
Kilcom's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kilcom's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That's the way to get ahead in life.

You'll go far.


1 point

Well, yes, but I think the Democrats would run out of wind too soon to make any measurable contribution the the nation's power supply.

1 point

If the moronic nut was in China he would be promoting democracy, until the Red Guard came a rat-a-tat-tatting at his door that is.

1 point

That's okay, the Nom types will just never get what it's all about and are therefore doomed to spend the rest of their miserable lives snapping and disparaging their betters without having thought out or tried to implement a battle plan for success of their own.

The cowardly mind set of these failures is based on the dread of entering the competition as they are aware that their personal inadequacies would inevitably result in them failing at anything they may try.

Their existence is devoted to being negative and not understanding, nor being able to compete in the world in which they live.

As I've stated before, life is a competition and there must be winners and losers.

The constant moaning by the Noms, and his legions of alts, including Newmember, is akin to blaming team A for beating team B because team A had classier, more motivated players who were fitter and more skilled.

You dummies should try to wise up and not be idiots all your lives.

0 points

Life's failures will always try to attribute their lack of achievement on their impoverished upbringing and lack of opportunity.

The opportunities are there for anyone to exploit if they so wish and have the drive and ability to do so.

The children of the more wealthy will, in general undoubtedly receive a better education than their less privileged peers but, as I realized early on in my career, they lack the knowledge of what it was like to be desperately poor and the experiences which such an existence brings.

So, I feel I have an advantage over them as I know what it's like to be clothed in rags, have holes in my shoes and no food in my belly for sustained periods of time but they don't.

When I occasionally mix with the well heeled set I feel smug in the knowledge that I know more about life than they do and I can use my more extensive life experiences to my advantage.

In the main I just enjoy the fruits of my self-made, modest wealth with my family and a few lifelong friends.

Instead of bellyaching and feeling resentful and sorry for themselves the whingers should get their thinking caps on and start to try to improve their lot.

If they don't wish to join the rat race and remain lying on the sofa farting then that's fine, but leave the hyper-achievers alone.

0 points

Success is not necessarily an inherited personality trait as the drive to be successful is, in my opinion, invariably a congenial part of an individual's psyche.

This can be observed in larger families in which most things are constant, such as same parents, same domestic environment etc., but only one family member has the ambition and ability to be successful.

1 point

It would be worth listing and noting the western nations such as 3M who manufacture goods in China and to ostracize them and blacklist their products when this latest Chinese disease abates.

1 point

China is the irrefutable rogue nation that brought death, misery and shocking suffering along with national economic ruin and bankruptcy to millions of private individuals.

Most of the world's weak-kneed political elite ( excluding straight talking President Trump) and such organizations as the W.H.O. have deceitfully and willfully diverted attention away from the source of the disaster and failed to unequivocally apportion blame where it very clearly belongs.

If China is not punished commercially for their criminal neglect and slovenly practices there will be no incentive for them to introduce the necessary improvements in the hygiene habits of their teeming peasant population and bring the country's rearing and marketing of livestock into the 21st century, or even the 20th century.

Such a scenario will mean that a risk of this Chinese virus, S.A.R.S, E-Coli or one of the many other Chinese diseases will devastate the world again.

Kilcom(237) Clarified
-2 points
0 points

Well, certainly Jesus was the most influential character in the history of humankind whose strong personality and powers of persuasion captivated the imagination of almost all whom he met.

His conviction and depth of belief in his faith has endued some 2000 years after his departure from earth and his legacy is the cornerstone of the Christian religion which has a following of over 2 billion people worldwide.

Not bad for the son of a poor carpenter.

Drive, self-confidence,-conviction of purpose,-strength of character, stamina and consistency, just like the successful entrepreneur, all combined to make him the most important, famous and much loved person ''ever to grace this planet''.

1 point

Democracy is by far and away the best form of governance as it is based on the principle of ''government for the people by the people''

The citizens of any democratic nation have the opportunity to change their government every 4 to 5 years and this freedom of political expression creates a fair and well balanced society.

In democratic nations everyone enjoys equality of opportunity and this environment of fairness promotes entrepreneurial enterprise and fierce competition which serves to keep prices down for the consumer and foster innovation and technical advancement.

Compare the stagnating economy and industrial wilderness of the old Socialist Eastern Germany with that of the mighty world beating industries of Western Germany.

Therein lies the true and very simple answer.

