
LizardKahn's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LizardKahn's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Wokeness funnels people towards beliefs and categories of people known for ultra high levels of depression and suicide. It needs to die a quick death. It itself is the problem.

1 point

I actually don't think the original Brontoraptor is even on the site anymore. Nom is chasing ghosts.

1 point

Nevermind. I thought I was going to learn something and possibly see something that would concern me, and then the leftist reporter says "it seems like it could be a QAnon song", and then I listen, and it's just some regular song. And then she says the crowd acts like they're at a church service and as if Trump is a messianic figure. And then I watch it, and it doesn't look like a church service but like any normal political rally. Thanks for wasting my time.

1 point

The media lies, twists and leaves context out of every anti right wing story, so you're going to have to explain to me what a QAnon song is and why only the left seems to be experts on it.

1 point

If it was, it was so the West could deplete the rest of the world's oil. Alaska has enough oil to supply the US for 10,000 years.

1 point

Insults on others just don't hit very hard when you're a fat, bald, white guy who claims to have white privilege yet still cannot keep up with minorities.

1 point

Look, the fat, little retarded boy went mute when no one accepted his Marxist source as authoritative. He just went to nuclear dumbfounded mode. It's just fucking hysterical to watch the smoke come out of his ears when "but a Marxist said" didn't mean dick to anyone, and he had to actually form an argument and went blank.

1 point

The left has done 10,000 investigations and media hit pieces on him, and no crime. No convictions. What does that tell you? If someone told me something was going to happen soon every day for 6 years, I would conclude that they were completely full of shit.

1 point

No, Mao's policies were responsible for the deaths of approximately 45 million Chinese peasants.

This is you admitting that Communist regimes are glad to murder the poor by the tens of millions.

Also, Chinese life expectancy increased drastically under Mao

In other words, you gladly support genocide if life expectancy goes up for those not murdered, even if you would wind up being one of the people murdered because it's for the common good of life expectancy for the few chosen people that get to live. How does the concept of the chosen get to live while millions are murdered make you any different in world philosophy than Adolf Hitler?

1 point

He didn't want to mess with the Russians before his military was powerful enough so he created a non-aggression pact with them and they both went into Poland separately.

To simplify your statement, the National Socialists and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics created a socialist pact of which they both invaded a right wing country.

1 point

Private capital in Germany under Hitler outperformed private capital in America under Roosevelt.

This is either you not knowing that Communist and Socialist countries use Capitalism to fund themselves because socialism funds nothing and is an inferior fiscal model, or it's you being intentionally full of shit by omitting that Hitler demonized Capitalism. The only question here is in which way exactly are you full of shit?

For all his bluster, Hitler loved capitalism because it powered the German military machine.

What powered the Soviet military machine?

1 point

Look.. The disdain you have for people of color can easily slip into mass murder

Now that's a laugh. Your party had the chance to allow brown people from Cuba by the millions into the country and declined. You're for Democrats, not brown people. No one is more racist than a white Democrat looking at Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Allen West, Mia Love, Thomas Sowel, etc. Did your witch queen known as Nancy Pelosi not just declare that brown people are here to pick the crops? Ah, that's right. She did.

Have you ever noticed that you keep telling us what the right is gonna do one day, and then the Democrats actually do it? Trump's gonna get us into a nuclear war. Republicans are gonna use a pandemic to force us to take big pharma's drugs. Trump's gonna cause a recession. Trump's gonna weaponize the FBI against his political opponents. And then Democrats did every one of those things

1 point

If, however, your faction takes over, there will be BLOOD in the streets. In the same way Rodrigo Duterte, ex president of the Phillipines, murdered drug users on sight, your government will shoot brown skinned people on sight.

God you're dumb. The left physically attacks any minority that disagrees with them while the right waves them over to the Republican Party. The left puts abortion clinics near minority areas but not in white areas. The Democrats mass genocided natives, gave us the Trail of Tears, fought for slavery, created Jim Crow Laws, and used eugenics on minorities. Do you have a mirror handy by chance?

1 point

Let's see where we are after the mid-terms. There's a lot of election deniers, Jan 6'rs, and Qanon'rs running for office.. If they take control of the Senate, we can kiss our beloved country good bye.

Twitter says their entire company is run by Communists, city blocks were taken over, cities are looted, and people in the military are now not allowed to use the words "Mom" or "Dad" and you don't think it's gone already? Get the fuck outta here.

1 point

He has given us the absolute universal right to behead anybody who rejects his divinity.

I take that you are another Islamophobic.

