
Litchfield's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Litchfield's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If the election is rigged...

1 point

He shall be remembered as the guy who ran against Barack obama and lost.

2 points

Touched by his noodly appendage...

1 point

then they are ink blots?

1 point

This is obvious propaganda, and those quotes are out of context. The Tony Stark quotes are all from before his change of heart in the movie, lets face it Stark is much more electable than batman. Batman the strong silent type could never be elected president because he does not have public speaking skills. where as Mr stark can stand behind a podium and with just his quick wit have everyone eating out of his hands

While i am not one to call batman stupid, but against Stark, who created a reactor the size of a small plate in a cave in the desert, his accomplishments are trivial. With Starks intellect there would be no civil matter he couldn't handle. Balance the budget? NO problem. want a end to national deficit? Vote Ironman

If you really want to turn the economy around, if you really want to put an end to war and the defense budget


5 points

dang i got here late and all the good powers are taken =(

immortality and never sleeping would have been my choice but seeing flatulence is great too, but i will choose...

Complete and absolute power over Time to start and stop as i see fit, to rewind and fast forward, so that i may see what really happened, and read what was written down. To see what will happen...

3 points

All that text and i got nothing from it.

Considering the FACT the humans created our languages, and we CREATED the words omniscient and omnipotent i do think we know what they mean.

We created the gods then the words to describe them.

2 points

V for Vendetta

Is by far the best I've seen in awhile.

1 point

wow 3 words and yet so powerful. /agree

2 points

We each individually have our own reasons for existence, all selfish, but the question asks "Do humans have a reason to live? We as a species, exist only to reproduce. making our reason to live, is to live, and there is no reason in that at all.

Should every human die tomorrow what would happen?

Nothing, the world would keep on spinning and every other creature here would probably be better off.

Should the earth cease to exist would anything be different? in the big scheme of things? i doubt it

At one time we considered our planet the center of the universe, but its all in our minds. Just like our reason to live. We feel the need to justify existence when at the end of the day we are lucky to exist, we don't need reason.

Viruses follow this same logic, and have just as much reason.

2 points

I prefer shaved, but once it starts to grow you can have a bit of a stabbing effect. If your gonna go natural, maintenance is key, if you can get caught in it somethings wrong.

2 points

I applaud you for posting, but i do not think you made your point well enough to combat my argument.

A god cannot be all powerful and all knowing, because they inherently contradict each other. Nor can he be simply all powerful as stated in my previous argument. Nor all knowing with any ability to act.

This is just more evidence to point out god is in our minds not reality, we created him not the other way around.

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