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This personal waterfall shows you all of Leashed's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I agree, although I have done it, without any proof or anything to back up your comment it is indeed not an argument. By just saying "No it doesn't" it is normally just classified as a view or opinion not an argument.

4 points

I would say the ps3, as it more upgraded than the x box 360. The ps3 also has better hardware and other stuff like that

3 points

Crop circles.. Full stop. It's not like some guy with a mower just runs into fields at night and mows perfect circles..?

Or a kid with a golf club runs into corn fields and hits down the grass?

3 points

I remember the time when Justin Bieber was hit in the head with something that looked like a water bottle. Justin Bieber mistook this for puberty and got in the way of it..

Justin Bieber hasn't hit puberty, sounds like a little girl and is the most gayest looking thing to be around. Therefore I conclude that Justin Bieber is a girl.

2 points

Who are you talking to? Who are you directing this comment at?

Seriously learn to use proper grammar and spelling next time you idiot. And can you please learn to use punctuation properly.

1 point

It is possible.. Some peoples life's revolve around sport and it can have a crucible effect upon their life's.

2 points

You realize, you're saying you're going to rape a boy. That's pretty sick.

2 points

God dammit you're gay.. Seriously Micheal, Im almost sure Im going to spit more water onto you now.

2 points

We could just ignore you...? That would be the easiest course of action..

1 point

We do spit gutter water onto him. It is a fun activity to be a part of.

2 points

Well I would think that you would come out feet first but then you would just fall through the hole again and be caught in a never ending loop of falling through that hole.. Really it is a very controversial matter.

3 points

Fisher, you just want little boys. So you play halo just so you can get addresses so you can voilate their tight bum holes.

2 points

Spamming is just stupid. You're the most gayest piece of shit around town. Fisher I heard you liked little boys right in the bum hole. Go eat a shit, you fat arse hole.

2 points

No, he sucks balls. Fisher is just small fat kid that I spit water onto.

1 point

It really depends on where you live. In Australia we have a harder time to acquire the amount of liquor in which you talk about.

Also if they were able to get the alcohol easy then wouldn't that just encourage younger people to drink?

You say that you had a hard time to find the place to drink, well when it is legal for you drink at the age of 12 or 14 then you could just drink anywhere. Which means that the brain development argument is still valid.

3 points

Ah makes more sense now.. I'm in Australia and we are only faced with the fact that they make the legal drinking age to 21 now.

3 points

Can you also specify what country you are talking about, otherwise the argument is kind of invalid.

3 points

14 or 12... That is a ridiculous statement. Drinking can affect the brain growth, and it goes through it most radical transformation at that age. Oh yeah let's all stuff up the new generations brains and crap.. Smart idea.

If they were able to dink legally at that age it would encourage more to drink. many around that age aren't able to find alcohol really. It would make the situation worse than making it better..

The increase of binge drinking would also increase, it is at where it now because usually a person of that age, if they are able, cannot acquire a high amount of alcohol.

2 points

Yeah, it is a pretty radical way of thinking towards it, but I'm not one of those idiots to just reject the theory of evolution just because some over religious people don't accept it.

2 points

Because God rested on the last day, which is in his days. So we rest on our last day.

2 points

"But not going to church renders you unchristian. Thus you must go to be a Christian. Heaven is a church in one sense, in that it is effectively God's house."

'Going to church makes you as much as a christian then standing a garage makes you a car.' You can worship the Lord from home.

2 points

Why need argument against it? Sure Heaven may not have sex or that type of thing, but when you get there you will realize that you don't need it.

2 points

Think about this. Normally when a 15 year old is hitched up, and is pregnant, her life is ruined. When her life is ruined usually the baby's life is too.

Abortion is needed to stop this, stop ruining our future generations lives and the generation we have now.

3 points

I'm using it in the context that is, warping or manipulating the fourth dimension though.

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