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This personal waterfall shows you all of Isocrates's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Too many... Yeah, which is why, I'm showing the democrats side of the story. You and all of the other conservatives have that view point down fine. However the catalyst, the thing that made this blow up were the democrats.

1 point

Wow. This is what its come to. I do not stand with the democrats at all, I never have. Same thing with the conservatives. I'm a independent. I just said the things I have heard from the democrats, because I haven't heard the conservatives complaining much. So much for intelligence... more like paranoia.

2 points

Maybe you missed the fact that I just got done saying this is what the democrats think. I never claimed this is what I think. I sometimes wonder if you actually read the arguments of others.

2 points

I feel you. At some point we have to be united. Politics originally for the people, but over the course of history it has become for the sake of arguing. I understand voicing your opinions on matters, however regardless a politicians job is this and only this: to support and fulfil the wishes of the people.

2 points

From, what I'm hearing from most of the dems. I know is this: "Why wait for this amount of time? There wasn't a complaint from the Trump administration about the leaks during the election. So why out him?" I think most of the American people are confused, and slightly worried. They feel as if the Trump administration is trying to cover something up. Now this does not mean they are, however the circumstances and the timing involved may seem as if they were.

Isocrates(42) Clarified
1 point

I mean I see your opinion and it makes sense to me, but however God gave us free will, and so we should honor GOD's decision in that matter.

2 points

Hey just a question for you FromWithin ,if you are such a Christian, why do you not heed what Jesus has said? I mean  “Judge not lest you be judged” (Matthew 7:1) is pretty damn clear, oh and “He who is without sin cast the first stone” (John 8:7) is too. Unless you feel exempt... Anyway I just asked for a cease fire, but like usual somebody has to get defensive (or offensive depending how you look at it). Such as life...

1 point

This was a tough one in its own right. I ultimately choose Odysseus, dude to his cleverness, and he also has the war goddess Athena on his side.

2 points

Ok sir, as much as you are entitled to your opinion here, the fact is that there will always be liberals in the world. This debate and its topic is a way of releasing you negative feelings toward something you don't see eye to eye with. Liberals have a purpose and so do conservatives, and both are needed; regardless of whether or not you like that, it does not matter. They get to believe what they believe just as much as you do. Liberals are not weak at all really, they regardless of the outcome of so many things that delayed them and deterred them in their mission, continue to fight in what they believe in. As a independent and an American, the idea that no matter what they will fight for something they believe in makes me proud. Regardless if I see eye to eye with what they are fighting for, I am proud that they continue fighting for that. Not because I think they are right, but because they care enough to continue to fight after devastating losses.

1 point

I mean a rock is certainly a thing and exists, but a rock does not think so...

5 points

Dear Antrim,

Do you as a Protestant Christian put your loyalty to your God, or your country? If God loves all his children, and that includes not only people in America, but in Africa, Japan, and everywhere else, how can you sit her and say that the on good trade arrangement is one that is good for America. Does God care if you're American, or Polish? A trade agreement is a mutual agreement that benefits everyone involved. It is not a demand one country makes and forces. America has suddenly woken up from its stupor of being lazy and now is demanding things when we are not willing to change and just assume that the problem lies somewhere else. The day America decides to change to not only benefit themselves but the world, through means of peace and not demands and threats is the day America will be great again.

1 point

Personally, I feel that God gave us our free will, giving people the choice to choose,however people give other people rights based off the choices that they make

2 points

I'll say that Donald Trump's rise to power is very similar to Hitler's. They both encouraged the hatred of minorities in their countries. Both started out as political outsiders to the parties they ran for. I say they are similar in their rise to power, but I can only hope that Donald uses his power for the good of the world and not the way Hitler did.

1 point

I say no, because while the Pope is a very powerful figure in Christianity, not every Christian is a Catholic. Some people who aren't Catholic respect the Pope, but that does not make them Catholic.

1 point

I would like to go on record and say that opinions are like assholes, and everyone has one. Anyway, I would like to point out that their is a huge difference between being bias and being corrupt. Just because you have a bias, does not automatically mean you are corrupt. CNN has the right to be as liberal as it wants, as does Fox news. They both are bias, (please don't make some lame and absolutely futile argument that they aren't) so in everyone that doesn't support my view should say that Fox news is bias as well (if they weren't Conservatives).

2 points

Did you know that Isis has openly come out and said they hope Americans vote for Donald J Trump? Does that sound right to you? That the terrorist group dedicated to trying to destroy us wants us to choose him? I hope and I repeat I hope you wouldn't do what terrorists want you to do. You know they say a word to the wise is sufficient, and here I've gone and written a paragraph.

1 point

Any one who says that their is no hell/ punishment in the afterlife, is say basically this: "In the real world I can do what I want in society as long as I follow rules, but it is okay to bend them if you don't get caught, because after all their is no hell and no punishment for what wrongdoings I have done in the past." I prefer the idea that there is justice in the world than the idea that after you the die you are never get the judgement that makes God just and good.

1 point

You can't make a truly effective debate in this situation. Farmers produce a countries/communities food and produce, which is essential to life. However Doctors provide medicine and treatment to people who can't help society because of their condition they are in. For lack of better terms Doctors some times go to other Doctors right? Doctors have to eat right? Farmers produce food right? Farmers go to doctors right? They are both a needed position to a community to have in order to survive.

1 point

FGrom the so-called "mindless ideolog": Not a democrat. You assume too much. It doesn't bother you that Trump rallies have been violent. Debating people on either side of the political spectrum is like dealing with a five-year-old, not just people on the left. As for Denying reality... well doesn't each side do that. Now final point to you from within my very heart, brain, and soul. How many things do you things Donald J. Trump has gotten away with because of his influence?

1 point

Exactly! He is a successful businessman who has bankrupted many of his businesses, a person who's main emotional sledgehammer is hate, a man who runs of political slandering to extremes to try to discount others. A man who supports waterboarding. Yes this who we need as the President As for proving that Hillary Clinton "has no right to be the commander ad chief" the FBI has yet to put her on trial so up till this point she is an innocent woman. Here I have written to someone who won't listen.

1 point

Hey, You have and opinion and I have one too. You know what they say about opinions.

1 point

Yes Saintnow. Anyone agree? I mean once you get religious its hard but its not just religion he can seem to believe anyone about.

3 points

I second that statement. We have to many people who are strong willed and narrow minded. You can't debate with a person like that because no matter what you say they don't belive it because that would mean they were wrong.

1 point

Quite honestly I doubt he isn't still here somewhere. The majority of people here have more than one account. Plus it wouldn't be too far fetched that he was a collective of multiple people.

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