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This personal waterfall shows you all of Maplecat's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

In some cases, absolutely. If someone is terminally ill and/or their value of life is extremely low, they have the right to end their suffering. Who are we to force them through that?

2 points

Okay. In most cases, by the time the fetus is aborted it is merely a clump of cells. No organs, no brain. Just cells splitting. That brings up the question about "souls" and religion. And the truth of the matter is we are a couintry with the freedom of religion (or NOT to have a religion). Remember. Seperation of church and state. If we based all laws off of religion we would stone people, have slaves (still), and not be aloud to go out on Sundays

1 point

As long as the vegetarian is careful to take in enough nutrients it is as healthy, and sometimes even healthier, than a diet containing meat because it takes away many unhealthy, unnatural elements (such as preservatives or how it is prepared, not the actual meat itself).

1 point

Maybe in a catholic school, but creationism has NO PLACE in a public school. If we are to have a creationism class at all (which we shouldn't) it should teach ALL religion (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, even ancient branches of religion)

5 points

Whoever made this debate is awesome xD The babble HAHAHAHA, anyway OF COURSE gravity should be taught

1 point

Women make up 14 percent of the active-duty force and more than 17 percent of the reserves.

----Source of information:

*These woman do their job as well as ANY of the men in the army.

I dare you to get rid of woman in the military.. I dare you "manly men".

1 point

Knowing the kind of stuff she did im not in the least bit shocked. RIP, Whitney Houston

Maplecat(70) Clarified
1 point

Dude, he/she is being sarcastic...................................

1 point

Many of you view abortion of taking a minature breathing baby out of the mom and breaking its neck or something, it is not like that. Many times an abortion occurs the fetus is just a clump of developing cells and, in fact, it is not a living thing at all.

Some say (when this defense is brought up), "It is killing a future baby". Well, actually, whenever a woman has her period she is killing a future baby.

Sorry if this defense crushes all the beliefs you were taught..

1 point

There is an actual disease that is very similar to "the zombie plague", but the "zombie" does not get super strength or anything the blockbuster films advertise. And they are not undead, they would die as easily as we would. So it is possible but not as END OF THE WORLD as you would think.

1 point

Mormons may seem a little cult like, but, really, not a hell of alot more than the other branches of christianity. ANYWAY, as long as the president is not forcing his religion on america or making huge life changing decisions for us based on his beliefs, i don't see the issue.

1 point

I do not think it is a "bullshit excuse" and some people really DO have adhd. BUT many times it is used as an excuse to "calm kids down" who dont really have a problem, just unruley or need attention. ((Not all though))

1 point

Mind blown. Perfectly put.--------------------------------------

1 point

I'm not going to say "some people dont have access to a computer!"because i know that is not true, there is SOMEWAY you could get access to one BUT it is a severe inconvenience at times and computers can be unpredictable. So, I think it is best just to leave it to hand written assignments.

1 point

At my school we had someone who came quite the celebrity called "banana man". He wore a banana suite and ran across the football field during a game so he got suspended for 4 days (About 4 days) and that was to be expected. But then people started joking around about "free banana man" and the principals and administrators became so paranoid that they would take students bananas away during lunch! Sending students to the office for wearing yellow shirts. Talk about going crazy with power...

1 point

Children's need their personal space, a way to vent feelings. A parent reading a childs diary is an ENORMOUS violation of privacy and trust. My mother read my diary when i was 11 and it hurt our relationship. So I do not advise this

1 point

I think woman should get to do whatever they want and should ignore people like this who pull random made up "evidence" out of thin air to put down woman.

Hmm... maybe I'll make a useless debate called "Woman have every right to work" With one option being "YES" and the other one being "Ainur K is a sexist ass"

Maplecat(70) Clarified
2 points

Let me clarify, the bible is not evidence, it is a belief.

Maplecat(70) Clarified
2 points

Let me clarify, the bible is not evidence, it is a belief.

2 points

Im guessing this is another Oh no! Not the children! moments, where you want adults to change their behavior to benefit the children, but in the end you just end up hurting them. We can not pretend things do not exist to protect them because they will grow up and not know what the real world is like.

ANYWAY! Swearing is not the most attractive feature, but it used to express strong emotions (Even if it is slightly taboo)

1 point

Schools typically have a strict dress code as it is. I think students have the right to express themselves threw clothing and it should not be restricted to uniforms.

1 point

Lately my parents and I have been talking about careers and I realized they have been making "decisions" based on the average salary, NOT on what I would be strong in or even enjoy! Some parents may have some good inputs, but over all it must be the childs decision.

2 points

It is a minor holiday, so i say no more than $10 (Enough for a nice box of chocolates) and a homemade card is the best gesture

1 point

Yup, from personal experience, I would say so! WE rely on them for nearly EVERYTHING

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