
Juggla67's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Juggla67's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Why do Christians oppose religious liberty rights? How many Christian parents do you think let their kids choose another religion?

1 point

I know the fact that liberal socialists

That's an oxymoron. Liberals are capitalists, social democrats are capitalists who want tight corporate regulation and a welfare state, and socialists are the ones who want no market economy and collective ownership of the means of production. Do you see the very clear difference between those three things? Do you see how each one is more left wing than the last and there is a big fat "social democracy" separating liberalism and socialism? Do you need a diagram or are we good? Look up the definitions if you doubt me.

You don't have the right to free things.

People who are born into wealth don't have the right to free things. People who own assets and collect money without working don't have the right to free things. I don't see why you have a problem with everyone getting free things when you seem cool with a few people getting EVERYTHING for free while there are homeless people starving in the streets.

1 point

Conservatives invented money, because a value exchange is needed for a free market. Liberals take people's hard earned money.

You are wrong on so many levels. "Conservative" means you are in favor of the status quo, which would technically make American conservatives Liberals since another word for capitalists was LIBERALS and the word "liberal" as an ideology was first used to describe Republican Capitalists. The ones who invented money were farmers and hunter/gatherers from the middle east who didn't know what the fuck capitalism or a republic even is.

"Liberals" do take people's hard earned money, both in the form of taxation and the theft that occurs when a business owner takes 90% of the value produced by the worker. I believe in the radical notion that neither of those things should happen.

0 points

I don't agree that capitalists are to blame.

That's because you're stupid. The state isn't forcing them to jack up prices on life saving medicines, it's the profit motive doing that. What in the name of fuck makes you think corporations care about anything other than money?

it is because we have a give me welfare state that drives up the cost of healthcare

You don't know what you're talking about, you are an idiotic parrot that gets your talking points from corporate shills. Without regulation these companies would jack up prices even higher and countries with more welfare rank higher on the quality of life index and have cheaper medicine.

0 points

Yep, they jack up the prices because profit matters more than life to the capitalist. They deserve to be stabbed directly in the penis hole with a needle filled with arsenic.

0 points

Christianity, like all religions, is a blight on the human psyche and an echo of more primitive times.

1 point

We are discussing God and religion

Then why are you using politically loaded terminology like "hate speech". I am the leftist here, but you are the one being a snowflake. Go figure.

0 points

Hate speech.

Look who's acting like a little SJW snowflake the second someone talks bad about their imaginary friend that no one should be expected to respect.

0 points

The Bible says witchcraft is evil, and idolatry.

In this grimoire given to me by a witch, it says God is attracted to little boys. It must be true because it's in the book.

1 point

WHAT?! They have no right or basis to pay allegience to a foreign government. That is treason.

Every time Chinaman makes a debate, it's a completely made up story that came from his very own foul little mind. Go ahead an google this, or any of his other debates, you will see it is nowhere to be found in any real news source including the corporate propaganda outlets you call "news".

1 point

No it isn't.

Yes it is. Your only proof that the bible is true is because it's the bible. That is no better than saying witchcraft is good because a witch told me so.

You need to read a book, to know what is in it

Then why don't you read some witchcraft books before you judge witchcraft? Are you a flaming hypocrite who only wants to re-affirm your own beliefs or something?

ou hate God, because you want to live in sin.

I don't hate God, I don't even believe in him.

1 point

The Bible

How do you know? Because the bible says so? Sorry but that's stupid.

1 point

you claim to possess an objective definition of socialism, while at the same time arguing that there are different types of socialism?

That's not contradictory in any way. What you are saying is no different from saying it's contradictory to say that blue is a specific color but there are different shades of it.

You're an idiot, mate.

The level of stupidity and intellectual dishonesty you've been displaying lately is equivalent to that of Bronto.

1 point

Get help.

I don't need help, just the dark side .

1 point

Socialists frequently disagree with other socialists about socialism.

That's mostly because there are different types of socialism. If one particular type says they are the only true socialists they are objectively wrong. What we call "socialism" is an economic system that objectively has to take on certain attributes to be defined as socialism. Otherwise you might as well call fascism mormonism and social democracy the big bang theory.

Nothing which was invented in the mind of a human is objective

True, but the thing we call "socialism" still has specific attributes that make it what it is. Sure, you could CALL it something different, or use it's name to refer to something else, but that would be stupid. When I say "socialism" I am talking about the actual thing which it is defined as, which objectively has the attributes which it has and not those of something different.

1 point

You have nothing in your life except hate.

That's how you unlock all the coolest powers bro. Do you see light side characters shooting lightning out of their finger tips? Didn't think so.

1 point

Socialism isn't objective so you can't have an objectively correct definition of it.

Socialism is objectively defined as a certain thing, are you telling me you wouldn't have a problem if I started calling socialism capitalism and capitalism socialism? The second it is convenient for you, you will forget you said this and go back to berating some capitalist for misrepresenting what socialism is.

1 point

I'm literally agreeing with you.

When it was convenient for you you said that I was the one who agreed with you and you didn't agree with me. Everything you say is just for convenience in the present moment. The only reason you are a socialist is because most people don't understand and/or hate socialism, making it the best ideology to be condescending with.

1 point

Excon, I swear, you are among the very stupidest people I have ever encountered.

You are just as stupid as him, because you said I was just as stupid as him and if you can't recognize the difference you must be stupid.

1 point

I have no idea what you just said.

Only people with learning disabilities would have trouble understanding that. The rest of what you said is automatically dismissed on the basis that you are just a senile goat fucker with learning disabilities.

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

This is not about Fiora, I don't even know what this was about

You didn't know that ICP secretly worshiped God and that most of their music is about a higher power punishing the wicked? Juggaloism is literally a religion to many juggalos. The whole "jokers card" thing was a way of gradually and subliminally implanting ideas in the mind of the listener, in an attempt to introduce certain values to minds that would not normally be open to them. Violent J came up with the joker's card anthology because he wanted to trick the sinful freaks and outcasts of society (the "wicked clowns") into coming to "the carnival" (god). It was not done nearly as well as it could have been and the purpose of it is flawed but it was still an interesting concept.

Here is a song from her to some of her followers:

What led you to the conclusion that that's what this is? How do you know it's not just some chick singing about her bf?

1 point

Capitalism is investing for profit

Capitalism is an economic system wherein the means of production are privately owned and run for profit you halfwitted ass wipe. In primitive tribes the means of production are hunted and gathered from the wilderness, there are no factories or farms etc. that are owned and run specifically to make a profit for the owner.

That they were spending pelts/goats instead of "money" changes NOTHING in their quest for PROFIT.

Profit means more than one thing. Profit in the context of capitalism means CAPITAL specifically, not "to avail from something".

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

Nom and I don't always agree. We're not like you

The second I disagreed with him about one thing he literally started calling me names like a 4 year old and decided I was everything bad that ever existed.

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

signing off.

You always run away and ignore me in the end once you run out of "opinions" and there is nothing left but cold hard facts you can't dispute.

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