0 points

Well, he may not be the first to expose and name such extremist groups for what they are but he did have the political courage to tag them with an appropriate title.

Of course in the irrational world of the loony left they will damn him when he makes such statements and damn him if he doesn't.

The extreme left wing subversives try to radicalize those with moderate left wing political views as their chief aim is to divide American society as much as possible.

''Divide and conquer'' is their sinister motto.

1 point

Sounds a bit like an enormous, latter day boot hill.


Kilcom(237) Clarified
2 points

Once again AlofRI, well said.

Prejudice exposed and trashed clearly, logically in a civilised manner.

1 point

The madcap Dems have a unique amusement value which entertains most of the world during these challenging times.

Their shenanigans are on a par with The Marx Brothers as they ignore their responsibilities of challenging the policies of the government (which is the prime function of any opposition party) and fail to contribute towards the fight against corona-virus.

Instead of acting like responsible politicians they spew out their endless drivel about impeachment, Russian collusion while making idiots of themselves with self-contradictory policy statements which has everyone, including themselves, totally baffled.

Groucho MK11 (Biden) for President.

Kilcom(237) Clarified
1 point

He left out, Nazi, Hitlerite, effing right wing bastard and his usual inexhaustible collection of profanities.

1 point

Whilst susceptible to occasional technical hitches robots are not prone to contracting human diseases and can be relied upon to complete the designated functions with minimal, if any, interruptions.

For instance, this latest Chinese virus will have no affect on the performance of the tireless robots.

Kilcom(237) Clarified
2 points

Well said, there are many who like to cherry pick the constitution and only acknowledge the parts they agree with.

1 point

Pro-choice means exactly what it says.

The mother-to-be has the choice of continuing with the pregnancy and giving birth or having an abortion within the parameters of the law.

1 point

Mad as a hatter.

Andy censoring your obscene posts seems to have upset you.

That's his job you ridiculous fool.

He will examine and suppress any material intended for publication, or already published which he considers to be obscene or politically unacceptable.

You should consider yourself fortunate that any of your lewd, Stalinist posts are allowed to remain uncensored.

1 point

Good old nom, Just can't resist taking the bait, even when you know it's an allurement.

1 point

Good old Nom.

Popping up as commanded by the power of suggestion and tirade goon baiting.

You poor miserable, manipulable fool.

Myself and others can have you dancing around this site like a puppet on a string and you don't even know we're controlling you.

1 point

Hey, Nom, what's wrong?

Has the cat got your keyboard?

Come on.

Let's hear your usual tirade of;- Nazi, capitalist, Johnny foreigner, effing right wing fascist.

1 point

Giving equal freedom of expression to everyone's point of view and not censoring anything.

1 point

Okay Nom, this is your cue to perform.


2 points

No surprise there, regular left wing subversion.

The leftist socialists will do and say anything to hurt the hand that feeds them.

Kilcom(237) Clarified
1 point

You shouldn't ask the fool big hard questions.


1 point

There you go as predictable as day following night.

Neurotic behaviour is predictable, healthy behavior is unpredictable.

Your profanities and left wing racism are your hallmark, just as I described.

Now, let me think, where shall I have you pop uo next?

Kilcom(237) Clarified
1 point

I mean Bronto, High Falutin, Outlaw myself and and others can all manipulate you to pop up and down like a jack-in-the box.

At our command you materialize with your predictable, eff you you Nazi.

You effing capitalist moron.

Your appearances and script haven't changed for years.

Such an idiot you are.

Kilcom(237) Clarified
1 point

We're all having great fun observing your frenzied antics of scurrying from post to post cursing everyone to hell and denouncing capitalism.

We can organise your day for you and have you popping anywhere we want.

1 point

The two great evils in this world are atheism and left wing socialism.

When these two ungodly and diabolical features are combined in one entity we have the existence of pure evil.

1 point

Your reckless, gung-ho Prime Minister has passed his Chinese disease on to his pregnant fiancee therefore putting her and his unborn child at risk.

Anyone holding high office and with even half a brain would take the same precautions as President Trump.

Only fools like you would risk infecting your colleagues and loved ones as well as rendering yourself incapable of making rational decisions, especially with regard to to the use of the nuclear deterrent.

You're a real fruit and nut case.

1 point

Don't be too optimistic. She's not known as Greta Iceberg for nothing.

1 point

The dumber the people the less they will accept lockdown and like spoiled children will blame their politicians for the impact of this Chinese virus.

In their state of diminished responsibility they will riot and loot.

