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This personal waterfall shows you all of JackassTruth's arguments, looking across every debate.

Thanks for this post. A fantastic point i never thought about.

How dare you go against the opinion of an ignorant, unproven theory.

CoolDude ban this man - he is speaking with facts and logical sense!

3 points

Feminists purpose: Women = Men

Feminists extremists: Women > Men

2 points

To an extent, and it only works if it's lawful.

Once the government starts abusing their rights (like the USA have done way too much recently) secrecy quickly becomes hated by the general public. Then comes anarchy, unfortunately.

So the more wealth you have the more misery? Wouldn't you want to support the happiness view then?

How about we keep CreateDebate to strictly evidence focused arguments.

Then all religious views will be gone because guess what - YOU STILL GOT NO EVIDENCE

We went in before and fucked them up hard.

Now they are paying the consequences. I say NO because I think we've already done enough damage but at the same time I think we ought to fix what we messed up.

I personally have recently found that my level of wealth is not correlated with my level of happiness.

2 points

MuckaMcCaw just answered this perfectly, and you banned him for his proper answer. Because you ban people who spread heresy, you are forever going to be stuck with your ignorant, bias opinion.

The fact some people think others shouldn't use contraceptives based on THEIR belief is absolutely ridiculous. Why do you want a bunch of kids that people don't want? The world is already over-populated.

One strike, two strike, three strike you're out!

I think he should be suspended.

2 points

You're not breaking the law i don't believe, unless under-agers have a curfew.

They legally can't do anything. The key word is legally because cops seem to do what they want.

This debate is the same as asking, "Do you enjoy having sex with your dog?"

In which a reply of either yes or no supports the poster's bias opinion.

If they can get $1 every fifteen minutes, that is $4 per hour. In a 10 hour day that's $40, un-taxed.

America always believed oil could bail them out of their debt issues.

The problem is, the world is starting to forget oil. (e.g. Indias PM just announced solar energy will be in all Indian's homes by 2019)

so it seems as though their money is now worthless, they have no resources, and the only thing they can do successfully is bomb other people.

Seems like a 7'10'' aggressive bully. You can't beat him cuz he's 7'10'' so the only thing you can do is just walk away.

"Most atheists have a very immature idea of what god is...."

First of all, there is no proof there is a god, so believing in something that isn't proven is immature.

Second, with all the vast amount of scientific research and millions of dollars spent to find out more about humans and the world, theists STILL ignore these facts to believe in their still "unproven" god.

You think atheists are immature? I think ignorance is immature.

You are SUCH an American.

Ron Paul wants to put money in schools, fix the economy and stop blowing other countries up....

Yet, according to you, he is "senile".

America's views: Helping other people is senile.

Smacking a kid in the head is child abuse.

Telling your kid if he doesn't conform to a books rules he will rott in hell for eternity is NOT child abuse.

They are both bad, but one is legal and one is not. That's my point, and I believe Mr. Dawkins point.

AngryGenX try thinking before you get angry.

2 points

I can't prove god doesn't exist.

Just like I can't prove leprechauns or unicorns don't exist.

- Richard Dawkins

0 points

I can still only hope for RON PAUL! If that man was president so many of America's problems would be fixed

I like the sound of that, but would that create a serious backlash?

Money can't buy me love, can't buy me love, love, everybody tells me so.

5 points

I completely agree with Mr. Dawkins. Not allowing a child to explore, is trapping him or her in a mindset. I think this is just as damaging as other forms of child abuse.

After further research I have to agree with you that saying "I don't disbelieve in a higher existence" is in-fact going against the definition of atheism. My mistake.

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