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This personal waterfall shows you all of Iulmi's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Your post makes no sense, you should specify more. Guilty of what?

2 points

Raped women can go down to the hospital within a day or two and prevent conception. If she has not been educated to this simple answer to a rape, then what does that say about pro abortion activists trying to use rape as their poster child excuse to keeping all abortions legal?

I cannot imagine in what situation they are, but I think most of raped people cannot think properly. Maybe they are in shock. Maybe they are afraid, or ashamed. Who knows. Lots of cases go unreported, I don't see not going to the hospital as a shocking thing, considering that.

So in the end, just as you say that some use the argument of rape for wanting abortion legal, you use the 'late-term' abortion argument for not wanting it. I don't see a difference.

I won't argue about abortion itself, because I already did my research over the years. Plus, your arguments would be related to religion, and that is a dead end, which is uninteresting and repetitive. I do, as anyone, have moral related opinions. I don't think children should be born unwanted, because that just brings pain for everyone, especially them. But that, again, is only an opinion, and should not be applied to the law.

Iulmi(252) Clarified
1 point

Alright, I get you are against abortion in those cases. Are you against it when it's earlier?

2 points

They are not excuses, those are the facts. When you make your arguments based on the 1.3% of cases, that's where I think you're not being reasonable. If you want to argue against abortion, don't use the 'late term' argument.

Iulmi(252) Clarified
1 point

You can skip the first chunk of writing and go to the rest. It is a doctor talking about abortions, and what they do when it's reaching 9 months.

We used to have a million abortions per year. Lately it has been arond 800 or 900 thousand. It matters not because we are talking thousands of viable lives being killed for merely being special needs children.

Those numbers are high. A thousand or two less, since the last data is from 2013, and it was around 660,000 abortions. And it's likely that these numbers have been going down, like in the previous years before 2013.

And bear in mind that people supporting abortion don't want them to happen just because. They want them to be available if needed. More information could be given when people discover their child has anomalies, and more help should be available to those parents. But banning abortion would not solve the things you're talking about.

1 point

It causes you to defend communism.

OMG, that is so funny. Thanks for opening my eyes, I'll now join the nearest communist political party. Bye, bye, see you in the new URSS.

Iulmi(252) Clarified
1 point

Slow down. Don't spam the thread, please. I said I will answer.

1 point

You used the 'difficulty' argument. Which is not quite the same as what you've just said, even if you think it is. As I already said, You can have a tough job and still get paid shit.

So, 'men' don't have more difficult jobs per se, but work in different fields.

So, answering your question, Do you think that people in different fields should be paid different amounts?

Yes, I don't think a society would work if it was any different.

Iulmi(252) Clarified
1 point

Why am I now the bad guy? It's not my fault. (didn't I hear that before?)

I just wanted to show you're hypocritical... and that I could not answer a question I did not understand. But since you're really interested in my answer, okay, I'll answer.

1 point

You figured it out though you massive hypocrite.

Of course! I succeed in understanding, interpreting, or identifying (something).

And that's the definition of DECIPHER :)

2 points

Alright, first calm down. I won't vote for anything. I'm not from the USA, I live in Spain!

Doctors testified that the majority of late term abortons are done on special needs babies (Downs syndrome, special olympic kids).

So are you saying you support taking the lives of innocent viable special needs babies because in your elitist arrogance they are not as quote "normal" as you?

I don't think you know anyone in a bad situation. SOME of them go really well, and it's GREAT. I think those parents are amazing on what they're doing.

But some children need really special care. Maybe the family isn't able to stay at home with him or her all day, which is necessary lots of times. Maybe the family doesn't have he thousands of dollars needed to support the child. (and you aren't going to say that the US facilitates any medical help)

And also, some of the anomalies are not viable. Some of these children will die when they're less than 5 years old. Some will have a bad life until death. I don't think someone is a bad person for considering all of this before they have the child.

Of the 699,202 abortions reported to the CDC in 2012, 0.17% were at or after 21 weeks and occurred in a state where it was possible to have a post viability abortion for any reason. (around 1200 late term abortions)

Abortions have been decreasing each year, I don't think you have the correct numbers. Plus, a million of abortions a year seems too much for the States to be an okay approximation.

You can find the stats on my link. You can also read that there is no such thing as 9 month abortions, so this statement It is legal in nine States to kill any baby for any reason up to birth! is not true.

Supporting Evidence: Source of statistics on abortion (
1 point

I was complaining because your arguments make no sense. Read it all again and if you still think I'm defending a 'communist' position, then I'll leave you thinking so.

The words she used indicated

I don't care what you think they indicated. She only talked about the tax, and you should not put words in one's mouth.

I did answer you on some things. You have gotten information out of me.

No, I don't think I did. And WHERE did you address what I said?? I got NOTHING from you. LMAO. (oh wait the MC.Donald worker thing you invented)

I forgot an h and a u from a single word that you were able to figure out. Sue me.

