
Merlin13's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Merlin13's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Some of my favorite Reagan moments.

Ronald Reagan
3 points

Between the two, I have to go with Reagan.

2 points

Death is preferable over slavery.

2 points

I've always found Ford to have the most reliable trucks and SUVs, in my opinion.

3 points

I think it was a rather well-stated email.

1 point

Now you're catching was the poster's statement that I was disagreeing with about the damage to the melanin.

2 points

Texas .

3 points

And you never left. ;)

1 point

I wouldn't use that for a reason why the UK sucks. I'm sure you're a lovely person.

I won't ever get into these debates simply because every country has problems of some sort. No argument will ever change that fact. Also, finger pointing and flag waving never does any good.

1 point

Although I'm not an Obama fan, I do agree. The president has the right to meet with anyone as long as the one he is seeing agrees to the meeting. Presidents in the past have met with the Dalai Lama, why can't he?

(Disclaimer: Support of this answer in no way indicates support of the president's ideals or views.)

1 point

Hey Joe! What is the perfect sado-masochist relationship?

The masochist says, "beat me and whip me".

And the sadist says, "NO".

1 point

I believe that there is s good chance that it could.

4 points

Possibly mouth to nares instead, because mouth to beak could be dangerous if the bird was to clamp down while reviving.

2 points

; )

1 point

It's a big friend when applying the brake after spotting that state trooper.

1 point

That could be dangerous, if left up to me.

1 point

I agree! The best way to get a teenager to do something is to tell them that they can't do it. Besides, relationships can mean several different things. Does this debate mean sex when referring to relationships?

1 point

What can I do to make it up to you?

3 points

My mistake, I made the mistake of assuming it was true because of the debate and previous rumors. They are just trying to force the companies to build more energy efficient bulbs. I did not mean to dispute you but it won't let me switch back to support.

3 points

Yes, not only because the fluorescent bulbs have mercury but because the quality of light is so bad.

1 point

Sorry, I've been AWOL so often lately that I didn't notice. I know, a real shot to the ego! lol

1 point

Damn, it's been so long that I wasn't aware they moved it!

2 points

I'm a member of PETA...People Eating Tasty Animals.

2 points

Love is more important. I've had high paying jobs but was unhappy. And I'm still looking for the right love. But I still value that over money.

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