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This personal waterfall shows you all of Iacov's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I thank you for your kind words, however I will not join you in the worship of your god. Instead I will offer you my own prayer.

All father, lord of lords,

Though he walks a different path than I, hear my prayer.

May Odin grant you wisdom on your journey,

May Thor grant you strength on your path,

May Loki grant you laughter as you go.

1 point

I am bisexual and I do believe it is a mental disorder. However I do not believe that is a bad thing just as a sociopath also has a mental disorder but they have done nothing inherently wrong their brain simply operates differently.

1 point

Notice how there is no link provided to the website your article is describing.

1 point

Although I am pro choice I do support defunding planned parenthood. My reason for this is that I don not believe that government funds should go to any multinational organization. And before anyone ask, yes that does include the Red Cross.

1 point

Wicca is unrelated to Satanism. It is a group of religious traditions. Some are highly structured, while most are eclectic. Many, perhaps most, Wiccans are solitary practitioners. Wiccans are, in many ways, directly opposite to Satanists:


Most Wiccans worship a Goddess and her consort, a God.

bullet They do not recognize Satan or any other all-evil supernatural entity.

bullet Their prime symbol is the exact opposite to the symbol used by Satanists. It is the upright pentagram -- a 5-pointed star with two points downward and one up. Sometimes it is enclosed by a circle to form a pentacle.

bullet Their groups are generally called covens, not grottos or temples.

bullet Their rule of behavior is called the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do what thou wilt." i.e. do whatever you wish, as long as it harms no one, including yourself. Wiccans are not allowed do dominate, manipulate, control, or harm others.

Wiccans believe that they worship neither the Christian God nor the Christian devil. They worship a Goddess and a God. Neither is at all similar to Satan. Wicca, and other forms of Neopaganism, are as different from Satanism as Hinduism is from Christianity.

I prefer not to use sources called things like bible hub so let's look it up with another sources.

But still you didn't answer the question are all gods that aren't your god "the devil"?

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

I was really happy with this and I agreed with you completely until I got to very last sentence.

1 point

"For a gazing-stock

no man shall have another,

although he come a stranger to his house.

Many a one thinks himself wise,

if he is not questioned,

and can sit in a dry habit."

Hamaval stanza 30

1 point

Your last sentence is false here is the definition of witchcraft




the practice of magic, especially black magic; the use of spells and the invocation of spirits.

synonyms: sorcery, black magic, white magic, magic, witching, witchery, wizardry;

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

So a question for you.

If witches worship the devil (Wiccans don't worship the devil) do you believe my gods to also be devils?

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

Then I apologize I miss understood your original comment.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

Oh I completely agree I was contesting your comment that the parents were at fault.

1 point

Poverty contributes to robbery because people may find it easier or quicker to steal than to go through the process of getting and keeping a job. Less educated people may feel hopeless about finding work and steal out of a sense of need. Greed or power are motives for high-dollar theft. Some people steal for pure thrills or to show off to peers.

Violent crimes, such as murder, assault and rape, may result from bad subconscious attitudes or pent-up anger. Children exposed to violence in their homes may grow up with subconscious thoughts that compel them to impulsive reactions when angry. In essence, some crimes carry forward through generations in families. Other violent crimes are planned out for personal gain or vengeance. A person may kill someone over a significant feud or disdain.

The need for control causes some people to commit crimes in the business arena. Others steal or harm people because of jealousy or envy.

Maybe their parents couldn't help them because they couldn't.

1 point

The mistake I feel you've made here is you are thinking of the political spectrum as a one dimensional line. I view the political spectrum as a plane with the ability to move along a x and y axis. By assuming all people can only be a liberal or conservative it leaves no room for free thinking for example most people at the moment would probably describe me as a conservative if it were only a line but I think abortion should be completely legal how could I be conservative? Simple I'm libertarian. Don't assume all people in a group think the same way there can be someone in the GOP that supports restrictive gun laws. Free thinking is not only possible it is encouraged.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

So how would you treat those who follow a religion that was neither Christianity or Islam?

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

What about Asatru Paganism? Is there a reason you wouldn't find it acceptable or are you simply not familiar with the religion?

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

Wow what type of wedding do you think it was was it a Mormon type of very low key wedding or was it this big spectacle catholic like wedding. Although I guess the reception must have sucked and poor Adam never had a best man to toast him.

1 point

I didn't realize Adam and Eve were officially married was god their priest?

1 point

Assuming the Christian God is truely the God described in the Bible I see no reason why he wouldn't forgive you. Even though you and I have had our disagreements their is no denying your devotion and will to spread the Christian God's word. I have no doubt your sins will be forgiven by your God any you will be granted the Christian paradise.

1 point

People on the right truely believe people on the left are wrong. People on the left truely believe people on the right are evil.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

Although I agree with most of what you said there I find it interesting to see that it all is in regards to Christianity.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

I do not believe in your concept of sin and the simple matter of fact is neither of us can prove which of us is right.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

You seem obsessed with sodomy. Sodomy is anal sex that's all it is. If you must know I am bisexual and I'm perfectly fine with that.

Now you have named some supposed similarities between Asatru Paganism and atheism but that does not mean they are one and the same.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

How very Christian of you to single out a few phrases and manipulate them to your benefit.

Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

I actually have read the Quran and Mein Kamf. If you believe the Quran is a manual to attack the west you have greatly missed the point.

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