
IAmSparticus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of IAmSparticus's arguments, looking across every debate.

You're getting a litttttttle unhinged.

She has no policy on same sex marriage, as the issue is already settled by the courts.

I've been struggling for some time to come up with an understanding of that comment that isn't incredibly fucked up and I just can't.

I'm guessing you haven't actually studied American history, right?

Because to call her the most corrupt American politician of all time ignores the politicians who were actually, legally corrupt. corruptpoliticians/george-ryan.html

Here's a basic list that shows you what legitimate corruption looks like. Hyperbole serves you no good.

Did not want to discuss the mishandling of classified information.

Did not want to discuss having an illegal server to bypass the freedom of information act.

She did discuss it, and appologized for it. There's nothing else she could have said about it while still being a smart politician.

Did not want to discuss her arming and backing ISIS.

She didn't.

Did not want to discuss Bill's sexcapades or her assault on his plethera of victims.

No shit, she isn't Bill Clinton.

Did not want to talk about TPP which she rejects in public, at least this week, but supports in private per wikileaks.

She did discuss it.

Did not want to talk about Her globalist agenda per open borders per wikileaks.

"globalist agenda" really is meaningless. She did discuss immigration and trade.

Did not want to talk about the danger of thousands of Syrian refugees flooding into Europe and America causing violence, rape, and anarchy in every European country they enter to the point of civil uprisings to stop it in those countries.

Probably because that isn't happening, and isn't going to happen.

Do you even read your wikileaks citations? Because the actual content in them hasn't backed up anything you've claimed, short of her not supporting same-sex marriage.

It's hilarious how horrible your perception of gender relations is.

So if someone's genitalia works then they must imagine sexually assaulting people?

What kind of toxic-as-fuck perception of sexuality do you have?

So every male politician is guilty of of sexual assault


and most likely you are too... or?


In most likelihood, you are a liar.

Still no.

You'll try to honestly in a religious-like self righteous position, try to convince us that you have neither ever said or thought about doing the things he said out loud?

Of course I did, when I was a child who didn't know any better.

You my friend, are? A liar, which makes you worse than him

Except you really have no basis for calling me a liar. You don't know me, and have never met me, yet are trying to claim you know how I think about women. It's silly, to be honest.

And let's fully ignore that it was 12 years ago.

Yeah, except he still talks about women in incredibly disrespectful ways. Currently.

Your clan are the same geniuses defending a 60 year old pedaphile's right to be in the stall next to a 7 year old girl.

Not a single person has "defended" that, oddly enough.

The liberal problem lies right there painfully in...the mirror.

Still not a liberal. Seriously, enough with the partisan shit.

A large number of presidents spent more money than all their predecessors combined.

That's nothing new, at all. On top of that, Republicans contributed substantially to that debt.

Doesn't really matter. She will propose and enact them for her own political gain, whether she believes in them or not.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Care to provide the citation for said tax returns?

I love how she apparently has no autonomy but is only an extension of her husband to you.

I really don't care. I'm not voting for her because I like her (I loathe her), I'm voting for her because her opponent is so wildly dangerous and incompetent that he has managed to make her into the lesser of two evils.

Plus, you references regarding her wikileaks have thus far been, let's say "factually lacking".

Except Republicans continuously spend more money and make the government bigger.

Seriously, stop listening to everything they tell you and look at the policies they are actually putting into place.

See, this is the absurdity with many Trump supporters. You argue that Hillary only makes promises but never gets anything done. Well no shit, we have a system with checks and balances, where she never would have held any position that would allow her to simply will into existence everything she promises.

Trump will tell you he can do it. He will make all these grand promises and tell you that he can get them done, regardless of the fact that Democratics won't work with him and he's pissed off a substantial amount of Republican politicians.

That's because he doesn't have a fucking clue how our government works, and neither do the people that eat up this strong-man authoritarian bullshit.

Do you even take the time to ensure you conspiracy theories make sense?

Or do you just kind of throw them out there, stream of consciousness style?

No, he really won't. People such as Trump and yourself have been coming up with these excuses for a long time.

This isn't going to change anything.

Wait, you actually believe that tens of millions of people from all walks of life are united in a cynical desire for political control to the extent that they fake an entire political ideology?

The fuck?

What is the point of just throwing a ton of unverifiable claims together that utterly lack evidence?

See, this is the problem. The fact that you think any discussion of genitalia is equivalent to discussion of sexual assault means that you don't even understand why what Trump said was wrong in the first place.

First. ISIS was created before Hillary was Secretary of state, so the claim was objectively false.

Second, your source says that Saudi Arabia and Qatar were providing support for ISIL, not that Hillary Clinton, or even they, "created" ISIS.

Third, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are not the largest contributors to Clinton's campaign. By law they can't be.

Fourth, we have already verified that wikileaks has in fact released incorrect information in the past, meaning they do not have a 100% accuracy rate.

Fifth, this website has absolutely no understanding of what legally constitutes "treason".

Seriously, this website of yours is a complete joke.

By that definition, basically every cable news outlet is corrupt.

The United States was in no position to violate the agreement made with Iraq under the Bush administration without violating international law.

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