
KeepSmiling's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of KeepSmiling's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Abortion is murder no matter what. The baby is a living and has rights.

1 point

If you want to tell someone the truth tell them it respectfully. Their father tragicly passed away and your calling him a rotting corpse. They believe that they felt their father's spirit. Someone's spirit would not feel like a rotting corpse. And could be right about being father's spirit. Or maybe it was their father sending down a message from heaven. And how do you know that what you're saying is the truth. For all you know you could be completely wrong.

1 point

No, I did answer your question. You ate just trying to make yourself sound correct. You just think your better than everyone else because you're an atheist. I will not be replying to anything you say to this comment because you will just lie and be disrespectful.

1 point

With that logic it is not logical to believe in anything. God didn't have a cause. He has been there infinitely.

1 point

Don't be so disrespectful. _

1 point

If you try to commit emotional pain and your God tells you not to then you don't truly follow that God. And please state where your got your statistics for atheists being less likely to commit crimes. And in what way do atheists try to hurt others? Like in all groups some atheists will try to hurt others and some will not. That question is easy to answer. I think you're are just telling lies when you say that some theists can't answer simple questions.

1 point

That is not an inhabitable planet the wind pressure is far too high.

1 point

It is living if it is not born. I will once again bring up the Siamese twin example. If one of then is seperated from the other or if one of them dies then death will occurs for both of them. They can't survive without each other but they are still living. It's like how you can't survive without food or water. A fetus just needs something extra to live. And you do not need to be born too die. What do you think happens to the baby during abortion? It gets killed. It can feel and think.

1 point

Please ask me those questions. I can garuntee that I will be able to answer them all.

1 point

You want evidence for God. Think about this: Everything has a cause. It is impossible for something not to have a cause. So the universe must have had a cause. It can't come out of nothing. So God must have caused it. What was the cause for God? There was none. He had no beginning he was there infinitely.

It is not logical to not believe in God.

1 point

Name one earth-like planet._

1 point

It doesn't eat or drink but it does consume energy and nutrients what the mother eats and drink. And yes it does think. Yes it does feel. And a woman does not have a choice to murder something just because it is a part of it. Can Siamese twins kill one another?

1 point

There is evidence for God. God isn't scientific anyway. And God is not described as a theory.

1 point

So saying that you mock someone is wisdom? How is that wisdom? It wasn't even God speaking. It may have been in a book about wisdom but that does not make it wisdom.

1 point

Why would I take it up with him? You said it, not him.You're just trying to escape from the fact that I proved you wrong.

2 points

That wasn't God speaking. Read the whole of the first chapter. At proverbs 1:21 it says: on top of the wall she cries out, at the city gate she makes her speech:

2 points

No. No evidence at all for that. Just a theory. Hasn't even been tested. God started life.

1 point

I'm pretty sure he's talking about spiritual death. We all have the ability to escape that but sadly many people choose not to.

1 point

Aren't you a theist? Also most theists are very nice people. I find that mostly atheists are the ones who like to hurt others.

1 point

He does not mock the ignorant rather he craves for them to become wise and knowing.

1 point

How are aliens and ghosts more likely to exist than God. God is much more logical and has far more evidence.

1 point

i like that part too! It is true you know. There is evidence for the flood.

1 point

How can you recreate something that takes millions of years?

1 point

Sorry! Wasn't thinking when I said there was no evidence for religion! What you say about the flood is an interesting argument but I don't think I'll buy it. But I do believe everything the Bible says is right. I just think that the 6 days of creation are symbolic for long periods of time.

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