
Juggla67's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Juggla67's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

America has NEVER BEEN at its best

So you don't think there was a time when it happened to be at it's best relative to other points in it's history ? Does that mean it was always the same? That can't be, because you literally just said it has been better than it is now.

1 point

O.K. I respect your opinion.

No, you still don't get it. There are no opinions when you're dealing with the Fact Machine, only Facts.

"Social democracy is a political, social and economic philosophy that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and a capitalist mixed economy." -wikipedia

"Democratic socialism is a term used to refer to the socialist political philosophy which advocates political democracy alongside a socially owned economy, with an emphasis on workers' self-management" -wikipedia

One of them is clearly capitalism with socialist elements, and the other is clearly full socialism.

1 point

States have a large roll in democracy.

Do you think states are necessary for democracy to exist? Have you considered the concept of work-place democracy?

In capitalism, it would be management of a department or branch of a company. The branch has different needs than other branches, so it has to be managed differently, but, still under the main company's policies.

Sure, that is well enough. But that is in capitalism specifically, and you just so happen to LIKE capitalism for some odd reason. Socialists tend to dislike both capitalism AND the state.

THAT is what the founders (IMO), wanted

They wanted what they saw as the closest realistic thing to a "free market".

1 point

YOUR definition of democratic socialism doesn't resemble mine.

My definition is objectively correct. A democratic SOCIALIST is a socialist, what you are is a social democrat.

I'm NOT FOR your kind!

You're not a democratic socialist is what you are saying. Nom is a democratic socialist (the real definition of it) so you are saying you don't like Nom's preferred system. I am not exactly a "democratic socialist" (I would call it technocratic anarcho-socialist or something) so when you say "my kind" you mean "my definition" which I derive from history and from the dictionary, not from one American politician who happened to call their self a socialist despite being in favor of a market economy.

1 point

can we agree that the new "fake" is what we used to call "truth"??

Not when it comes to Nom.

1 point

Many people take a theory and look at it different ways.

That doesn't mean there isn't a wrong way to look at it. There is a difference between having a different point of view on a theory and misinterpreting what the theory even is.

we just have to take the parts that preserve what the founders wanted …. "Government of, by and FOR the PEOPLE!"

Nom hates the founding fathers. That "of, by and FOR the PEOPLE!" shit is nothing but words. What they wanted was a government, of, by, and for the wealthy (aka capitalism).

1 point

I think

Everything you have ever said debunks that idea.

Truth is, I have NO fucking idea what a "resource" is.

No shit.

You don't either

Resources are things that can be used, to put it simply.

Where I live, I can't spend "resources" at my local grocery

You go to the grocery to get resources like food in the first place you absolute fucking waste of matter. Even money is a type of resource, it is a resource used to represent the value of resources so that you can exchange it for resources.

I've asked you time and time again to explain how your "resource based economy" works on the ground

How does capitalism work? If you were intellectually honest, you would see that is not a question that can be concisely answered because there are many complicated factors to an economic system "working". You AREN'T intellectually honest though, so your answer would be something like this: "It's SIMPLE, capitalism WORKS because people have been trading for eternity". This is essentially the answer you gave before, and if you had an IQ over 0 you would know that two primitive tribes trading 30 goats for 100 wolf skins is not "capitalism".

it DOESN'T work on the ground

It's never even been attempted before and it isn't even something that can be "attempted" because it is a gradually arising thing, not something that you can just decide to implement. RBE isn't even relevant to the topic at hand though, you are literally just deflecting because you dug yourself into a hole when it comes to what we were actually debating about.

1 point

Everyone know that you just make this shit up, except for Dana but she's literally severely mentally disabled.

1 point

I believe I'M the one who suggested "money" is NOT the only medium of exchange

What you claimed was that trade/exchange cannot happen without money you jackass.

believe I'M the one who suggested that money COULD be a goat..

You are talking about using goats as currency aka money, in that very sentence you admitted it. You're just so fucking stupid.

But, when you talk about "money", you're talking about paper.

You don't know what I'm talking about because you can't comprehend things very well.

I, on the other hand, am talking about ACTUAL money..

What you are talking about is absolute mindless nonsense. I am talking about a symbolic value-equivalent commodity.

1 point

So, you're saying that PRIOR to 5,000 years ago

Money was invented before that

If that's NOT the STUPIDEST thing

That's literally how it works in a direct trade. You're just a mindless inanimate object.

1 point

You claim that trade existed WITHOUT a medium of exchange.

I claimed no such thing. I merely insinuated the FACT that money hasn't always existed by claiming it was "invented" (a better term might be "contrived"). Trade can exist without a medium of exchange you absolute stupid fuck, and money is not the only type of medium of exchange. If you just trade two items directly without any form of symbolic value system or currency then you are exchanging without a medium of exchange.

"A medium of exchange is an intermediary instrument or system used to facilitate the sale, purchase or trade of goods between parties. For a system to function as a medium of exchange, it must represent a standard of value." - Investopedia

If you simply trade an item for another (as people did before money was invented/contrived and they still often do) then there is no "medium of exchange". There is just two people agreeing that what they are exchanging is worth the trade for both parties.

Look.. I can't explain money to somebody who thinks people will work for "resources"

That's literally what you're working for when you work for money you subhuman object. Would you work for money if you couldn't use it to obtain goods and services? You're literally not a person.

1 point

You literally claimed that money has always existed and claimed that it's existence is necessary to exchange things. You're a literal retard, I banned you for the opposite reason that FW bans people.

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