claim to not be affected by world things. you are a sinner just as all of man kind ever since Adam and eve you are no different than me or anyone else on this website, so instead of being hypocritical why dont you take a dose of this thing called humbleness. I debating this website i realize not everyone is christian and that i probably cannot change there arguments because they are as stubborn as an ox. Therefore, i keep my Christian values in mind when forming arguments and stay true to my beliefs when debating, but i dont force others against there will to do so also. Christians must be within the community, but with God. Lastly answering your question. yes i can say with 100% certainty i am sinner redeemed by christ and i am going the heaven and the new earth when i die. Ps. not trying to attack you because you are a Christian i think that we should try to be more humble and correct each other and i put you down as an enemy because you bully people in debates snd im not a fan of that

1 point

Tea is the best especially in the morning or on a rainy day while reading a book

1 point

This may be one the very very few times i agree with you instig8or

1 point

I am another rare american that doesn't like coffee, but love hot tea. Also, Basing a countries technological advancement on tea kettles after one visit is a bold move even for you Shout out loud

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

A man who has many casual sexual partners is called a douche bag and STD carrier, who fears commitment and is the living definition of infidelity. Basically a recipe for disaster.

1 point

Poverty does not cause terrorism the islamic jihad ideology causes terrorism. Although, Sharia law is the ideology that creates terrorism, and failing to see this is because our president is a people pleaser. in other word he won't Call out islamic terrorism for what is because it will offend people. In addition, he may be accused of being islamophobic, Calling a organization for what it is is by no means islamophobic, it is simply the truth.

1 point

Hellno That was a well crafted burn:) i don't think it contributed to debate much but still made me laugh:) been having a rough day so thanks

2 points

Whether you are a theist or an atheist pornography is terrible for the heart and mind. it gives the viewers a false view of what intimacy looks like. Intimacy in a relationship in not sex, intimacy is sharing feelings and literally thinking as one for the benefit of the other, and sacrificing yourself for your significant other. Sex can no doubt be involved in a relationship, but it is not the backbone to any good relationship. Pornography creates an unreal image that no man or woman can ever fulfill leading to self esteem issues and depression. Also, pornography leads to infidelity and lack of commitment in a relationship, which are two of the leading causes of divorce.

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

isn't that a quote from the declaration of independence? which is not actually law.

2 points

I think it depends on what the person's parents say follow that rule for guidance. if you are and orphan then follow the rules of your government or orphanage.

1 point

Human civilization is hypocritical from its very origins. People, will oppose something that is the opposite of what they believe, but all too often when there political party has the power they will do the same things that they opposed and be happy with it because it helps them. countless times in history this has happen, and it will happen countless time in the future. This is rather cynical, but civilization is run by greed, power, and control. Nobody is in the right and all are in the wrong. also, im guilty of this too.

1 point

In her defense she is danish,but she has the freedom to say whatever she wants and we can debate whether that is right wrong

1 point

I strongly agree that free speech means that you can say whatever you want. I can cuss at a man for wearing a shirt that i disagree with, and you are legally free to do that. My opinion on freedom of speech is that everyone and anyone has a voice and can speak their opinion, but just because you are free to say what you want doesn't mean that there won't be consequences. Also, relating to this, Safe spaces are taking away the first amendment and not allowing people to talk about certain things and i strongly agree that they should be disbanded. Also, the right wing conservatives are guilty of condemning people who disagree with them... we are all a bunch of hypocrites screaming at each other trying to prove the other is more of a hypocrit

1 point

making no sense and not even debating... suits you well robotdebater

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

In order to vote in American presidential elections you first have to register yourself for voting. In order to be able to vote you must be 18, a united states citizen, and meet your state's residency requirements. Requirements depend on the state. Now to answer your question... a legal immigrant can vote just like any normal american citizen once they are given citizenship, but and illegal immigrant is not supposed to be able to vote at all, but there are some ways around that. An illegal immigrant can vote by having residency in the state, by proving that they live within the state, or some states that require an id to vote you can create a fake id. Also, this happened once, but 800 illegal immigrants who were supposed to be deported to where they came from were once accidentally given citizenship, which technically makes them legal, but just saying that's how some of them can vote. Some links to help you further: 19/more-than-800-immigrants-mistakenly-granted-citizenship.html

1 point

Americaese is the sexiest language ( this is a joke im not this dumb)

1 point

i think that political correctness and euphemisms are trash and weakens society and make everyone soft. political correctness hides the truth so you don't feel offended. new flash just because you are offended does not make you right and just because you are offended does not mean that you can verbally assault the other person who disagree with you. blunt honesty is one of the most admirable virtues a person can have in my mind

1 point

shout out loud knows what it is all about yall haha!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Im a bit confused by what you said? what were you trying to say it didn't make much sense to me im sorry.

1 point

Afrikaans is a mix of english dutch originating from the boar war in South Africa, where the English fought of dutch settlers in south africa to the point where they made a treaty and the languages mixed.

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
2 points

not really and enemy sorry... you just regularly disagree with me so its fun to have you in debates and i don't really agree with you so you cant be my allie thats all not hard feeling Alofri.

1 point

This may be one of the only times i agree with you:) Constructive Debate is healthy and helps people strengthen their arguments. I am guilty of trashing peoples opinions because i disagree with them. i get too prideful, but i am not always right, just look at how shoutoutloud shut me down in the capitalism Vs. socialism debate haha. ill try to work on being humble but also a good debater. and forming constructive arguments.

1 point

It is not the number that matters. One person who accepts Jesus is something worth celebrating. I would celebrate if one person became a Christian and if millions of people became Christian i would also celebrate. I would love it if all 7 billion people became Christian, But if that is not God's will then i will not happen and i follow what God wants because he is above all knowledge and understanding.

