
Jesus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jesus's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Anything to encourage women to breastfeed. So many scrawny kids with alergies these days. No bottle, straight from breast milk to solid food is the only way. If that means some prude is going to get offended...all the better

1 point

when im drunk i take off all my clothes not put them on. case closed

1 point

I have two ps3's which I like and I never will buy an xbox360. Preference really comes down to what your mates have, and the few exclusive titles. To me a Ps3 represented better value, with inbuilt hard drive, and an array of media settings with bluray and wifi. Plus everything looks awesome on my full hd tv.

If all you want to do is play online, then by all means I would suggest Xbox360 for its Xbox Live interface.

But if you jump on only a couple of times a week, ps3 is probably the wiser option, as you don't have to pay for most of the online content.

It all comes down to, what you want to use it for.

3 points

Dentention is up to an hour, not up to 20 years. It doesn't teach you anything other than how to waste time. The only time I really showed disrespect to teachers is when it was being shown to me. The Teachers are not always right and the punishment of detention treats you otherwise. It teaches you to hate the suppressors and not to embrace the often need neutrality you need within the playground.

It honestly sounds like you were probably bullied in school and have no idea of what it is like to get a detention. It's a slap on the wrist.

Fear should not be the only reason as to not offend. The benefits of be socially well behaved should be well demonstrated, but this is often not the case in schools. Sure you may get a certificate for behaving, but honestly wtf does a peice of paper mean to me? It just always seems the world is out to punish you when you're a school; Why aggrevate this further?

7 points

Little shits will always be little shits. Internal Suspensions and Picking up rubbish is alot more productive and a worse penaltly. I used to get dentions, alot of detentions (weeks on end) but i still got to see all my friends, because half of them were in there and the detention only lasted for half of lunch.

The idea of dentention is very old fashioned and schools need to come up with more productive ways of punishing kids.

1 point

Al gore Invented the internet. What a cool dude.

Porn? Free. Music? Free. Software? Free. Movies? Free. There is no limit as to what you can get on the net. So by saying 'is the internet a let down?', my only true answer is, You have let down the internet.

2 points

Meat is delicious. If we weren't intended to eat meant it wouldn't taste so good.

2 points

I'm just hoping I'm right; just so we can put an end to this silly 'twilight' business.

1 point

And tax the living crap out of it too. For Australians it wastes so many tax dollars; fixing up dickheads who smoke. It's about time they gave back.

1 point

Turns out Lego isn't edible. Well, that's what my dentist told me after me and my friend had a lego eating contest. So lego could be dangerous if you eat so much, and all your teeth get clogged; so much you can't eat and then you'll die of starvation. My mum always said, "If it tastes good, chances are, it's bad for you". I guess she was somewhat right; except for the tasting good part.

1 point

Orange is the only colour with a fruit dedicated to its existance. This makes it quite a special colour. In Addition The Netherlands national colour is orange, and last time I checked the dutch are the super race of the world. But the most important factor is; across the world prisoners all wear fashionable orange jumpsuits. Is this because they have to? Yes, it is

Case closed

2 points

Free trade is silly; Particularly for a 'developed' economy. The US needs to protect its agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors. Whilst I do think it is a smart idea for unrestricted trade between the countries, some protectionist policies could sure make it into the playbooks with the US Government.

Travel should always be to a citizen of a liberal country - You can go in but don't expect us to go beyond diplomatic measures, when something goes bad

2 points

Yeah, However I'm in the Navy and I think it is a little ridiculous that the females have to only do half the pushups and get two minutes extra to complete their 2.4 km run. It is sexist and old fashioned to have seperate requirements for males and females. I want to know that If I break a leg and only a female is around that they would have as great or greater strength than my male couterparts.

0 points

I think it would be more appropriate instead of the word 'homophobic' that "sexual discrimination against homosexuals" would be a far more appropriate term.

That said, they are just a bad as each other; the only difference being that race/racism was alot more open and easy to identify. Homosexualality has only become accepted within the mainstream in the last 10 years.

2 points

Yeah, of course I'm going to go with my home country which I love and defend. Plus I have a Pommy Bastard who sits next to me and gives me the absolute shits. Pommy chick accents are hot though.

1 point

I feel that there still could be some kind of age restriction ie. they must be within two years of age if one or both of the partners are underage etm.

