
IdiotBronto's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of IdiotBronto's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Sorry, I forgot to ban this hateful pathetic clown.

Lol. You literally banned him for proving you wrong. Then you called HIM "hateful" and "pathetic". Ahahahaha! Hilarious.

1 point

In a Hezbollah owned facility.

You literally made that up. The stash was found across four different properties and nobody was even charged with an offence:-

Four properties were raided in North West London and a man in his forties was arrested on suspicion of plotting terrorism before being released without charge

Literally nothing happened. Some people bought some fertiliser. Great story bro.

1 point

But mainly? Your government tried to hide it until they got caught up on.

Cool. Tell us more about how Hezbollah owned the building and how the men were Iranian.

Radicals linked to Hizbollah, the Lebanese militant group, stashed thousands of disposable ice packs containing ammonium nitrate - a common ingredient in homemade bombs.

1 point

normal household items and isn't stockpiling more than three tons of ammonium nitrate.

You know that ammonium nitrate is fertiliser, right?

1 point

Your obvious problem being that a normal household isn't owned by Hezbollah

Your obvious problem is that what Hezbollah owns or doesn't own has absolutely ZERO relationship to whether something is a "bomb factory" or not. Hence, what you label "your obvious problem" is in fact yet another of your tiresome attempts to change the subject whenever you are caught LYING.

IdiotBronto(40) Clarified
1 point

yet you Leftist are GENDER CONFUSED

Not me buddy. I think those people are stupid. They represent an extremely small portion of the left outside America.

1 point

You forgot bomb making materials.

You forgot that bombs can be made from ordinary household items. Therefore, following on from your extraordinarily false language, every house is a bomb factory.

Except bomb factories are used to make bombs, not store material.

1 point

Covering up Islamic attacks and bomb factories

How many attacks were there and how many bombs were discovered, buddy?

Oh yes, that's right. Zero and zero. Your false language makes me want to literally spit in your face. Every word you utter is a lie. Everything.

1 point

There are many reasons why. One is to keep them at bay so as not to attack the British people.

There's only one reason why someone would open the same debate about the same topic five times over and that's because he keeps losing.

1 point

Ran off in fear once again.

You literally banned me from your debate because I used scientific research to debunk your claim that the US media is under the control of the left wing.

1 point

It's not logical to say Jihadists stop attacking if you cover up what they are doing

It isn't logical to say people are Iranian bombers when they aren't from Iran and haven't bombed anything, you cringeworthy retard. The difference being you actually said those words, whereas the sentence above is another one of your typical lies. You invent a false, ridiculous argument, and then claim it's what someone else believes. Typical corporatist right wing smear attacks from a typical piece of shit who stooges for them. Get a life mate. For God's sake.

IdiotBronto(40) Clarified
1 point

Brontoraptor doesn't have the idea that he's better than you.

So he lies about me constantly and calls me names because he loves me? Do you have evidence to support this theory, or are you just writing completely false things because you are under the false impression that I give a flying shit what you think about anything?

0 points

Are you talking to yourself and upvoting yourself??

Why are you interested? You aren't even slightly interested when you see Brontoraptor do it thirty times a day.

1 point


Do paid corporate shills usually have Marxist views? Do they want to abolish corporations and put the worker in charge of their own labour?

Wikipedia is your go toooooo !!!!!!!!!!

Not really. It's just the fastest source which is generally reliable. Some pages are policed heavily by special interest groups and corporate shills. The new breed of corporate-fascist super shill isn't just a problem for Democrats, but a problem for Republicans too. I watched a documentary last night called Dark Money, which is all about corporations successfully having state laws overturned which limit or forbid them to contribute directly to political campaigns. They go after Republicans and Democrats alike. Anybody in the Republican Party they consider a moderate they attack at the primaries.

0 points

LOL! Literally all you did is teach him the difference between a noun and a verb. What a moron he is. Honestly.

Yes, Brontoraptor has no rebuttal for verbs. He goes straight for the ban button.

1 point

Bronto, why did you ban me from your debate and then try to claim victory while I wasn't there?


