
Giga2's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Giga2's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

They should because youthese big ass guys hiting homeruns all the time that would be sick. and these damn big muscles and stuff and they throw thw ball so hard. so i think hell yeah they should be allowed.

1 point

This game is sick the guns and that stuff. i even how to blow up a bulding and kill people with there being no blood i can also make there be a-lot of blood.

2 points

Kobe bryant he kills on the court. he kills in the playoffs and in the regular season he is gonna lead the lakers to the natinal championship and they are gonna win.

2 points

Hell no kobe is a-lot better than lebron. in the regular season kobe was a-lot better than lebron. GO KOBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Curfew laws are for idiots not for teenagers im 17 and have freinds i should know.

3 points

School uniforms are for weirdos. we hate them. people wont get made fun for what their wearing because tere is as trict bullying pollisy in most schools.

1 point

Exactly why should we im out till 12:00 PM every night walking around riding my bike. it's not fair!!!!!!!!

1 point

Im 17 i hate curfew laws. who cares if were out at 11:00 at night we dont.

1 point

Thats right. we just want to hang out not have sex be irresponsible.

1 point

We are not that stupid to have sex and drink at such a young age. curfew laws are unfair.

1 point

We teenagers should not have curfew laws. some of our parents leave at 2 am what we do but walk around and wait for the bus. curfew laws SUCK!!!!!!!!!

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