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

are you talking to me? if so yes i have and so far it is going well

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
0 points

Adultery would count as rape. and also very funny with that jab to hillary i love a good joke like her campaighn

1 point

"countries doing so much better than the USA when it comes to social justice, equity,wealth distribution, and war on poverty."

last i checked venezuela is doing terrible where people are trying to smuggle not drugs not weapons, but food in order to survive. and countries such as Sweden which has socialist values has out of control taxes, and not to mention 57 unsafe zones dues to imigrants rioting and burning buildings. socialism breeds laziness and the idea that i can sit on my butt all day, but still get paid. Not to mention nearly all of sweden's wealth came from capitalism in the past through the selling of oil. Socialism is like that food that a lot of people like, but when you eat it they realize it taste like crap. also, fun little note the reason you have that food that can spoil is because of capitalism.

1 point

Attacking the person instead of there argument... doesn't really help your side of the argument.

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
2 points

Using the actions and words of one individual to describe a whole group of 2.1 billion people is a bit dangerous, risky, and hypocritical. For instance, you are not better than me if i were to say that muslims are bad because they keep committing acts of terror. its might not be the religion but the person and how they understand the religon

3 points

yeah im tired of it. Let people give trump a chance to change things and we will see how things play out. the riots need to stop they are causing more damage and costing more money to fix. riots from anti trump protestors are doing nothing good for anyone.

2 points

you cannot judge all of her supporters in these two categories... some are shallow and some are not... this shouldn't be a for against type debate... i don't like what hillary or her supporters, but some of them actually think about issues while some of them are stupid, but that is with every candidate in history. also, calling all trump supporters brain dead makes you no better than the crazy right extremest calling all muslims terrorists.

1 point

i am aware that no one is perfect and i know that im probably not doing much better than her, but i have not leaked secrets to international entities, lied to the FBI, i am not a lobbyist, and im not within the governing body of the United States. someone who is ran for president or holds a government office should at least follow the law the have to enforce.with your argument we shouldn't even have a court system because nobody is perfect...

FUNMUN(127) Clarified
1 point

I'm just providing my opinion and argument if you disagree that is fine by me. also, im just offering reasons why she hasn't been put in prison im just thinking and you are free to attack it. Thanks for disagreeing with me and attacking me it causes more debate and more arguments and makes this more fun.

2 points

I realize Trump is no perfect man and is kind of a dirt bag, but if you refuse to acknowledge Hillary's crimes while dwelling on Trump's you are in fact a hypocrite. Also, you a deeply mistaken when you claim all of the right wing will keep him from being prosecuted, because quite frankly not all of the republicans support him and quite a bit of the republican establishment hates him. Also, if you are just going to attack trump make a different debate and leave this one.

1 point

No doubt the the criminal bankers are evil and should be punished, yet you would be no better than the state who paid those bankers if you let Hillary Clinton who broke the law get off without and punishment. Also, I could care less if Hillary was women or a man I would still want her in prison for what she has done.

3 points

She was above the law and i think one of the reasons that the state department kept her from being prosecuted was because Obama claimed to know nothing of her email server, but in fact he sent emails to it, but that's for another debate

0 points

She has lied to the the FBI, which is a federal offense and punishable by jail time. She claimed to not have any classified emails on her email server, but in fact she had over 100. In addition, she accepted donations from foreign entities which is illegal. also,if you want to talk about trump make a debate about it, because it has no place in this debate..

1 point

Should people even be in this debate if they haven't read the koran?

1 point

Any nut can not go buy a gun. The editor of the chicago tribune tried, in order to show how easy it was to buy and Ar-15, but he wasn't allowed to because of a background check. Moreover, most of those guns that are used in murders come from the black market. Therefore, making it harder for a law abiding citizen to get a gun would do nothing to help with murders in fact it would just cause more death because the law abiding citizens would be helpless when a murder with a gun comes. Also, maybe instead of increasing gun control the government should increase firearm training and proper storage of firearms in order to avoid incidents. sorry if offended you you can go buy a straw at kmart and suck it up.

2 points

Obama failed on many fronts. His Obammacare promised to decrease health care premiums and the ability to keep you previous doctor, but none of these came true and in fact health care premiums skyrocketed this last year, ad you in fat were not allowed to keep your old doctor. In addition, Obama's presidency is chalk full of hypocrisy and contradictions. Obama has said,"no external power is going to be able to force different religious communities or ethnic communities to co-exist for long.”

we have to insist that all parties recognize a common humanity and that nations end proxy wars that fuel disorder,”( the Atlantic Magazine). Obama has said that he discourages proxy wars, while his administration has been supporting saudi arabia in its proxy war with Iran, which has lead to the destruction of Yemen. Also, Obama said he thought that no external power could hold religious or ethnic communities together for long, yet his administration has actively tried to negotiate with conflicting communities and hold them together. Essentially, He says one thing while doing the other

2 points

Abortion should not be made legal. If scientist found a single cell organism on mars they would classify it as life on mars, but people won't call a human fetus life. Abortion is murder. Abortion is either poisoning the child with a pill or the doctor will go into the womb and crush the human fetus's head. In addition, some of the previous debaters have mentioned that the mother may not have wanted to have the baby or won't be able to afford the baby. You decide if you want to have the baby where ever you have sex, not in the hospital or birth clinic. Also, putting your own comfort above a baby's life is selfish, and you are putting money and materials over a living baby. If the baby came into an impoverished family then that family can put the baby in an orphanage, into the foster care system, and family members.

Sorry if i offended you in this argument

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