3 points

In almost all cases doctors are doctors because they care for their fellow human beings and want to cure or ease their suffering in times of illness.

There will be certain situations when other considerations, such as family, may take priority over the declared moral principles of their profession.

1 point

We're mourning, we're mourning.

Could he and his Da come and sort out this covid-19 crisis.

1 point

You should never confuse bravery with crazy, 'devil may care' recklessness.

The broken down Brits displayed the above characteristics at The Battle of the Somme which cost the lives of 300,000 brave young men with a further one million being injured.

During the Crimean war their madcap officer, Lord Cardigan ordered some 600 men of the 16th Hussars (The Light Brigade) to charge headlong into the Russian cannons.

''Into the valley of DEATH rode the six hundred''.


World leaders, especially those with their finger on the nuclear button should take all necessary precautions to ensure that they stay sharp, compos-mentis and on top of their game.

2 points

A rather obvious and juvenile attempt at being mischievously provocative.

President Trump's prudence is in stark contrast to Boris Johnson's foolhardy recklessness by going around shaking hands with people, not practising social distancing (as he preached) and then contracting the Chinese virus himself.

As he appears bleary eyed and stunned on video link I bet he wishes he'd had the foresight and good old common sense as President Trump.

1 point

I think you'll find that accolade goes to Germany.

Germany's preparation for the Chinese virus and its ensuing containment measures was/is light years ahead of most, if not all other nations.

Want to save lives?- Follow the Germans.

Want to improve your nations productivity and technical research & development;- Follow the Germans.

Keep your eye on those who are the most successful and where possible adopt their methods.

Kilcom(237) Clarified
2 points

Fair points AlofRI, and well presented.

I note that your dislike for President Trump is based on your study of some of his questionable claims and dodgy associations with foreign powers.

As I have respect for you, I also have respect for your well considered opinions.

1 point

It's the standard left wing Modus operandi to quote worn out, inappropriate, misguided and in this case, highly dangerous, cliche's.

Once the left wing media, such as Media Matters, touches a story, the facts are lost forever, even to the protagonists.

Left wing journalists are judged by their editors on their ability to meet the challenge of filling space, usually with FAKE NEWS and anti-democratic articles.

1 point

The Russians fought with a ferocity which only those who are defending their homeland can muster.

The Russians most definitely could not have defeated Germany without the establishment of a second front which was only made possible by the ingenuity, resources and leadership of the United States.

Britain and the U.S., provided Russia with a considerable % of the weapons they needed to expel the Nazis from their Country.

If you would read your history books and the analysis of WW2 by most defense chiefs expert military journalists you wouldn't have exposed yourself as such a laughing stock.

By remaining quite people only think you're an idiot


Kilcom(237) Clarified
2 points

Never be too proud to learn from your enemies, past or present.

But hey, this is 2020, we're all friends now.

1 point

If you believe North Korea have no cases of Covid-19 you must still believe in Santa-Claus and the tooth fairy.

You're the epitome of the old adage, 'ignorance is bliss'.

Kilcom(237) Clarified
1 point

Yes, the Germans did have a head start because they foresaw the potential disaster the Chinese virus represented and planned for worst case scenario and decentralised their testing administration points.

All most western nations have to do is follow the Germans.

1 point

In case you haven't noticed this is a debating forum and I am not part of the decision making government.

In a debating forum you debate by making statements.

In government you make the RIGHT decisions and ensure they're implemented as a matter of urgency.

In this case the right decision would have been to follow the efficient Germans, as the fatality figures would confirm.

1 point

No you didn't win the war, the Americans won the war with the Brits hanging onto their shirt tails.

It took the combined might of the United States of America, Russia and the, then British Empire to subdue the mighty Germans.

Germany could not have been defeated if there had not been a second front and only the Yanks had the know-how, the wherewithal and the strong military leadership to achieve this.

The Americans did this while fighting another bloody war against a most formidable enemy in the South Pacific.

Both these theatres of war were 1000s of miles from their homeland.

''We won the war'' SUCH A RIDICULOUS YARN.


1 point

Appointing so called in-house experts and permitting the elected politicians to bumble, stumble and fumble about may cost lives but it promotes a sense ( albeit false) of national pride.

Politicians like to hear the sound of their own voices and this Covid-19 crisis gives them the opportunity to spout their usual ego-building (useless ) rhetoric while people are dying.

It's not what you say or think that matters, it's only what you DO that counts.

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