
FactMachine's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FactMachine's arguments, looking across every debate.

Too bad you only believe in 6000 years of it.

And too bad you believe it started in a magic garden.

2 points

You voted for HILLARY?

I officially hate you. Anyone who would vote for that deep-state swamp hag is irredeemably stupid and/or evil.

This is painful to listen to...bitch do you EVEN RAP?

I'd tell you to eat your words, but I bet you like EATIN' CRAP

I don't have to try, your shit is WEAK SAUCE

getting your ass CHEEKS FLOSSED


I use a durian fruit as a PILLOW

and I use a live porcupine as a DILDO

You need to complexify and bring in the SKILLS YO

your a biddy baby blubber boy bitch titty BIMBO

2 points

Nom is runnin' at the mouth, cause' he never GOT CLOUT

I got the drum and the scope, everybody WATCH OUT

You don't support the second? imma show you it's ABOUT

bang bang, now you got a bullet in your nut POUCH

all my niggas really GANG BANG


Imma kick you in the WANG, MENGE

and let my nuts HANG

I'll cook you in my OMLET

while you NOM SHIT

You eat shit, and you're KINDA GAY

you will DIE TODAY!

I'm equipped with a BAZOOKA, STUPID


time to SHOOT YA DOOFUS...

I really DO THIS

if you talk I'm gunna leave you TOOTHLESS

I don't give TWO SHITS

We all know nomenclature's USELESS

and he's a NUDIST...

My weed is kinda STICKY, UH...

time to light a SPLIFFY UP

You've got SHITTY LUCK

time to let my SMITHY BUST

I'm gunna BLEED YA

really don't NEED YA

I'll put you in my FREEZA

then put you on a PIZZA










2 points

Justice is When strength, intelligence, and beauty prevails over weakness, stupidity and uglyness.

You are pale and have bad skin, get some sun and stop eating cheesy fries.

And stop eating so much cum, maybe then you wouldn't be so profoundly obese.

And get off the ice bank and live with some humans for a while, that might curb your walrus like behaviour and help you lose some blubber.

FactMachine(430) Clarified
1 point

White people are actually slightly less human than black people because white people are part neanderthal.

O bomb ya

he used to grow ganja

he used to be chill but now you don't wanna

fuck with him, obama

will explode on ya

standin' next to your family then you got their frontal lobes on ya

especially if you wear robes, and gotta

go wash for the whudu and do al-salat for allah

Obama's not white or black....he's a demonic monkey

addin' to suffering of victims in an Islamic country

They didn't choose to be born in a diabolic dungheap

instead of killing the tyrants, he'd rather kill off the ones he

claims to protect, cuz he's a cunt, see?

Yes, Iran should take out al kabbah, that way the Islamic faith would be shaken, but since they are muslims that is unlikely.

2 points

Antrim what you are failing to consider (despite the blatant obviousness of it) is that the vast majority of the universe is beyond our current scope of vision, even most of this galaxy is obscured to us, we are just barely able to discern certain details about nearby solar systems. To base your opinion on the fact that we don't directly see any evidence of ETs is little better than a blind man saying that light doesn't exist. Even with the limited range we have we have already discovered hundreds of planets with similar atmospheres to earth and liquid water. That being said there is an unbelievably huge amount of planets with earth like conditions in the entire universe not to mention the possibility for life to form under entirely different conditions. On top of all this, life on earth is one of the rarer cases because life here is so diverse and complex, when you consider the fact that most life bearing systems probably contain much simpler life forms that are no where near our level of evolution then you will see how retarded it would be if we just happened to be the only life yet we progressed to this level in a universe where life isn't even supposed to exist in the first place.

Something I have considered is studying biotech and computer science, and of course I have considered getting a physics Phd because one of my goals in life is to make some major contribution to completing the Unified Field Theory. I have studied these things on my own to an extent and I am very familiar with the surface level "pop science" and have delved into the more technical material as well. The thing that I have trouble with ironically is mathematics. I am very good at abstract concepts and I have managed to figure a lot of things out about field theory without actually knowing much math. At some point it is very likely that I will pursue that kind of technical training but right now I am going down a more entrepreneurial path and trying to figure out as much as I can on my own. Just as you say studying math and physics at the same time is a lot of work, so before I go into any physics course I have some serious catching up to do in mathematics. I always had a wide range of interests, a general curiosity and a non-conformist anti-authority attitude, so I can't say there is a time in my life where I was exposed to intellectualism abruptly and had some sort of awakening. I was never forced to endure religious indoctrination until I was old enough to deal with it accordingly (when I was ten years old I lived with some relatives who where very religious and I actually started to take interest in the occult around that time) I have been through many ideological phases and believed in various forms of spirituality but I have been making a gradual progression towards logic and objective truth and I have considered almost every conceivable school of thought known to mankind. The more my frontal lobe has developed the more I have gravitated towards a scientific, mechanistic worldview and rejected all forms of superstition. In doing so, I have noticed that society is actually built around superstitious beliefs, and that humanity will have to learn to function as a society in a way that is compatible with reality, and incompatible with brainwashing, planned obsolescence, unnecessary environmental destruction and violence etc.