2 points

This kind of architecture gives me a hard on, Absolutely amazing

0 points

So even though you get $2000 a month for doing nothing, you still complain. I noticed you said you weren't bettering yourself through education or othr means to enable you to get a job. Even in the most socialistic countries, you would get under $2000 a month. But still, you're being greedy and want to take more money from the government to 'survive'. Here's an idea : If you are so low on money give up some of the luxuries within your life. Think of your money as you would if received it from a friend; so even if you something less than you want, be thankful for it. It's is not your right to the goverments money, it is a privilege.

3 points

Blue comedy is un witty, and I personally find it boring, unless it is done in an emotional format.

I find Clean comedy is very good, takes alot more intelligence (you say can't say some swears), and it also is somewhat safe to watch with the rest of the family.

1 point

obviously shopped, and somehow I dont think Michelle would do this anyway

1 point

I understand it's unfair, but that's the way that life is. I'm in no way the perfect person, and I'm guessing you aren't either. These flaws make us human, and in your case I feel has given you a opinionated/defensive nature. Maybe you could use the position you are in, to create deaf people new roles in which they work effectively and express themselves, or to universally change working conditions in all employment facilities.

1 point

I don't understand what your problem is, I said equity, not equality. A deaf person, most likely can't work for a call center taking, but they can do paperwork. As long as they are working, or putting something back into the community I see them far from being a burden. Maybe you should read what I was saying before coming to such ludicrous conclusions

Supporting Evidence: Employment Equity (
1 point

No, but I'm sure most people agree that it is better to be safe than sorry

2 points

Equity is the answer rather than equality. You can't expect a deaf person to function normally without some changes in the workplace to cater for them, and I think the majority understand this. In some cases it would mean putting their own, or others lives in danger, which is not acceptable. Yes, they are just a human like the rest of us, but just like a wheelchair bound person needs a ramp/lift in the workplace, so does a deaf person need suitable allowances made for them.

1 point

Yes, a bow is considered the norm in Asian countries, not sure about Saudi Arabia. I see nothing wrong with it, as long as the bow it mutually done, which in this case it was not.

3 points

God is made for stupid adults and young children to give them a conscience. Nothing more nothing less

3 points

Well I'd be fucked if i didn't have my licence. My parents left home as soon as i turned 17 :)

-1 points

Israel didn't give any of the citizens of Gaza time to gtfo.

Israel is a joke of a country. I mean why would you build a primarily Jewish country, in between several militant Muslim nations. It's not only segregationist, but hypocritical of any event that happened in WW2

2 points

Daffodils, Best smeling flower ever......................................................................

1 point

NRL is the most challenging out there, I dont know about American Football though.....

1 point

I think there should be a "job interview" for parenting because that's what it is; another job. Depending on this interview, parenting classes could be enforced for some people. Free countries we are, but when our own actions effect others, maybe regulation should come into play.

1 point

Political left and right are invalid and they have been so, time and time again. Likewise in this case, theism is too complicated to look at it in a monographical context.

1 point


3 points

and this is why I'm against welfare......:) Goddammit Reach 50 characters!!!

2 points

I'm not even American, but i would be pissed if i was. They should say to AIG, "for every dollar you get in bonuses, you have to give every taxpayer a dollar."

1 point

I like each one but I like more comic adaptations, so i guess that where my vote sticks

1 point

comic is to graphic novel as a newspaper is to a yearly review

1 point

3 hours of English a week -done from home

3 hours of maths -done from home

Make rest project based learning

This would reduce the amount of infrastructure required as you reduce on campus students levels by 20%

1 point

I would make thousands of clones from DNA i found from dead people. Then become the "savior" of the earth.


2 points

Yes, you think about how many people we could save each year with transplants. Maybe even full brain transplants?

I know it's freaky, but the possibilities are too big to pass up on.

2 points

Punishment makes me angry at the individual who inflicts it. Punishment makes you forget it was your fault and this is why ex-criminals hate the cops. I'm not saying guilt is an effective way of dealing with crime, but imo guilt does weigh on my mind a lot more than being punched in the face.

1 point

People change most definitely. But this reflects everything else in nature, such as evolution, the ability for plants to grow around objects etc. In the same way, Peoples character and ideas change to suit the current situation. ie. more people being followers of religion during hardship.

0 points

Stephen Colbert

1 point

If possible, it would be good to allocate certain contractors/resources before the dust settles so work can begin asap. This keeps the interest of both the economy and the people of Gaza.

3 points

One in all in. Taxes all add up

1 point

Visual Basic IMO

0 points

Saddam didn't possess WMD's, he just claimed he did to intimidate Iran, as tensions were high back then. The Us then acted on this "shoddy knowledge" and then went to war with Saddam. There were no WMD's at all.

1 point

Def boy shorts, they look hell hot

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