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Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

Thanks for replying me.

My "students must sacrifice some of their health to study" means, for example, many university students work till 4 a.m. When they are tired, they don't rest but drink 4 cups of coffee.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

You are right, technology makes human strong. But grasping technology requires hard work, while working too hard doesn't promote human health, as I have said above. If human has evolved to be adapted to being strong, working hard should be good for human health.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

But is there any evidence that can prove that the parent knows this or doesn't know this?

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

Is what I've said in the words below the title right (the grey words)? This is my personal opinion and I want your response for what I've said.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

That's what I've forgotten to correct. I copied a sentence what a user said in another page where the topic "Should a teacher hit students" was raised.

The "be slapped" ought to be changed to "be punished".

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

You haven't answered the question. Can "Rome is a city in Latinia" prove it was not invented by Romans? Was it invented by Romans or other places in Latinia?

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

No, Greek alphabet is not derived from Latin alphabet. Latin alphabet is derived from Greek alphabet.(My native language is not English. I may misunderstand some of the meanings.)

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

No, Greek alphabet is not derived from Latin alphabet. Latin alphabet is derived from Greek alphabet.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

Sorry for asking again. Since it was not invented by Romans, which nation had invented it?

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

Since it was not invented by Romans, which nation had invented it?

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

But Christianity emphasizes human "sin" and punishments for carrying sins, around which the creed of Christianity develops. Western societies advance basing on such belief.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

But Christianity emphasizes human "sin" and punishments for carrying sins, around which the creed of Christianity develops. Western societies advance basing on such belief.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

So was Latin language group consisted of the same members as it is now? At present Latin group is consisted of French, Spanish, Italian, etc., was ancient Latin group also consisted of these MEMBERS? Certain languages are considered to be in one group is because these are DERIVED and DIFFERENTIATED from one (or more) ancestor language(s). Were the members of Latin group, in ancient times, also differentiations of an ancestor (maybe Latin) or not?

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

I know that Latin emerged long before Roman Empire was established. I am asking if languages in France, Spain, etc. were still belonged to Latin language group before the empire expanded. (You have said that there had been a Latin language group, but you haven't said if the members of Latin group was similar to present, like, was the languages, e.g. in ancient Gaul, belonged to Latin language group?)

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

I know that Latin emerged long before Roman Empire was established. I am asking if languages in France, Spain, etc. were still belonged to Latin language group before the empire expanded. (You have said that there had been a Latin language group, but you haven't said if the members of Latin group was similar to present, like, was the languages, e.g. in ancient Gaul, belonged to Latin language group?)

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

Defining which language group a language belongs to is based on how the language had originated, not how had it been influenced.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

Defining which language group a language belongs to is based on how the language had originated, not how had it been influenced.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

So what language group would these languages belong to then? Almost every language is belonged to a certain language group.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

What I am trying to ask? To force the country to progress, people should have to be forced to strain every nerve to work and innovate, those who don't work and innovate too much should be judged as criminals and should be severely punished, right?

Impirum(266) Clarified
2 points

Why do people have the concept of syllable earlier than phoneme? I can understand if it's Chinese or Japanese, but European languages don't have obvious syllables. It sometimes needs a few seconds' thinking to divide a European word into syllables.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

When people listen to receive speech, they are just listening and receiving sounds, and then they match meanings to the sounds. When people speak (emitting speech), they match sounds to meanings and then give out sounds. They should and must be able to distinguish sounds to do these. They should have the concept of phoneme.

Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

When people listen to receive speech, they are just listening and receiving sounds, and then they match meanings to the sounds. When people speak (emitting speech), they match sounds to meanings and then give out sounds. They should and must be able to distinguish sounds to do these. They should have the concept of phoneme.

1 point


Impirum(266) Clarified
1 point

If there is just one culture in the world some day, will it be good or bad for all humanity?

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