
MBurke12's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MBurke12's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points


His documentaries do NOT show the whole 360 of things. It's just his 180 from the current situation and that's it.

1 point

Who the hell cares! What does it matter who is happier? Oh, it looks like Republicans are happier and I'm a Democrat so I think I'm going to switch parties! (that wasn't me saying it personally)

0 points

It would be funny if he did, just to prove it's NOT torture.

2 points

Also, if she's a lesbian then why is she having sex with her male cousin? Let alone being linked to terrorists if she has down syndrome.

3 points

Simple. Deport her, she's illegal and technically from whatever country in Central America, not our problem.

1 point

What about alcohol? The addiction most mistaken as a "disease".

1 point

School lunches should be included in the budget when you're enrolling at the beginning of the year. This makes it easier to "not forget to purchase a lunch ticket" or "forget to store money in your account". The menu should just include the basic hot lunch or deli sandwhich, a side, and drink. If anyone wants extras like pop, milkshakes, candy bars, ice cream, etc. then they should pay cash for them on the spot. This makes the system easier.

1 point

One question, why do people have to do it in the first place? Are they that bored with their lives they need an extra boost to make them feel something? If people didn't do the drugs in the first place, that would be the solution, not legalizing or keeping it illegal. But I guess people are just dumb, that's all. If pot wasn't addictive, as most people claim, they can just stop doing it right?

-1 points

Still, you're going to have crime because people will sell it on their own by making their own. It's like software piracy, they buy the original and make copies of it and sell it, THAT'S CRIME STUPID.

1 point

Agreed. And think if there was a possibility to bring back dinosaurs, which there isn't whatsoever, who the hell would want those things running around?

0 points

Do you people know the definition of cloning? It means to make cells genetically identical from a person or animal. This would mean you CAN'T clone extinct animals because they're already extinct and cloning something that's extinct would create another extinct thing. To get a better perspective on it, think of this: a family's dog is 12 years of age and has cancer so it needs to be put to sleep. The family still wants that same dog so they try to clone it and make a new puppy. That new cloned puppy will still have cancer because it was cloned from the other dog. You can't have identical physically features and also have brand new "insides".

1 point

Ok that is fine, good explanations. But if they legalize weed and see how much of a problem it becomes then make it illegal again, it will only make things worse. Remember prohibition? I've never done any drugs myself, sure I've drank my share of alcohol and I'm not even of age to do so, but I'm not a drunk. And I wasn't calling you a pothead, I was saying it in general. I just feel it'll cause more problems in the long run with people becoming "addicted" to it and needing help to get off of it. And as far as it goes for medicinal purposes, marijuana does not cure anything in which many people try and use that excuse because they think it does. It is for the sole purpose of numbing the pain in cancer patients in which they can switch to other alternatives and also making patients hungry so they eat more and gain weight on their sick bodies.

1 point

Following your arguments:

1. Don't people still smoke cigarettes on the street?

2. Don't people still drive drunk?

(Just because you set these rules doesn't mean people will follow them.)

3. Marijuana would not be cheaper than it is today. If the government had control over it they would make the price way higher than it is at street value. And this wouldn't stop drug lords, do they not have cigarettes on the black market at dirt cheap prices? Wouldn't you buy from someone growing themselves at a cheaper price to avoid a tax? How does that stimulate a business let alone the whole economy?

4. The last thing we need is more people doing it. More people making it a problem for themselves, more people ending up in rehab at the governments expense. In fact I hate being around people doing it. They're so slow and stupid with their dumb eyes all squinted. I want to slap them and give them a good shake to snap out of it.

Your points have got to be the typical pothead's standpoint on this issue and it's not good enough, sorry.

Legalizing is not the solution.

-3 points
3 points

No one is to blame but the fat slobs themselves. They go to the fast food store, they take the money out of their pockets, purchase the food, and put the food in their mouth. They shouldn't blame anyone but their own self and I can't stand people who feel sorry for them.

0 points

Millions of dollars for a 'good job'? Usually it's a couple thousand. But wasn't it Obama that said "share the wealth"? So let's spread around those millions to those AIG pigs!

-1 points

Live in the now. Aren't these millions of dollars in bonuses being passed out NOW? That's what I thought. And sure, I'll blame Bush. You bad Bush! Damn you for that! You have nothing to do with politics now but I'll still blame you, just like Keith Olbermann! I'll keep talking about you forever!

0 points

They could do whatever they want with the money because the Obama administration was stupid enough to just had it over to them with out setting limitations. Wouldn't those dummies [Obama Admin.] know that AIG would have done some careless spending with the money? Of course, I'm not saying AIG execs deserve the bonus pay but the people who gave them the money should have had some limitations.

0 points

I also wanted to add that saying this is like saying "Is it sexist for a man to always have to ask the woman to marry them?"

Who even cares about stuff like this? Whoever thought this probably doesn't even take women out to dinner anyway.

1 point

See that's what I hate; everyone couldn't stand Bush for troops in Iraq AND Afghanistan, but once Obama pulls out of Iraq and puts MORE in Afghanistan it's all A-OK because Obama is doing it. God, you people are nothing but followers.

And what sensible approach to fix the economy? Those billions of dollars that are nothing but a bunch of pork!?

0 points

The amount of education you receive should be worth more than money. Plus you'd be getting your money back when you've already paid the school to begin with. Therefore, school would have to be free to attend plus they'd have to pay you. Where's the money for teachers, books, after school sports, etc.?

Such a dumb question, seriously.

1 point

So, this country you speak of, what's it called?

And you say somehow, you don't even know the right answer so don't say "he somehow lost us money".

If it weren't for him and the signing of the Patriot Act, the JFK airport, Sears tower, and the U.S. Capitol terrorist plots would have not been thwarted.

4 points

Thank you; I'm one of the very few republicans who doesn't hang on to religion.

2 points

No, because there are emergency contraceptives that women can take up to 72 hours once she was raped that would prevent the sperm from going into her egg.

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