'Sold' isn't the same as should. I didn't understand it until I read it thrice. Plus, it is not the only mistake you've made. So yeah, I do have to decipher your messages. But no more, thank you. At least this last one was all legible, thanks.

1 point

first lie: She isn't complaining about the sales tax on tampons. She is complaining about having to pay for tampons in any way. which she did NOT

second lie: when you say the wages of a McDonald's worker should be the same as the wages of an engineer. a thing I have NEVER said.

That's because I stated your stupid opinion. what opinion. The one that you invented? :)

Why do you think the McDonald's worker sold (were you trying to put a SHOULD in here or what) get paid the same as an engineer?

Oh, yes. THE question. Write correctly first. I understand English. You used the terms wrong. Why I am a bad guy for not understanding the terms you used INcorrectly? That's what's stupid.

So... yeah...

I was planning to address what you wrote when you addressed what I wrote. You still haven't.

I was planning to address what you wrote when you addressed what I wrote. You still haven't. (if you were planning to treat me as you want people to treat you, shouldn't have you answered first then??)

Bottom line is, you don't really bother to check if your text is coherent. I proved it to you multiple times already. I want to treat you the way I think I should be treated. Either you read what you wrote before publishing, or I'll ignore you. Why should I decipher what you're trying to say? lol

2 points

When life is so cheapened that it's values is merely based on inconvienence, rather than extreme cases, where will that inhumanity lead?

It seems developed countries are doing okay so far, some countries doing better than others...

We already have Democrats supporting the right's of abortion clinics to allow viable late term babies, born alive from botched abortions, to die on a table rather than passing a law guaranteeing the baby gets emergency medical treatment from surrounding hospitals.

We actually have a few fools on this site who support killing newborns. Where does it end? Look how easily Democrats have accepted No Restriction abortions of viable babies up to birth for any reason.

I suppose you're talking about abortion, not killing newborns, which is not the same. The majority of abortions are done within the 20 weeks of pregnancy. If done really late-term it will be because the mother will die OR the baby will die anyways OR the child has anomalies that were discovered late...

If I don't want my two-year-old, what should the laws say to me? My choice?

An embryo or a fetus is not the same as a developed child. You can argue that abortion is not morally correct, but you cannot use those arguments because they are not true, and also nonsensical.

1 point

I never said what you're implying I have said. Don't apologize for not addressing anything, since it seems you don't want to read what people write. You've lied two times already.

Plus, your sentences aren't coherent.

That's what you are saying should make sense. (???)

She doesn't speak English well and I was able to understand her, unlike you. I'm afraid I cannot understand you though.

1 point

It's not my fault you can't read what she wrote. And who said it is your fault... Of course, it is not. I never thought that it was even that important until I read on the struggles homeless women face when they're on their period.

I'm not from the US, but I know this:

There is no maternal leave.

If you don't have insurance, prepare some hundreds of dollars for the pap smear you should be getting annually. Another hundred or two for birth control, if you take it. Even emergency contraception seems expensive to me!

When I discovered this, I was baffled. Thankfully I don't live in the US, but yet you still think everything's good.

Now let's take a look at what a wage is:

a fixed regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis.

and now let's look up what a gap is:

a difference between two things

So when you say it's normal women have lower wages but then proceed to say there isn't a wage gap, you're not making much sense.

2 points

You? Um, is that your fantasy? O.O

Kidding. Seriously though, I think this website had greater debates a year ago.

1 point

She said: I didn't chose to have a period so why am i pay a tax

Men work more jobs that have higher pay because no one else will do them.

Great, great argument... I'll go ask my pink unicorn Fairy Godmother to work for me from now on.

2 points

Then they will go down the same moronic path of excuses about extreme case abortions, life of mother , rape, unwanted babies, etc. etc.

If they abort the embryo or fetus, they don't want the baby...

2 points

That makes 0 sense. You can argue with more hours, different priorities, etc. But 'tougher' or 'harder' do not have any concrete meaning. You can have a tough job and still get paid shit.

Why does it matter to you how much does she spend on tampons?? It's a product that should not be taxed like it is.

Iulmi(252) Clarified
1 point

Lol, no, it was a joke. But at least I think you agree on my views of the Vatican...

1 point

Um, just ask them I guess. If they get pissed that's their problem. The situation you're talking about doesn't only apply to transgenders... I've seen plenty of people whom I could not tell if it's a man or a woman. And I'm sure those people get used to hearing it from time to time.

1 point


I'd like that first world countries would give parental leave to both parents...

I'd like to have the reduced tax on period products...

I'd like to tone down female sexualization....

I'd like to see more women in scientific fields...

I'd like to not have 50 women killed by their partners in my country every year on average, and that 75% of them never reported anything...

I could go on and on.

1 point

Beacuse 'it' is not used for people. I don't understand, what are you confused about? The majority will ask you to call them 'he' or 'she'.

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