1 point

When Trump fascists

Trump never tried to censor half the population, make a big pharma product mandatory, began doing FBI raids on his opponents or censor members of Congress. Fascists did though. Fascism is the merger of the corporations and the state, which is why it's also referred to as Corporatism.. AKA the left.

In V for Vendetta, the left portrayed the villain as a "Fascist" because he made people get vaccinated, kept the country shut down, and enforced curfews over a virus. That'd be you Genius. How does it feel?

1 point

If you're FOR tax cuts, would you cut taxes for the workers, or the billionaires?

The workers, but you've done this same debate like 20 times. Each time you are asked how you plan to tax the billionaires when they have a history of offshoring money or moving companies out of countries that try to tax them. They are able to do this because of globalism. They aren't national companies anymore. They are global companies. Global companies don't care that you want some tax money. They owe you zero allegiance, and you gave them that power. Globalists plan on doing Jack shit about it, and globalists attacked Trump for trying to keep jobs, companies and tax money in America, so there you go. You got your fucking wish. The billionaires win again, and dickheads like you helped. You're their useful idiot. You're their little bitch that they lead around by the nose through the media that they own and tell you how to think and feel through. You'll wake up tomorrow, flip it to ABC, and they'll tell you how to think and feel tomorrow too. Rinse, wash and repeat. I'm really not sure why you don't just drop your drawers and let the millionaire journalists at MSNBC do a train on your ass.

1 point

A "baby", yes. A "fetus", no.

Abortion clinics abort babies after birth. Murder or no?

Words matter

Says the party that has redefined and created so many words that's it damn near a whole new language.

1 point

Only a nimby white liberal thinks running people out of restaurants, dumping drinks on them, taking over city blocks with guns and looting stores and setting fires is fine while saying the words, "I don't think the people will stand for it" is violence. What are you 12?

1 point

Being FORCED to travel to another state to get one is the OPPOSITE of freedom.

Having my ability to defend myself taken away doesn't really feel like freedom yet you're all for it.

Having the right to not have sex is a freedom, and being murdered is the opposite of freedom there Orwell. Isn't it amazing how the baby itself is never mentioned in a liberal argument on abortion. It's body? Not mentioned. It's choice? Not mentioned. It being killed? Not mentioned. The right to not whore around? Not mentioned. Why is that?

1 point

How do we "lose badly"? Do Democrats wear a mark so Biden knows who not to nuke? This is the same establishment that's armies retreated from multiple countries that were the size of small to average sized US states, is it not? How are you going to fight a war against the equivalent of 45 Vietnam's and Afghanistan's when you couldn't defeat even one? And what will stop China from walking right in after you deplete your resources fighting your own people? And according to you, your side can't stop 300 civilians from storming the capitol. How you gonna stop 150 million? Blow up Texas? Tell us this grand master plan.

1 point

You must HATE it that a guy like me KNOWS the law.

Really? Didn't you argue that a sitting President could be indicted until Joe Biden became President? Of all of the people on here, you have often appeared to be completely ignorant on the law the most. Just saying.

1 point

Oh, they knew.. It's called getting an independent witness who SWEARS out an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, WHAT documents Trump has and WHERE they are stored..

It's called a judge who has Epstein ties and needed to give Trump a nudge to make sure he doesn't give up any names. Funny how anyone who is familiar with the Epstein Island names list just disappears or gets attacked and smeared nonstop like it's a religion. Hold on, and there it is. Put your eyeballs on this. Coincidence? GTFOH

We also know how your witnesses work. They say Trump grabbed the steering wheel of the beast and began going crazy. Then Secret Service said it's a lie, they weren't in the beast that day and that there's a barrier between the driver and the passengers.

1 point

Taking top secret documents home and storing them in your basement IS absolutely a crime.

So is storing them on an illegal private server to get around FOIA. The FBI even said it was a crime but that there would be no charges due to not being able to prove intent. Of course you can never fully prove intent, so looks like we've found Trump's out even if he did take something home with him.

1 point

In its simplest form, Trump took state secrets to his house in Mara lago, and you can't DO that.. We just want 'em back. They're OURS - NOT his.

Yet no one has reported what you just said as if it were a fact. Only that he was raided "just in case he did". Nothing NAZIesque or third world about that use of logic. No, not at all.

If he doesn't give 'em back, he should go to jail for mishandling STATE SECRETS.. What? You LIKE spreading our state secrets around????

So Hillary should have went to jail. Next Republican President now has been given the authority by the left to go into the homes of any ex Democrat politicians unexpectedly and unannounced with guns drawn.

1 point

Which is more important, Excon protecting rich, corrupt, Democrat politicians who seem interested in a police state, or them one day raiding people like his son's home for wrong think regardless of evidence of a crime? Looks like he chooses the police state. Why? Drugs, or he's just evil. No sane, sober person chooses corrupt, rich men in suits over their offspring.