2 points

It's unacceptable, even in universities while teaching advanced material they are still using the same rigid cookie cutter teaching style. You may or may not be surprised to hear this but I actually dropped out of high school at 16 and got a GED because I was sick of the sterile environment and the watered down material which often has an agenda behind it. When it comes to highly advanced subjects like quantum field theory how does a system like this even work? It seems that either:

A) No human actually understands string theory or quantum theory on any direct level and that these are merely our mathematical interpretations of a reality we can't comprehend or...

B) The above is still mostly true but with the addition of one simple dynamic, there is a human understanding of these things to an extent on more than just an abstract representative level and that the true understanding is closely regulated and only taught to an intellectual elite while the average university student is merely taught enough to land a job at CERN to serve the "elite" or write a few books for the masses without truly understanding the mechanics at work.

Nomenclature fuck you I'm not Good Listener I disagree with him about 80% of everything fuck you shut up die.

2 points

I agree 100%

Of course there is a lot more to it then what I mentioned but someone like FromWithin won't be able to process this so I kept it simple.

The school system is designed to do two things, indoctrinate you into world of institutions, social constructs and superstition (whether they be spiritual superstitions or the superstition of social constructs and the projection of internal subjective contrivances into the real world) and to teach you to memorize a series of algorithms which help you serve the institutions of society without promoting the actual comprehension or analysis of a subject on a truly meaningful level. What they do not teach is independence or critical thinking, they fundamentally teach memorization, obedience and mindless acceptance of whatever the "authority" says.

Both the left and the right need to keep their agendas out of science and out of the schools.

You stupid fucking SJW lefty fucktards need to stop turning schools into LGBT indoctrination camps and you stupid conservative christians need to stop trying to get the real science of evolution out of schools.

As for my rum I scream at it and tell it to ferment faster and I play satanic black metal around it at all times.

0 points




Grape nutrients

Barley hops and starch nutrients

No nutrients

Hard liquor is good for getting drunk, but it does not help you in the long run, wine and beer are actually healthy in moderation. I always sing to my grapes to make them fight cancer. And I always massage my hops and whisper sweet nothings into it before a brew.

2 points

1) I am not inverting shit, you asked me what my favorite drinks where and I told yee. it doesn't mean I am just sitting here gulping smoothies all day.

2) I eat a very balanced diet, I eat almost everything as long as it isn't junk food and garbage. But I favour the most nutrient dense and healthy foods. That includes some animal products, but mostly plant based foods.

3)I already am very familiar with the fruitarian life style, I have studied all of this stuff.

4) I do not approve of the fruitarian diet.

5) The video you sent me is the workings of a malnourished crack pot but he has some valid points like the oxidization and the chewing. Like I said it's not like I obsessively drink smoothies, it only sounded that way due to the nature of the question. I haven't had a smoothie in three days and I ate a bunch of bananas just like this guy in the video just a few hours ago.

0 points

I'm a fucking blueberry dude, fuck you.

You don't even have any antioxidants

I'm an omnivore, I eat the best of the meat world and the best of the plant world. I like seafood and red meat.

Oh give it a rest you sanctimonious jizz bag, I'm too busy drinking blueberry mixed with acai mixed with purple carrot mixed with orange carrot mixed with apple and grape juice and sweet potato V8s and sipping kombucha to worry about your milk problems.

My favorite alcoholic beverage is wine because I'm a fucking pansy. Actually there's nothing wrong with a big hairy man like me drinking wine, fuck you. The beer called "stella artois" is good as well but it's more manly than it sounds. As for hard liquor I usually go with rum. (I only drink like once a month BTW)

When it comes to non-alcoholic beverages I am a health-nut and a snob. I only drink organic juices and I drink a lot of smoothies with ingredients like spirulina, buckwheat, jerusalem artichoke, etc. and I juice vegetables as well as fruit. For fruit I prefer the tropical ones, for veg I juice kale, cucumber, celery, carrots and many more. And of course I got mad mixed berry smoothies up in this bitch with chia seeds and berry juices as well as pretty much every other kind of juice. I also drink milk, but not raw milk like YOU DO

Are you aware this this known as the Nomenberg defense? When you are a communist comrade who feels a sense of belonging on the farthest reaches of the left but you claim if you leave your circle of bullshit you will enter into an unwarranted sense of belonging but really you are afraid of betraying your comrades. You are already under the influence of an unwarranted sense of belonging, because you belong to the collective of collectivism.

