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This personal waterfall shows you all of GCSB's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

@Atrag It may not have any KNOWN problems but why risk it? If it works well already they may as well keep it. I know its hard for most humans but you can go with out your phone for a few hours.

1 point

Yes doesn't even cover it.

Our methods of hunting and killing may of changed and yeah it does do damage to these creatures but understanding that our farmers have to give a supply to 7 billion people its no wonder that they turned to factory farming.

And the circle of life. The cows and pigs are born they eat the grass and hay etc they grow they reproduce they get die we eat them-

Humans we eat the cows and pigs and all different types of meat, we grow, we reproduce, we die, the insects and under ground critters eat us which makes the grass grow for the cows/pigs etc to eat.

All swings back around. Its food.

1 point


How is water harming animals?! what the shit?!

someone go grab me a steak so i can slap some bitches up side the head.

1 point

Obviously its an awful ordeal for these animals to go through and no it shouldn't happen, however in a world that has a population of over 7 billion and counting it is physically impossible to give these creature the life they deserve and get produce to the demand of humans.

It is a cheap and quick.

Factory Farming: Bad

but Good for being able to feed man kind.

1 point

Not natural?

Do you use a car sir? Do you use a mircowave? Have you ever been in a plane?

How can you use this as an argument when half the things that humans do in this day and age is "not natural". There are many other species on this planet that are homosexual are they sinners? Will they be sent to hell fire? or does it scare men thinking that some dude may stick his dick in their arse?

I do apologies for my bluntness (and possible rudeness) towards you but I personally fucking despise people who say its wrong. Because its not. Its two people in love doing their day to day things, living a normal life, they go to work they pay taxes. You know what they are exactly the same as you trying to live their fucking lives with out having some dicks judge them.

1 point

^ I do hope that there is an unbelievable amount of sarcasm in what you just said.

1 point

The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it talks about the universe as we know it starting with a small singularity, then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.

Because current instruments don't allow astronomers to peer back at the universe's birth, much of what we understand about the Big Bang Theory comes from mathematical theory and models. Astronomers can, however, see the "echo" of the expansion through a phenomenon known as the cosmic microwave background.

In the first second after the universe began, the surrounding temperature was about 10 billion degrees Fahrenheit (5.5 billion Celsius), according to NASA. The cosmos contained a vast array of fundamental particles such as neutrons, electrons and protons. These decayed or combined as the universe got cooler.

This early soup would have been impossible to look at, because light could not carry inside of it. "The free electrons would have caused light (photons) to scatter the way sunlight scatters from the water droplets in clouds," NASA stated. Over time, however, the free electrons met up with nuclei and created neutral atoms. This allowed light to shine through about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

This early light — sometimes called the "afterglow" of the Big Bang — is more properly known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB). It was first predicted by Ralph Alpher and other scientists in 1948, but was found only by accident almost 20 years later. [Images: Peering Back to the Big Bang & Early Universe]

Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, both of Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, were building a radio receiver in 1965 and picking up higher-than-expected temperatures, according to NASA. At first, they thought the anomaly was due to pigeons and their dung, but even after cleaning up the mess and killing pigeons that tried to roost inside the antenna, the anomaly persisted.

Simultaneously, a Princeton University team (led by Robert Dicke) was trying to find evidence of the CMB, and realized that Penzias and Wilson had stumbled upon it. The teams each published papers in the Astrophysical Journal in 1965.

(source: )

1 point

Really important debate but i cant take it seriously because its ISIS if anyone on here has watched Archer I think you can understand.

Personally though I don't know what they should do. Either way many civilians will die or be seriously hurt and lets not even mention the mental damage that is happening to the children of Iraq. If not from the terrorist attacks then from the drones that'll be falling via the American Armed Forces. Its a hard one to decide you either help but do damage or don't help and see what happens. I truly feel for the man/women who has to come to the end decision.

1 point

How is it a sin to love?! How?!

it makes no sense that a god who sent his son to teach man kind of love and compassion can turn his back on a group of people just because.