2 points

The question I have, is do you agree with that commie sonofabitch?

Which one. Biden or Xi Jinping? I thought you said it was the orange man who'd get us into a war. No? Duuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!!!!

1 point

The fact that you never respond to a plethora of about 50 topics shows that you know the left is fucked up on those issues but are gonna pretend you are confused as to why the rest of us don't want to be Democrats anyway.

1 point

Globalism allows companies to subvert paying taxes by being able to move offshore. You say you want more taxes while voting the party that promotes globalism and just made big pharma record profits off of a virus that they funded the creation of. The party you vote for offshored the creation of our medication to China, and when the pandemic hit, they literally turned their ships with medicine around and didn't send it here. That is the full embodiment of a "useful idiot". And in fact, you're so useful that they now have you paying $5 for gas, double for food, are offshoring tax dollars to foreign countries, are sending manufacturing offshore, are grooming kids, have destroyed the cities they control causing you to flee, and you're just begging them and pleading for them to lead you some more. That's stupidity on steroids.

And yet here you are, still unable to actually address the topic of the debate. That means that not only is your position on the actual topic inferior, but that you know that it's inferior.

2 points

they HAD the mid-terms IN the bag

The Democrats have fallen in the polls since abortion was given back to the states. What's your point? That starving people are more worried about food than whether Democrats can kill black babies in their white supremacy centers called Planned Parenthood?

1 point

But, if YOU have something you wish me to consider, post away....

I wish for you to consider the short video showing what the left has become. I assume you won't watch it because seeing it would disturb your comfortability with the Democratic Party, and that is a scary thought for someone who's belief in the Democratic Party is what has given them purpose and meaning through all of these years.

1 point

I'm not interested in seeing that..

Of course you aren't. It depicts a modern left that in no way resembles the Democratic Party that you depict. If you watched it, you'd have to face the fact that the modern left doesn't resemble the Democratic Party that you describe in your arguments.

1 point

If you're interested in my views, just ask me..

What are your views on this short video?

1 point

I don't agree with ANYTHING the video says..

That would mean you have denounced the left.

1 point

Am I like you?? Sure.. Obama wasn't my cup of tea, but he WASN'T McCain

1)While the left now worships the establishment war mongerer known as John McCain.

2)You just admitted Obama was trash. So why would I vote Democrat again?

1 point

Gore, the inventor of the internet, WASN'T my choice either, but, he was a hell of a lot better than the war mongering, torturing, president Bush.

1)The left now worships Bush.

2)Explain to me the difference between Bush and Biden.

3)If you hate war mongering, you would have voted for Trump. Instead you voted for Bush's twin brother Joe Biden, the atypical establishment war mongerer set to make lobbyists for weapons manufacturers happy.

1 point

He was elected because he's NOT Trump, and he stays because he's NOT Kamala Harris.

1)Pretty sure Biden will insure Trump's re-election. All you accomplished with this was having to deal with Trump for 12 years rather than 8. Chew on that for a bit.

2)You just admitted that Harris is a nuclear dumpster fire. Why would we vote Democrat again?

1 point

The proof you seek has been disgorged in the last 5 public hearings

I've watched the hearings. Lots of hearsay, no evidence of anything, and it has actually discredited the left fully as if there were any doubt before.

1 point

Interestingly, I felt exactly the same way about Trump..

Clearly a lie. You may have felt some kind of way, but it wasn't the way we feel about Joe Biden. Trump went off prompter most of the time. Biden can't speak without one. Trump got us to $1.50 gas. Biden got us to $7.00 gas. Trump's DOW continued to climb while people made a killing. Biden's DOW found a way to go backwards causing people planning on retiring to not retire.

2 points

Nahhh.. Left is right, and up is down, huh?? Kinda crazy, isn't it?

You denying left wing articles stating that inflation is at a 39 year high is quite bizarre yes. But you've never made sense before, so no one expected you to start now.

2 points

No real suprise here. The Marxist media isn't known for telling the truth or anything resembling the truth.

1 point

This is what the left does. Hurt its own people at all times. Ungrateful pricks.

1 point

I noticed that Hootie chose not to participate in this debate.

0 points

That is correct. Bernie is an example of a liar concerning Capitalism and a hypocrite concerning the 1%.

1 point

Burritolunch has no life. He's a loser.

2 points

It looks like the point is that you didn't call it nazi death camps, even though it was worse, and you called family seperations nazi death camps only because it's Trump, which is why every sane person rolls their eyes and ignores libs.

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