1 point

Nom unable to rebuttal British government covering up Hezbollah bomb factory

My rebuttal is that you are too stupid to even understand how English works. When it's a verb, you say, REBUT. Repeat after me, you deranged, pro-capitalist retard: REBUT.

1 point

Wikipedia makes your world right yet you continue to bitch !!

You know that Brontoraptor is almost certainly some kind of paid corporate shill, right?

1 point

Let's just consider what this sentence means:-

In 1983, 90% of US media was controlled by 50 companies; as of 2011, 90% was controlled by just 6 companies and in 2017 the number was 5.[94]

It means the problem with corporate bias in the media first analysed and reported by Herman and Chomsky in the 1980s is TEN TIMES worse today than it was then.

1 point

Here is my other rebuttal he insisted I didn't have:-

86% of journalist donations going to the Democratic Party.

So something completely irrelevant to who controls the media then, yes?

Over time the amount of media merging has increased and the number of media outlets has increased. As a result, fewer companies now own more media outlets, increasing the concentration of ownership.[7] In 1983, 90% of US media was controlled by 50 companies; as of 2011, 90% was controlled by just 6 companies and in 2017 the number was 5.[94] ofmediaownership#UnitedStates

1 point

Here is the rebuttal Brontoraptor insisted I didn't have:-

Is that why you banned me and then continued trying to argue with someone you were completely aware was unable to respond?

Ahahahaha! You delusional little moron.

What you did is make the false claim that the media is a "left wing complex", despite the completely obvious fact that it is owned by wealthy corporations and well known right wing nutcases like Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers. When I disproved your outrageous populist myth-building by quoting the University of Michigan website, you spammed a random story about journalists donating to Hillary Clinton's campaign. Hence, you lied, you were proved to be lying, and instead of admitting it you changed the subject.

The research shows that you are wrong:-

Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in their 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media[39] proposed a propaganda model to explain systematic biases of U.S. media as a consequence of the pressure to create a stable and profitable business. In this view, corporate interests create five filters that bias news in their favor.

Isn't it strange how that study from the 1980s is still featured prominently on the Wikipedia page about US media bias in 2019, huh buddy? I mean, surely we can just ignore it, right? I mean, it's from the 1980s!!!!

LOL! Keep shilling away, my little weasel.

1 point

86% of journalist donations going to the Democratic Party.

So something completely irrelevant to who controls the media then, yes?

Over time the amount of media merging has increased and the number of media outlets has increased. As a result, fewer companies now own more media outlets, increasing the concentration of ownership.[7] In 1983, 90% of US media was controlled by 50 companies; as of 2011, 90% was controlled by just 6 companies and in 2017 the number was 5.[94] ofmediaownership#UnitedStates

1 point

Boy I whipped your ass like a football...

Is that why you banned me and then continued trying to argue with someone you were completely aware was unable to respond?

Ahahahaha! You delusional little moron.

What you did is make the false claim that the media is a "left wing complex", despite the completely obvious fact that it is owned by wealthy corporations and well known right wing nutcases like Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers. When I disproved your outrageous populist myth-building by quoting the University of Michigan website, you spammed a random story about journalists donating to Hillary Clinton's campaign. Hence, you lied, you were proved to be lying, and instead of admitting it you changed the subject.

The research shows that you are wrong:-

Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in their 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media[39] proposed a propaganda model to explain systematic biases of U.S. media as a consequence of the pressure to create a stable and profitable business. In this view, corporate interests create five filters that bias news in their favor.

Isn't it strange how that study from the 1980s is still featured prominently on the Wikipedia page about US media bias in 2019, huh buddy? I mean, surely we can just ignore it, right? I mean, it's from the 1980s!!!!

LOL! Keep shilling away, my little weasel.

3 points

LOL! I see you've changed your story after you were busted LYING about "Iranian bombers" last night. "Iranian bombers" who weren't Iranian and who didn't bomb anything.

Now spam us some more extreme Christian right hate blogs owned by corrupt billionaires, you laughable clown.

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