No he doesn't...............................................................

0 points

I already exposed you buddy, the best you can hope for is an equal exchange of exposing. The thing is, for all anyone knows you could be downvoting people I would downvote just to frame me, it's not conclusive evidence but you have admitted to being a well known troll with alt accounts which IS conclusive.

2 points

Also I said Nom3nclature is the only one that I made out of all those accounts.

I didn't specifically say I had NO CONNECTION to any of them.

Like anyone cares what I do here, and yes I denied it. If it was me what would I do? DENY IT. If it was my brother what would I do? DENY IT. If it has nothing to do with me what would I do? DENY IT

So no matter what I would deny it, me denying it doesn't prove anything.

No I suggested he come here and help me troll people if he so pleased, and he did please.

0 points

Calvin is actually my brother.

I help him edit his videos sometimes.

I didn't use alts though you idiot.

I downvote yall to your faces bitch

Hey good listener...Don't be an IDIOT

I saw you, sneaky bastard..I saw what you did

Nom3nclature is the only one that I made out of all those accounts.

MathFan is the only person other than me on this site who doesn't hold any irrational beliefs and is capable of being objective and logical. I defend him because he's the only person who is respect-worthy on this whole site other than me and I never even noticed the FM-MF dynamic until it was pointed out to me.

Only people who have confirmed alts have ever accused me of having alts which suggests they are blaming me for all their alts because everyone hates me and will therefor be more likely to believe it's me.

If I where them I would have already known.

You where Sv3rige and Milk Jar, you are automatically accusing me because you know people already think I have alts.

Only the lunatics of the site like Nom and Nathan think I am Sv3rige.


The power to manipulate matter and energy with my mind.

A library with all the information in the universe contained inside it.

Some people are adults at age 15, some people are still babies at 50.

0 points

I've tried DNA force, brain force, the iodine and B12 supplements and super male vitality.

DNA force is a primarily a mixture of cellular antioxidants such as BIO PQQ and Co-enzyme Q10 and also contains herbal ingredients such as Rhodiola Rosea and astragalus root.

Brain Force made me feel like I was on crack.

The iodine and b12 where okay.

Super Male Vitality made me really horny and I spanked out a semen blast like 10 times a day on that stuff

People will find ways to be sneaky, people will use the system to their advantage and to others detriment, it will not be effective in maintaining civil conduct. In the future perhaps we will be more open but we will not be SPYING on each other because a world where every one having open access to every ones life won't cause problems is a world where humans behave entirely different. It would require more than just a mutual agreement to spy on each other, but a mutual agreement to co operate, and to operate as symbiant super-organism where all humans have a mutual understanding on how they should live, how society should function, and how they should treat others. If it was any different then you would effectively be giving out muskets to a band of wild troglodyte neanderthals and waiting for them to shoot each other.

If you watched more Alex Jones you would understand why that doesn't compute. Spying on everyone and collecting data on everyone hasn't stopped a single terrorist attack. It's main purpose is not to stop terrorism either, it's about POWER trust me, I'm Darth Sidious disguised as blueberries.

Whichever side gets the majority of points has no correlation to which is actually correct, so who the fuck cares. Besides THAT side of the debate is the one that's correct to begin with. It can have 0 points or 100 points either way CNN is propaganda and Alex Jones is slightly more accurate and less establishment-controlled propaganda.

Will MSM tell you that the federal reserve is a private bank and is part of an international network that controls half the world's economy?

Will MSM tell you that 9/11 was an inside job?

Will MSM tell you that Nomenclature is a 33rd degree Free Mason?

That's what I thought BITCH ASS BOY

Someone will always find a way to abuse this system unless you can bypass all of the conditions which lead to human conflict or allow for the possibility of screwing someone over for your own gain.

The NSA IS in the wrong because of what they do, because the american people where tricked into allowing the patriot act to be passed, it was like giving a retarded baby a lolly pop laced with cyanide. So when a retarded baby is born into your world, it will be the same thing only worse because no one will know what privacy even means, everyone will be subject to everyone else. Without a drastic shift in the social mass psychology of humanity it will lead to nothing but problems because some people will INEVITABLY find a way to abuse this surveillance system and it will turn into a source of conflict rather than an equalizer. The thing is, I don't want a world where the many are subjugated by the few, or the few are subjugated by the many, or the everyone is subjugated by the everyone, I want a world where no one is subjugated by anyone.

The world where everyone can be trusted to spy on everyone else would be the world where no one needs to spy on anyone in the first place.

Does everyone really need to watch everyone?

Wouldn't that get annoying?

So you'd be cool with it if I snuck into your house and set up cameras, hacked into your webcam and bugged your phone?

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