Please explain to me my dear LITTERALLY how is homosexuality a sin?

1 point

I will always back science simply for the fact that they have done so much research, there is so much data and evidence that highly suggests that theory's such as the Big Bang did happen! However other than a 2000 year old book and word of mouth there is nothing to prove that God exists. For myself personally God will only be real on the day of Armageddon.

1 point

Of course! I mean from childhood we break the rules all the time. Most rules are pointless anyway its just basic common sense...however I do often scrol through my news feed on facebook and wonder is common sense is still a real thing..but still if you didn't break the rules every now and then you wouldn't have any fun you wouldn't of lived for a little while on the wild side

the wild side is ten time more fun

1 point

Don't be silly wrap your willy!

people need to learn that there are consequences to this action and therefore they should be educated on how to prevent things such as teenage pregnancy from happening. However like I said in my other comment during your teenage years is when all of those sexual feelings come alive.

Fucking is fun, humans are lucky that for us sex is pleasurable for most other creatures it is just for reproduction. Know the risk but know the benefits.

1 point

fucking is fucking at the end of the day, we do it to reproduce and for the fact its good shit! I mean who hasn't felt better after a sesh of make up sex?

its fun and part of life during your teenage years is when you're at your most horniest because all of those sexual hormones are coming alive.

1 point

AHEM! England through the years of 1995-2008 many priest and vicars were arrested on rape charges against choir boys.

No religion is perfect so get your head out of your arse sweetie and see the bigger picture.

13 points

Like most religions it is one of peace and equality its just a group of people who are fucking up for the rest of them. I'm more than 110% certain that the majority who follow Islamic Religion are not planning on killing anyone, causing violence or anything like that, they just want to live the bog standard life with out the small majority fucking shit up for them.

2 points

Why use something that was written 2000 years ago to justify your own prejudice?

Its outdated, I don't see people stoning prostitutes on the streets, I don't see women left to public humiliation for adultery.

So why (metaphorically speaking) is it okay to stone or publicly humiliate those who are homosexual?

4 points

I think to some extent yes it is. We have become lazy if you want to find something out you automatically turn to Google, even if its just the basic spelling for something. Its quick and easy and you don't really need use you own knowledge with it because all of the answers are in front of you, rather than trying to work it out yourself.

Please don't get me wrong I probably couldn't live with out Google, I wouldn't of even made it past secondary with out it. I wouldn't say stupid but defiantly more lazy.

11 points

May not be the best but I can assure you the NHS ent doing to bad hunny.

However it does depend on what this person means, does he mean that the whole lot should be free or the medication/surgery/services should be offered for free.

In England (my apologies if your from England you probably already know this) we pay our NI which covers the basics of health care for the British public. We don't need to pay every time that we are taking somewhere in an ambulance and a basic surgery doesn't cost a fortune.

They still need to do some work on getting more funds to the NHS but it does work!

2 points

Personally I don't give a shit its just annoying me that you spelt Christian wrong...

11 points

It is due to matter of opinion you cant just put simply yes or no. You may find what I say very offensive were as someone else may think I am being perfectly reasonable.

1 point

Animal testing is wrong it is abuse to another form of creature and is well and truly morally wrong. However I can see the benefits when it comes to life saving medication we do need to test these things before it goes to humans there are so many more of us anything goes wrong it could spread like wild fire.

GCSB(83) Clarified
2 points

Just because your pic is Cartmen it remind me of the episode where they go to imagination land and terrorist are attacking peoples imagination, they were then left with the question is what we imagine real?

In my opinion anything is possible something that could of started off as imagination could become something massive, I mean for example this website someone had to of thought of it before creating it right?

1 point

I've only been on this website for a few hours and I am literally in love with it!

1 point

Music, I couldn't live with out it!

Music can bring all emotions that you may have been suppressing down, in moments of joy or sadness. It can connect people with one another a shared unity between man kind. I love it.

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